
After having a child, how to celebrate the holiday?

When I was young, I seemed to like to join in the fun and celebrate the festival. Especially when I was in college. This nonsensical "April Fool's Day" will not be spared. Everyone is just making an excuse to have some fun.

When I first started working, everyone still liked to celebrate the holidays, whether they were single or in love. At that time, we all advocated the idea that life needed a sense of ceremony. The holidays are about eating, drinking, and shopping. Every month's salary, you always have to find a reason to spend it happily.

After having a child, how to celebrate the holiday?

After giving birth to a child, sometimes the day of the festival is coming, I don't know. Don't talk about holidays, even birthdays can be forgotten. I always remember the birthday dates of my family and individual friends, and even made memos in my phone calendar, but sometimes it's days after my birthday that I come back.

Once, I actually forgot my grandmother's birthday, and I didn't call back on my birthday, but I asked my brother to bring something to my grandmother in advance. In previous years, I have not left a phone call. Afterwards my mom told me that my grandma was angry.

I was really aggrieved at the time, not that I don't remember the date, not that I didn't have a heart, I bought all the gifts and gave them, but my grandmother's birthday was really too busy to forget. My baby was sick for several days and I was basically alone at home. Get up in the middle of the night several times to deal with the baby's diarrhea, countless times to give him water. It was almost the New Year, and I was alone to prepare New Year goods and plan to Chinese New Year's Eve meal.

After having a child, how to celebrate the holiday?

After having a baby, if no one brings you a baby, your mother is really working when she is 24 years old. After children go to kindergartens or early education and childcare centers, they basically have a big nose all year round, and it is common to have colds, fevers, coughs, and diarrhea. Because there are many children in school, it is easy to get infected. Mom sleeps poorly for a long time, and the brain is slow to respond.

I haven't slept a full night since I had a baby for three years because I have a baby who doesn't sleep well. I envy the kind of mother who can sleep all night, which is relatively rare. Unless you don't sleep with your child yourself. To worry about the baby falling under the bed, cover him with a quilt many times. The baby is feeding in the middle of the night, changing diapers, and inexplicably waking up crying. Older babies may also get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, drink water, or talk about dreams.

After becoming a mother, I didn't like the holidays. Celebrating the holidays means that you are tired. For example, during the Spring Festival, I have to rack my brains on how to let the baby have an interesting Spring Festival. Food that represents the festival, prepare decorations for the festival, prepare festival events, etc. For example, if I make dumplings with my baby, if I am myself, I will buy ready-made ones. In order to let the child experience the difference of the festival, make dumplings with the baby. If I had to pack it myself, it would be convenient, which would actually be bad for the baby's growth. It is necessary for the baby to participate in the details of life to have the meaning of the festival. So teach the baby to make dumplings. The result is that the baby is the one who will do you a favor. Paper towels are going to be scrapped a lot. He's messing around, you can't lose your temper, you have to encourage, and you have to do hygiene silently afterwards. It is best to let him participate in the hygiene together, but the results are basically helpful.

Whether it is the Spring Festival or other festivals, as a mother, I am really tired in order to let my children have an interesting holiday.

When I encounter holidays that have nothing to do with children, such as "Valentine's Day", sorry, Westerners only celebrate "Valentine's Day", I am a southerner. Every time I see some people in the circle of friends posting their husbands' or lovers' red envelopes and gifts, I know that it is "Valentine's Day".

The most depressing thing was that once a neighbor on the same floor said in the owner group that her courier was missing at the door and asked if it was sent to my house by mistake. She said it was a Valentine's Day gift from her husband. My husband said he didn't see it. I said I wasn't home for a few days. The neighbor was in the group talking about how valuable the gift was. Then the neighbor who had a good thing got up and said that I didn't blame my husband for not sending me a Valentine's Day gift. I replied: "What do you like, buy it yourself, why do you have to wait for someone to send it?" "Immediately more neighbors liked. It seems that many mothers like me are not festive.

After having a child, how to celebrate the holiday?

As a mother, I am the one who lets my family enjoy the holidays, and I am more tired than usual. The best holiday gift for my mother is to take a day off from singles, don't care about my husband and children, and enjoy the day like I did when I was younger.

Today's April Fool's Day, just pretend to be single.

Friends, how do you deal with the holidays?

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