
Mom 1m 53, 15-year-old son 1m8! Three tips to promote your child's growth are worth learning

Wen | Jingma


Meiyi is a very beautiful girl who has loved to dance since she was a child, and has been the leader of the school dance team since elementary school.

But after the third year of junior high school, she did not have the opportunity to join the school's dance team, because in the whole dance team, the height gap between her and other small partners was too large, and the other small partners were about 1 meter 65, and she was only 1 meter 53!

After coming out of the dance team, Meiyi cried for a few days and decided to start studying hard and was admitted to the Teachers College.

I didn't expect that after graduation, her nightmare began, many good schools in the recruitment of teachers, the lowest requirements for height are more than 1 meter 55, and many even require 1 meter 58 or 1 meter 6, meiyi finally can only choose to go to the kindergarten as a teacher!

Frustrated in school and in the workplace, Meiyi was deeply disgusted by her height of 1 meter 53.

She thought that if I looked for a boyfriend in the future, I must find one that was more than 1 meter 8.


The ideal is often very plump, the reality is very bone, and finally Meiyi was impressed by a boy who was only 1 meter 73 tall, and finally the two people got married!

Meiyi has been working on her child's height from the moment her son was born.

Kung Fu pays off, and meiyi's son reached a height of 1.8 meters when he was 15 years old in high school, and became the main force of the school basketball team.

The teacher learned at the parent-teacher conference that the mother of this 1 meter 8 son is only 1 meter 53, very surprised, and talked to Meiyi when chatting, why can your son grow so tall?

Meiyi thought about it and summed up three secrets to share with the teacher that she had to promote her children's growth.

If you want your child to grow taller, the three secrets of growing tall should be kept in mind, and grasping can make the baby grow a few centimeters longer

Tip 1: Protein, calcium, vitamin D, zinc, vitamin A should be sufficient

About 30% of the bones are made of protein, and about 70% are made of calcium, so the raw materials that promote bones are protein and calcium.

These two nutrients can not be less, so Meiyi from a young age to the child to drink breast milk, and then has been drinking milk, the child is now 15 years old, can also guarantee 400 ~ 500 ml of milk per day, you can supplement a variety of high-quality protein and calcium.

If calcium is to be well deposited in the bones and not wasted, it needs sufficient vitamin D.

From the 3rd day of the child's birth, Meiyi began to supplement the child's vitamin D until the child was three years old. Children are often exposed to the sun to stimulate the body's vitamin D production.

After the child is 11 years old, she will buy calcium tablets for the child, and when she buys calcium tablets, she will definitely see whether there is vitamin D on it, and vitamin D will be bought for the child.

If the child wants to supplement nutrition, she must have a good appetite, so she is also very careful in giving the child zinc supplementation, and often gives the child oysters, various snails, beef and other foods rich in zinc.

Vitamin A can also promote bone growth, so giving children 2 to 3 times a week to eat animal liver, not only iron supplementation but also vitamin A supplement.

Tip two: let the child do more longitudinal jumping exercises

When the child is 7 years old, Meiyi takes the child to participate in the basketball interest class, and the basketball interest class needs to run and jump, and it needs to jump.

He also often supervises children to jump rope, take children to play trampolines, hanging horizontal bars, these elongation of children's bones and body muscles of the exercise, art will often let children do.

And the child slowly likes to play basketball, almost every day will insist on playing basketball, playing an hour or so every day, because playing basketball makes him feel happy, and the child also gets a sense of achievement in playing basketball. -

The child loves to play basketball, which also makes his nutrition absorb better and grow taller.

Tip three: Let your child sleep enough

Gu Ailing, who recently burned, mentioned when mentioning the secret of her success that her mother would let her ensure more than 10 hours of sleep a day, that is, sleep well and her energy was full.

Sleep is also an important part of wanting our children to grow taller, because our growth hormone secretes more at night, and at night we have to sleep deeply, so that growth hormone will be secreted more.

Therefore, the child sleeps enough at night to make the child grow taller.

Let the child sleep more and move more, these are the need for the mother to supervise. But how to supplement the child with enough nutrition, then hope that the mother can know, what kind of food is helpful for the child's growth? Then you have to make more of these foods for your children.

After eating it, the child can supplement protein, calcium, vitamin A, zinc and vitamin D, promote the growth of the child's bones, and make the child grow taller.

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