
When you encounter this follicle, it is recommended to let it go first

Often, sisters come to the background to ask Sister Ping after monitoring the follicles:

How come my follicles have not grown to 18mm and have already ovulated? Can an undeveloped follicle be conceived successfully after ovulation?

It's coming! Today I will take the sisters to understand the small follicle ovulation~ ~ ~

When you encounter this follicle, it is recommended to let it go first

Image source: Sharp View Gallery

Do small follicles also ovulate?

Does not mean that the eggs released in the ovaries are large and round, and it may not be fully mature! This is called "small follicle ovulation".

We know that mature dominant follicles are usually 18 to 25mm in diameter, not only large but also rounded, so that such "beautiful follicles" are easier to conceive after ovulation.

Small follicles, on the other hand, are predominant follicles that have not yet matured and have been excreted from the ovary less than 18 mm in diameter (there are also some hypoglyveloptic follicles that naturally atresia, manifesting as anovulation).

According to the survey, the incidence of follicular dysplasia accounts for the majority of infertile patients, and many sisters found strong yang on the test strip, but they still failed to conceive after intercourse, which may also be the reason for this.

When you encounter this follicle, it is recommended to let it go first

Image source: Guangzhou Wanfu Health Technology Co., Ltd

Small follicles ovulate, doomed to infertility?

not necessarily! The egg develops synchronously with the follicle, and the size of the follicle is directly related to the quality of the egg. In general, large follicles are better developed and the egg quality is better, while small follicles are less developed, which may lead to poor egg quality.

But even so, the degree of development of the follicle does not directly represent the degree of conception of the egg, because it is the egg that eventually binds to the sperm, not the follicle.

Just as the relative size of an apple does not represent the germination potential of an apple seed, only an apple is small enough (for example, small enough to form a seed stage), such an apple has no planting value.

Therefore, the size of the follicle is not the direct cause of infertility.

When you encounter this follicle, it is recommended to let it go first

Image source: Guangzhou Wanfu Health Technology Co., Ltd

Small follicles ovulate, not recommended for intercourse!

Don't look at the small time when the follicles are discharged, but its natural abortion rate is large!

Small follicle ovulation occurs because of the failure of follicle development and maturation, which will lead to poor egg cell quality, decreased fertilization ability, although fertilization implantation, but because of its ability to further differentiate and develop is reduced, which is easy to cause miscarriage.

In 2011, studies reported that the spontaneous abortion rate of small follicle ovulation can be as high as 80%! In other words, 8 out of 10 people will have spontaneous abortion!

Even after ovulation induction treatment, the spontaneous abortion rate is as high as 75%! If small follicles are found to ovulate, intercourse is usually not recommended to prevent spontaneous abortion from occurring.

Sister Ping suggested: If you are not pregnant for a long time and want to see the specific development of follicles, the most intuitive assessment method is to diagnose it through ultrasound.

When you encounter this follicle, it is recommended to let it go first

Image source: Guangzhou Wanfu Health Technology Co., Ltd

When should follicle monitoring be done?

◇ Sister of menstrual regularity

For menstrual cycles of 28 to 30 days, the first follicle monitoring begins from the 10th to 12th day of menstruation (note: the first day of menstruation);

◇ Sisters with irregular menstruation

Follicle monitoring can begin with increased vaginal discharge or days 10 to 12 of menstruation, as follicle and menstrual periods cannot be determined, so monitoring may be prolonged.

Dominant follicle diameter

When the dominant follicle diameter is 10 to 14 mm, it is monitored every 2-3 days;

When the dominant follicle diameter ≥ 15 mm, it is best to monitor once a day, as some sisters grow rapidly to late follicles.

When you encounter this follicle, it is recommended to let it go first

Key points!!!

High-quality mature follicles should be full in appearance, round or oval in shape, with thin and clear inner walls, and a diameter of 18-25 mm, which is lower than or greater than the normal value of the follicle size, which will affect normal ovulation.

Follicles are like seeds of life, the more rounded and full, the better the quality. If the gap between the two diameter limits of the follicle ≥ 3 mm, the B ultrasound shows 15 mm× 20 mm is called a flat follicle, indicating that the quality of the follicle is poor and will also affect the pregnancy rate.

If there is a sister who is normally trying to conceive for more than a year and has not been pregnant, it is recommended to monitor ovulation through B ultrasound with ovulation dipsticks to check the development of follicles.

If you find that the follicle is not developed well, you can use the treatment method of ovulation induction, and at the same time eat more soy products to promote the development of follicles, and it is easy to usher in a good pregnancy after the follicles mature!

I wish you all a good pregnancy in April


Shen Huan,Tian Li,Liu Bin. The significance of ovulation of small follicles in patients with infertility and repeated spontaneous abortion[J].Journal of Peking University (Medical Edition), 2003(02):166-169.

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