
Women of the opposite sex who know how to "leave blank" will be very attractive


In this society, we all deal with people. Getting along with people, your words and deeds, reflect the essence of a person.

Especially in the process of getting along with the opposite sex, women who know how to behave in the world will be more attractive. Between people, in fact, there is a distance, but smart women, will leave blank.

When it comes to leaving blank space, in fact, the popular point is to grasp the degree and control the distance.

In fact, no matter what kind of relationship, it needs a certain amount of space, and everything is too close and too tight, but it will be counterproductive.

Therefore, in the process of getting along with the opposite sex, women know how to leave blanks, which will be very attractive.

Women of the opposite sex who know how to "leave blank" will be very attractive

In fact, the relationship between the opposite sex is more sensitive, and a little grasp of it may affect the relationship between each other.

Some women, do not know how to communicate, everything is more idealistic, according to their own wishes, it is likely to make the other party drift away.

In the process of getting along with the opposite sex, we must know how to have reservations. If everything is exposed, it is not a good thing, and it will lose its attraction.

Only in the case of mystery will it attract the attention of the other party and attract the other party closer.

Men and women get along, at the beginning you give yourself up, it is easy to be seen through by the other party, so you can't give each other that sense of mystery, you may lose interest at once.

If you want to improve your attractiveness, you should know how to hide, don't give a brain, too enthusiastic, so that the other party will have no interest in you.

Feelings are such things that need to pay attention to ways and methods, not relying on you to show your true self, and sometimes you should leave a blank space appropriately.

Putting all your enthusiasm into at the beginning is easy to lose, put pressure on the other party, and even be held back by the other party. A good relationship is all about skills and methods.

Women of the opposite sex who know how to "leave blank" will be very attractive

It is said that feelings should know how to grasp and follow the good temptations, so that the other party will be more and more interested in you and have the desire to explore.

In fact, boys need to be satisfied little by little. Completely exposed at the beginning, there will be fewer surprises.

Any relationship should be based on a balanced foundation so that they can maintain a harmonious way of getting along with each other.

Once you cross the line and put too much in, you lose your balance and you gradually get lost.

No matter how much you love someone, you must always maintain a principle, have appropriate reservations, and know how to leave blanks in order to win this victory.

The relationship that can really go to the end is slow with each other, first familiar, then confide, and finally pay.

If you think about what kind of state each you want to maintain at the beginning, there will often be no good ending.

Feelings need to go with the flow, and they need to understand each other before they can unconsciously reveal their true hearts.

No matter who you get along with, you should understand that giving each other a certain space, everyone has a past, has their own world, you can love one person, but you can't treat each other as all.

Some things, do not over-ask, try to let the other party deal with, the appropriate blank space, will make your feelings more and more harmonious.

Women of the opposite sex who know how to "leave blank" will be very attractive


For men, they will like simple and relaxed relationships, get along with each other comfortably, he will enjoy this state, and he will be more obsessed with you.

Therefore, women who know how to leave blanks are actually giving men the opportunity to choose, know how to face up to this relationship, give each other space, and will attract each other.

Everything is excessive, and it is not enough.

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