
Meta-hypnosis teaches children how to release emotions! - Orange Listening

When confronted with something angry, everyone gets angry. In general, anger needs to be vented properly, otherwise it may damage physical and mental health.

For growing children, their anger needs to find a channel to vent, but due to differences in children's psychological personality, some children are not good at guiding their anger.

Meta-hypnosis teaches children how to release emotions! - Orange Listening

So, how can parents teach their children to release anger?

Method 1: Write down the words of counterattack

One way to release anger is to write down on a tissue or tissue the words of anger that are only for yourself to see.

The child can write these kinds of words on the bathroom counter or any place where he can be temporarily alone, such as: "So-and-so, this is what I want to say to you after you pasted the note with the "Kick Me" written on the back of my pants..." Tell the child that since no one else sees what he/she writes, he/she can freely express his anger.

However, when the child angrily writes such words, even some of them are curse words, and they are blushing at the sight, one of the ways to tell the child to deal with these kinds of notes is to tear them up. Children also like to wash away the confetti with water, assuming that their enemies are also washed away by the water.

Method 2: Do parent-child exercises

An effective parent-child exercise can be performed at home. The child and the mother (father) sit back to back, one of them talking undisturbed for three minutes, pouring out any feelings he wants to express, and the other one just needs to attach it with "mm-hmm".

It's three minutes before he or she can speak. The two sides take turns talking until all they want to say is done. By the end, the two should be together for at least five minutes.

Method 3: Throw the target

You can also hang a throwing board on the wall of your child's bedroom, and when he/she has confided his anger to you or other family members, it will take some time to release the anger in his/her body, and he/she will continue to vent his/her anger each time he/she throws a target with a dart. Being able to perform such exercises shows that the child is growing up in an emotionally rich family environment.

Remember not to judge when your child is pouring out anger to you, especially when anger is directed at you. Your support will tell him/her that expressing anger correctly will make someone more powerful.

Meta-hypnosis teaches children how to release emotions! - Orange Listening

Method 4: Let the child cry

Most parents have the experience that when children are still infants, as soon as we hear their cries or see their tears, we will rush to the children and tease them, which is expected.

Studies have found that in the first year after birth, children who are picked up by their parents as soon as they cry are less likely to be troubled by trivial matters later in life.

Comforting children is indeed a pleasure for us. For example, we lift the little ones up and rest their heads around our necks, and they wrap their calves around us.

So naturally, when children grow into teenagers, so old that we can no longer lift them, we still want to put our arms around them and stop their tears. However, we had better not listen to this impulse.

The older the child, the less she cries. Actually, crying is good for them.

Crying makes the human body produce a relaxing chemical that promotes the release of toxins in the body, reduces tension levels, and thus improves the biochemical environment in the body, which is one of the reasons why people often feel comfortable after a "big cry".

Stopping yourself from rushing over to help your child is not an easy task. However, parents can think that crying is to give children a chance to experience their own feelings.

This way, after a few minutes, you just have to hold him/her, be with him/her, and whisper to him/her like "... That's unfortunate" or "how disappointing" or something like that.

If your child rushes into his bedroom and closes the door, don't go over to comfort him or her and let the child stay on his or her own for a while. It is beneficial for children to learn to comfort themselves while they are sad.

After a few minutes, go in and say to him/her some supportive words that he/she needs to hear – you are here not wanting to support him/her, which shows that you are not unhappy with his/her mood swings. His/her body will also be healthier as a result.

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