
After three months of evading the obstetric examination, she was blamed for the problem, and the three reasons spoken by the mother silenced her husband

Neighbor Xiao Liu is 30 years old this year, because of the late reading, so he only considered personal problems after graduating from graduate school in the first two years. It was hard to get married, and I got pregnant smoothly. Only recently I heard that the family has begun to have conflicts again. It turned out that Xiao Liu was three months pregnant and had been evading obstetric examinations. It was hard to be dragged to the maternity examination, no problem is fine, but now there is a problem, so I am accused by my husband. The three reasons spoken by the mother made the husband silent.

After three months of evading the obstetric examination, she was blamed for the problem, and the three reasons spoken by the mother silenced her husband

Many people lament that they dare not go to the hospital now, and there are too many examination contents. Every time I go to the hospital, I run up and down and get tired and turn on my back, I will go to this department, I will go to that department, and I will pay the fee. It takes half a day to go once, so many people with minor illnesses are willing to go to the clinic for two drips, so they don't have to go to the hospital.

The same is true for obstetric examinations, dozens of large and small examinations throughout pregnancy, after going to the hospital to file, if you see the inspection content, you will feel dizzy. There are also many tests during pregnancy that require blood to be drawn, no food, and an empty stomach. Generally small hospitals do not dare to go, if you go to a large hospital, you have to run many times each time, and sometimes you will even be hungry and weak.

After three months of evading the obstetric examination, she was blamed for the problem, and the three reasons spoken by the mother silenced her husband

A sugar screening in the obstetric examination is very torturous, and this examination is mainly to check whether the pregnant mother has gestational diabetes. Pregnant mothers can do it at 6 to 7 months. Fasting for 8 hours before doing this test. Then drink glucose three times and draw blood three times. The first interval is 1 hour, the second and third intervals are 2 hours, and this test will take 5 hours. Many pregnant mothers have chosen to avoid this test, which is too troublesome.

In addition to trouble, economic factors are also factors that many pregnant mothers consider. This often happens in two-child families, where the previous child may have been brought by the family or by himself. Now that Bao Mom is pregnant again, the financial pressure has naturally soared. In addition, there is another cost to do the operation in childbirth, plus the follow-up child's milk powder diaper, so that the mother thinks that it can save and save. There are also mothers who feel that they have already experience in giving birth to children, so they feel that there is no need to go to the obstetric examination.

After three months of evading the obstetric examination, she was blamed for the problem, and the three reasons spoken by the mother silenced her husband

Obstetric examinations also involve the privacy of pregnant mothers. Now that people have a wide social circle, the way to make boyfriend and girlfriend friends has also increased, and many female friends are late in marriage, and may have other boyfriends before having babies, and may even have the experience of miscarriage. For the husband in this marriage now, he is not aware of these things.

It's just that when doing the obstetric examination, the doctor, out of a responsible attitude towards the patient, wants to know more about the patient's situation. The doctor will ask the mother about more private topics, such as whether she has had a child before? Have you ever had a miscarriage? If the husband or mother-in-law is around, the pregnant mother must take care of the feelings of these people, and it is not easy to answer these questions.

After three months of evading the obstetric examination, she was blamed for the problem, and the three reasons spoken by the mother silenced her husband

In fact, obstetric examination is necessary for every pregnant woman, and obstetric examination allows pregnant mothers to grasp the growth of the fetus. Time can also prevent the growth crisis of the fetus, although the obstetric examination can not 100% guarantee the baby's health problems, but it can also prevent most of the crisis. Important for your baby's health. If a family gives birth to a problematic baby, the harm to the family is absolutely devastating, and the serious ones will even destroy the entire family.

Obstetric examination is not only very good for the baby, but also necessary for pregnant mothers. The physical condition of pregnant mothers is also changing as the baby grows up. According to the results of the obstetric examination, it can be seen whether the pregnant mother eats normally and whether the body can provide nutrition to the baby. If the pregnant mother is overweight, it is also necessary to control the diet, and proper exercise can also help the pregnant mother lose weight. If the pregnant mother is too light-weighted, it is necessary to strengthen the supplementation of nutrients and not to be picky.

After three months of evading the obstetric examination, she was blamed for the problem, and the three reasons spoken by the mother silenced her husband

During the pregnancy test, the doctor can find out the problem at any time, and the whole process is constantly adjusting the physical state of the pregnant mother to prepare for childbirth. In addition, pregnant mothers in the process of pregnancy, if there are any doubts, you can also ask the doctor for help, after all, the doctor can give more professional advice, which can avoid many problems.

The mainland has always attached great importance to the inspection of maternity examinations, which is also a factor in the healthy growth of the mainland population. Many pregnant mothers attach great importance to pregnancy, and when they think about having children, they have already done pregnancy preparation. In order to get pregnant, change your schedule, go to bed early and get up early. Start physical activity every day to strengthen the body's immunity.

After three months of evading the obstetric examination, she was blamed for the problem, and the three reasons spoken by the mother silenced her husband

In addition to enhancing the quality of the body, female friends also attach importance to the supplement of body nutrition. Not only is not picky eating, meat food, fruits and vegetables have a variety of supplements, in order to make the body not lack of various vitamins, at the same time, during pregnancy, start to eat folic acid, which is of great benefit to the baby's future development and their own body.

In order to welcome the arrival of the baby, pregnant mothers have to make great sacrifices from the beginning of pregnancy preparation. The world has always said that mothers are great, and mothers are willing. The baby is the angel of the mother, bringing love to the mother, and at the same time the continuation of the life of the mother and father.

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