
Micro video 丨 Childlike skillful hands to build dreams and win the moon

Great Wall Network Jiyun Client News (reporters Zhang Dengfeng, Guo Hui, Gong Xingmin, Guo Yuxiang) "Paper-cutting is our traditional culture, and I want to welcome Shenzhou No. 13 home in a paper-cut way. "I cut a portrait of Aunt Wang Yaping, and I met her through the Tiangong Classroom, which is very interesting." ...... Recently, in order to welcome the return of the astronauts of the Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft, the students of Qiaoxi Experimental Primary School in Shijiazhuang City collectively made a special "wind gift" - a large-scale paper-cut art work with the theme of "Flying in the Sky and Dreaming of the Moon and Returning triumphantly", and paid tribute to the aerospace heroes with non-heritage paper-cutting.

Micro video 丨 Childlike skillful hands to build dreams and win the moon

Students are seriously working on paper-cutting. Great Wall Network Jiyun client reporter Zhang Dengfeng photographed

The work is ten meters long and is completed by 80 students in the third and fourth grades of the school. In the works, there are not only traditional Chinese patterns, five-star red flags, spacecraft, clouds, peony flowers and other characteristic elements, but also the students' imagination of space: rockets, spacecraft, astronauts, satellites... The paper-cut portraits of Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu are meticulous and exquisite, full of children's reverence for space heroes and their ardent expectations for the smooth return of astronauts. Children use small paper cuts that carry their space dreams to form a colorful and colorful universe.

Micro video 丨 Childlike skillful hands to build dreams and win the moon

Liu Ruisheng, a student at Qiaoxi Experimental Primary School. Great Wall Network Jiyun client reporter Zhang Dengfeng photographed

After six months of working and living in orbit, the three astronauts are finally returning to their home planet. The "Tiangong Classroom" taught by astronauts in space stimulated the enthusiasm of children to explore the laws of science and explore the mysteries of the universe. "Space is amazing, I want to explore." Liu Ruisheng, a student at Qiaoxi Experimental Primary School, said, "I cut a rocket and hope that China's aerospace industry will develop better and better." In the future, like the astronauts' uncles and aunts, I will also make a contribution to the motherland. ”

Micro video 丨 Childlike skillful hands to build dreams and win the moon

Qiaoxi Experimental Primary School is a national intangible cultural heritage art inheritance school, and the paper-cutting curriculum is the school's characteristic. According to Zhao Chenglong, the inheritor of shijiazhuang intangible cultural heritage and a counselor outside Qiaoxi Experimental Primary School, the children's creation used the traditional Technique of Chinese paper-cutting - Mao Scissors, which is characterized by not drawing samples in advance. Children use their rich imagination to depict space, and the works are full of innocence and childlike fun. The ancient art of paper-cutting is rejuvenating in the hands of children.

Micro video 丨 Childlike skillful hands to build dreams and win the moon

The children showed the long scroll together. Great Wall Network Jiyun client reporter Guo Hui photo

"In this creation, the children used scissors and red paper as tools to explore and create, fully felt the artistic charm of intangible cultural heritage, cultivated the curiosity for scientific knowledge, and enhanced their pride in the great achievements of China's aerospace industry." Peng Lina, a counselor of the school's brigade, said, "The paper-cutting activity has sown a seed belonging to the future in the hearts of the children, and they are determined to be the inheritors and successors of China's excellent traditional culture and the spirit of manned spaceflight." ”

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