
"Opposite Sex" Cultivation: Learn these two tricks to make girls have a special love for you

I don't know if the brothers have found such a problem: that is, some people you look at a glance, as if it is like that, general looks, average income, general occupation, but always able to get the favor of girls, there is never a shortage of girls around, why is this? The simple reason is that their opposite sex is very good, that is, their soft value is high. Hearing this, do the brothers all want to be such a person? Don't worry, then, let's talk about this problem.

"Opposite Sex" Cultivation: Learn these two tricks to make girls have a special love for you

1. Establish similarity

There is a saying that things are clustered, people are grouped, I believe everyone has heard it. In fact, this is the truth, people are always more inclined to stay with their own kind, so that they can get a sense of identity and intimacy. Brothers, let's think about it: your friend, do you have a lot of similarities with him? In other words, it's because you have a lot of similarities with her that the two of you became friends.

But if there's a guy who thinks differently from you and has a different point of view, then you have the idea that I don't want to be friends with. Because the similarity of two people will greatly affect the impression of each other. So since we want the girl we like to like you, then we have to learn to establish the similarity between you when we first met.

"Opposite Sex" Cultivation: Learn these two tricks to make girls have a special love for you

Don't know how to do it, here to teach everyone a skill, through the common preferences, arouse the interest of girls. In simple terms, you can find each other's preferences by looking at each other's circle of friends.

For example, if you see the other party posting photos of jay Chou's concert in the circle of friends, then you can say "It turns out that you also like Jay Chou, and I like him too." Then this girl's heart must think "Hey, this boy actually likes the same singer as me, really tasteful." After that, you can start a topic discussion about this singer, which naturally brings you closer to each other.

2. Take care of other people's feelings as much as possible

"Opposite Sex" Cultivation: Learn these two tricks to make girls have a special love for you

In fact, not only in front of people you like, but even in front of an ordinary friend, people who can take care of people are thieves who can win people's hearts. I have a friend who is a social terrorist who usually doesn't dare to go out. When she is with her unfamiliar friends, the most feared thing is that no one will pick up what she says, and she feels very embarrassed.

Two days ago, she told me that she had a group of friends who asked her to go to a barbecue with her, and because the relationship was still good, she went. But then it turned out that there were a few people she didn't know at all, and when she was done, she wanted to go back very much, because no one was talking to her, and she felt embarrassed. But unexpectedly, at this time, there was a boy who was particularly careful, and saw that she was sitting alone and bored, so he sent her the grilled skewers and sat there and chatted with her. My friend said that at that time, she felt very warm in her heart.

"Opposite Sex" Cultivation: Learn these two tricks to make girls have a special love for you

Although I didn't go, I think it's pretty sweet when I think about it. Although it is not necessarily love, a gentleman can always make people feel close. Pay attention to other people's emotions, take care of other people's feelings in the details, this kind of person, it is particularly easy to make people feel good.

In fact, in general, a good "opposite sex" is not accidental, nor is it a man's good luck, but this man is very flexible when interacting with the opposite sex. Have their own ways and methods, know how to show their value, and be able to make women feel their sincerity. So, one by one, you complain that you can't get rid of the list, and you hurry to learn the point.

"Opposite Sex" Cultivation: Learn these two tricks to make girls have a special love for you

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