
Do not want the baby to be entangled in "jaundice" after birth, and do 5 aspects of pregnancy

Jaundice in newborns is a common disease, either innate or acquired.

When the child has jaundice, the mother does not have to worry, if the situation is not very serious, just pay attention!

Do not want the baby to be entangled in "jaundice" after birth, and do 5 aspects of pregnancy

Most newborns will have jaundice, mainly related to the baby's own bilirubin metabolism, because the newborn baby's liver function development is not very perfect, so the speed of metabolism can not keep up with the rate of bilirubin production, jaundice will appear.

But there are also a small number of babies born white and pure, there is no jaundice on the face, in addition to the newborn constitution is related to the constitution of the newborn, the diet of pregnant mothers also has a great relationship.

Therefore, before the birth of the child, the pregnant mother should develop good living habits, and during pregnancy, she should begin to prevent jaundice after the baby is born, and do the following points.

1. Diet

Baby jaundice is partly due to the pregnant mother's body moisture is too heavy, during pregnancy intake of too much cold, cold food, it is recommended to eat less raw cold spicy, irritating food during pregnancy, eat more warm and easy to digest food.

Tobacco and alcohol for pregnant women can not touch, on the one hand affect the health of the body, on the other hand will also affect the development of the fetus, on weekdays, the mother should also stay away from smokers, avoid inhaling "second-hand smoke", for their own sake for the sake of the baby.

Do not want the baby to be entangled in "jaundice" after birth, and do 5 aspects of pregnancy

2. Eat more detoxifying foods

Many expectant mothers only want to eat more nourishing nutrients during pregnancy, thinking that these foods can make the baby develop better.

In fact, in the third trimester, expectant mothers should eat some foods that can promote detoxification in the body, such as: white fungus porridge, mung bean soup, corn soup, which can effectively prevent jaundice in the baby.

Do not want the baby to be entangled in "jaundice" after birth, and do 5 aspects of pregnancy

3, more sun

Proper sun exposure is good for the body, and you can choose to bathe in the sun under the soft sun at a relatively mild time, such as eight or nine o'clock in the morning, which is worth enjoying.

Normally, you can dry for one or twenty minutes, and do not bask in the sun in hot weather, because not only has no effect, but it is easy to suffer from heat stroke and fainting accidents.

Do not want the baby to be entangled in "jaundice" after birth, and do 5 aspects of pregnancy

4. Replenish water in time

Whether the mother-to-be's water is sufficient is very important for the mother and the baby, pregnant women can consume enough water to promote the body's metabolism, help excrete toxins in the body, and replace the low newborn with jaundice, so that the mother can give birth to a healthy and beautiful baby.

Do not want the baby to be entangled in "jaundice" after birth, and do 5 aspects of pregnancy

5. Supplement enough sleep

Many people often stay up late before pregnancy, life is irregular, the mental condition during the day will be worse, and the whole person looks very anxious.

After pregnancy, this bad habit should be corrected not only the pregnant mother herself needs to rest, but the fetus also needs to have enough sleep time.

If the sleep quality of the pregnant mother is not guaranteed, it will not only cause endocrine disorders, but also affect the development of the fetus, which will lead to insufficient qi and blood in the baby and jaundice after birth.

Honey water can help pregnant mothers digest the stomach and intestines, excrete moisture and toxins. Constipation during pregnancy is very common, once the toxin can not be eliminated may affect the baby, resulting in jaundice in the baby.

Therefore, drinking some honey water can be beneficial to the discharge of toxins without affecting the baby's development.

Fruits rich in vitamin C, such as apples, oranges and other fruits, can be used to prevent bilioflavin in your baby's body and reduce your baby's chances of jaundice.

You can also supplement folic acid to help the healthy development of the fetus, vitamin C can reduce the chance of neonatal jaundice, in order to reduce the baby in the stomach less hurt, pregnant mothers quickly supplement more vitamin C.

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