
"Gone with the Wind" hides deep in the heart, indelible love, and the strife of human nature

author:Little fun to talk about entertainment
"Gone with the Wind" hides deep in the heart, indelible love, and the strife of human nature

"Tomorrow is a new day." This is the classic line of Scarlett, the heroine of the movie "Gone with the Wind". The classic degree of this movie is unforgettable, and even many people brush two or three brushes. Many people like to analyze the love between Scarlett and the two most important men in her life, but, to me, it's a story about people themselves.

In 1861, before the American Civil War began, the story began. The young and beautiful Scarlett, the eldest daughter of the rich man of the manor, was pampered from an early age. Her father's doting and indulgence gave Scarlett the capital to act willfully, and she grew up like a little wild horse out of control.

"Gone with the Wind" hides deep in the heart, indelible love, and the strife of human nature

Scarlett was deeply in love with the gentleman Esther and took it for granted that the man should love herself. But things did not go as he wished, and Esther married her sister, an understanding and gentle lady, which annoyed Scarlett, who loved and hated Esther, and in order to get revenge on him, Scarlett married Esley's brother.

"Gone with the Wind" hides deep in the heart, indelible love, and the strife of human nature

Before long this love without love and only tedious love lasted, the Civil War broke out overnight, and Esri's brother was killed on the front line. Scarlett didn't have time to grieve because her family had died and the family's business had gone bankrupt overnight. Such bad news did not bring down Scarlett, the seemingly proud and soft princess, who bravely rose from her grief and surrounded her homeland and land like a true warrior.

"Gone with the Wind" hides deep in the heart, indelible love, and the strife of human nature

One day, at a gala, Scarlett's beauty and nobility deeply attracted the wealthy merchant Bradd, who frantically courted Scarlett, hoping to get her to become his wife. However, although several years have passed, Scarlett still loves Esther deeply, so she does not hesitate to reject Brad.

Then came an even bigger catastrophe, brad was put in jail, and in those days everything was turned upside down, putting a man in jail without even needing any reason. Fortunately, Brad was released from prison by bribing the police, and after this, he finally established a love relationship with Scarlett. However, such a warm day did not last long, the southern war soon began, Scarlett and Brad kissed goodbye, Brad, a heroic warrior, took a pistol and went to the battlefield.

"Gone with the Wind" hides deep in the heart, indelible love, and the strife of human nature

When Scarlett finally returned to the home she loved, she found that everything had long been wrong, the family house had long collapsed, the business had all been destroyed, the people were hungry and cold, the children were crying and crying, and even Scarlett's mother, an elegant and intellectual noblewoman, died in fright. In the face of all this, Scarlett was not frightened, and she set out to rebuild her home, dreaming that one day when the war was over, she would be able to return to her previous happy times.

"Gone with the Wind" hides deep in the heart, indelible love, and the strife of human nature

Three years and three years, Scarlett, in fatigue and effort, anxiously awaited The Return of Brad. Finally one day, Scarlett looked forward to the triumphant return of the person she loved, they gave birth to a lovely daughter in the big house, and saw that happiness was about to begin, but one night, Brad accidentally found that Scarlett was actually looking at Esley's photo, Brad was very angry, he could not tolerate the people he loved deeply still loved others, although everyone discouraged him, but he was still angry, and he rolled up his sleeves, leaving Scarlett crying on the stairs.

"Gone with the Wind" hides deep in the heart, indelible love, and the strife of human nature

The film is adapted from the novel "Gone with the Wind", once it was broadcast, it triggered a wave of praise, people admired the wonderfulness of the movie, the ups and downs of the plot, and the beauty of the heroine. Directed by Victor Fleming and starring Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Olivier Dee Havland, and Leslie Howard, the film was released in the United States on September 9, 1939, and later released worldwide, and until now, whenever the film is re-screened, audiences will still think of this classic movie.

"Gone with the Wind" hides deep in the heart, indelible love, and the strife of human nature

In 1998, the American Film Institute selected the 100 greatest films of the 20th century, and the film ranked 4th, which shows its popularity. When many people evaluate this movie, they like the beauty of the heroine Scarlett, but they do not appreciate her character and behavior. However, I don't think so. Human nature is inherently complex, it is difficult for us to simply measure a person with good and bad, good and evil, scarlett in love, it is true that it is not completely from one end to the end.

"Gone with the Wind" hides deep in the heart, indelible love, and the strife of human nature

However, I admire this beautiful woman's attitude towards life. Scarlett was originally a thousand gold ladies in the family of the owner of the American manor, delicate and delicate, and a collection of thousands of pets in one, but it was such a girl with ten fingers that did not touch the spring water, but she dared to take on the protection of the safety of the whole family in the war, and could have the courage to rebuild her homeland. Such a dashing and unbridled girl, in that era, is also very worthy of our admiration.

"Gone with the Wind" hides deep in the heart, indelible love, and the strife of human nature

It is worth mentioning that this movie has also caused great controversy in recent years, because there is a suspicion of racial discrimination, and the United States has now removed this movie. This behavior has caused greater controversy, and "whether the American takedown of the movie "Gone with the Wind" is a reasonable correction or overcorrection of racial discrimination" has become a classic debate topic.

"Gone with the Wind" hides deep in the heart, indelible love, and the strife of human nature

The top film magazine "Film Literature" commented: "'Gone with the Wind' uses the rendering of scenes to vividly express the characters in the film, which is not only rich in life, but also has a certain degree of artistry. Because the content is very rich, the artistic method is designed to be very atmospheric, and the character image is also brought to life. The film is very successful in shaping the thinking mode of the characters through the storyline, bringing different thinking space and creative space to the film art, and also making the film a very classic work. "If you want to really understand this movie, open the movie and find out."

Thanks for watching!

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