
How can I encourage my child to create picture books? Start by reading...

How can I encourage my child to create picture books? Start by reading...
How can I encourage my child to create picture books? Start by reading...

Picture books are recognized as the most suitable reading materials for children, which can not only effectively stimulate children's interest in reading, but also promote the harmonious development of children, which plays a very important role in the development of thinking, language, emotion and aesthetic ability.

On April 23rd, the 27th World Book Day, Sichuan Education And Media Center and Sichuan Youth Literature and Art Federation jointly held the theme salon activity of "Reading for All and Enjoying Picture Books", and the main creators of the activities and the award-winning representatives and instructors who participated in the sichuan children's picture book creative activities shared the joy of reading picture books and savored the beauty of picture book creation!

What was the chat on the spot? Look down!


How can I encourage my child to create picture books?

Liu Man is a picture book creator, she took her original picture book "Down" as an example, shared the source of her own creative inspiration, and explained the method of creating picture books from the aspects of graphics, mirrors, composition, color matching, and techniques.

How can I encourage my child to create picture books? Start by reading...

She believes: "Life is the source of inspiration, and stories grow in life. Picture books can play a soothing role for children, so when creating picture books, we must be close to children's lives. ”

How can I encourage my child to create picture books? Start by reading...

Zhong Yuyao is an art teacher at Yuanyin Primary School in Tianfu New District and an excellent instructor for children's picture book creative activities in Sichuan Province. She believes that the creation of picture books is to let children tell the stories that children want to tell, and the role of art teachers is to link home and school and help children tell the stories that children want to tell in different forms of art.

"The creation of picture books is mainly divided into reading picture books, associating picture books, writing scripts, drawing sub-shots, learning techniques, and creating picture books.

How can I encourage my child to create picture books? Start by reading...

It is reported that through the establishment of a picture book museum and the organization of picture book tour exhibitions, The whole school students have participated in the process of reading and creating picture books, so that students have a passion for the world, a desire for creation and a pursuit of beauty. "Aesthetic education is slowly infiltrated from the drops, opening up the world of students' experience, and children's creativity is their competitiveness." Teacher Zhong said.

How can I encourage my child to create picture books? Start by reading...

Luo Na, deputy editor-in-chief of "Youth Encyclopedia Knowledge Newspaper", one of the organizers of the event, said that in order to let students love and participate in the creation of picture books, the Sichuan Children's Picture Book Creative Activity not only has an original picture book creation unit, but also opens a variety of forms such as picture book story dubbing and picture book campus tour exhibition, encouraging primary and secondary school students and young children to exercise their comprehensive abilities of observation, communication, imagination and creation in reading and creation, at the same time, there are also public welfare activities for picture book aesthetic education in Liangshan area. Let the power of picture books radiate to more children.

"Reading conveys the fragrance of books, and creates moisturizing hearts." This exchange activity brings together education researchers, picture book creators, front-line teachers, and parent-child families, aiming to build a link and bridge of effective communication, let more people see the value of original picture books, and protect the creativity and curiosity of children and young people. ”


How can reading facilitate creation?

The winner of the event, Pan Luxina, is currently in the second grade, but she has participated in two picture book creative activities and created the "Mimi Worm" series of works, both of which were published in the "Junior Encyclopedia Knowledge Newspaper".

After briefly sharing the inspiration for the creation of her own works, her mother Ms. Xu Lu also talked about the process of creating picture books with children: "Children who love to create picture books must be children who love to read, and they often read with children, although children have encountered many difficulties in the process of creation, but because of creation, children's imagination has been expressed." Participating in the creative activities of children's picture books in Sichuan Province not only cultivates children's interests and hobbies, but also gives children the confidence and motivation to continue to create. ”

How can I encourage my child to create picture books? Start by reading...

Li Rong, chairman of the Reading Committee of the Sichuan Youth Federation of Literature and Literature, one of the organizers of the event, believes that we should encourage parents and children to create picture book stories and make picture books together.

"Painting and story performances can be used as a way to show children's understanding of picture book stories, and conversely, the colorful pictures and wonderful storylines in picture book stories are also elements that inspire children to feel beauty and create beauty." On the basis of reading and understanding the picture book story, the children return to the picture book, using the form of painting and performance to continue the picture book story and express the reading feeling. Li Rong said that from reading to "creating books", students create according to their own interests, and with the idea of creation, they will spontaneously read, rather than the teacher to "feed" them.

How can I encourage my child to create picture books? Start by reading...

Liao Xuemei, the director of dujiangyan Painting Book Museum, believes that reading a book should start from the cover, and a good cover is the soul of a picture book, which will make children have the impulse to open it. At the same time, the ring liner of the picture book is also very important, the initial function of the ring liner is to play a role in connecting the cover and the inner page, with the development of creation, the picture book writer likes to use it to convey the relevant information of the picture book, such as the emotional tone of the book, the background clue of the story, etc., which has been reflected in the famous picture book "Good Hungry Little Snake" and "Tunnel".

How can I encourage my child to create picture books? Start by reading...

The 4th Sichuan Provincial Children's Picture Book Creative Activity

It will be launched around Children's Day

Stay tuned

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