
Limit your child's candy to have a degree, excessive is likely to be "more than worth the loss", don't say did not remind you

After being a full-time mother for three years, now that the baby has enrolled in school, he has returned to the workplace, has a new understanding in parenting, kindergarten, family, marriage, emotions, etc., and is still the mother who likes to share, hoping to share more topics that can collide with sparks and dry goods with babies...

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When it comes to sugar, most parents refuse: never eat sugar, sugar has no benefits for the baby's growth and development.

Parents' attitude towards sugar is understandable, and colorful candy has indeed not been wronged.

Let's first take a look at the harm of candy to children:

1. Candy is not good for the development of your baby's teeth

A child who eats candy regularly, if he does not do a good job of "logistics", the deciduous teeth will break out early, and a mouth full of small black teeth.

Now the reason why many parents refuse to let their children eat sugar is because there are many children with small black teeth around them, and parents certainly do not want their children to grow small black teeth, which affects health and affects appearance.

Limit your child's candy to have a degree, excessive is likely to be "more than worth the loss", don't say did not remind you

2. Candy can affect a child's appetite

Candy affects the child's appetite is also based on evidence, after ingesting sugar, sugar into energy, will make people feel full, no hunger, if a child often eats sugar, his normal diet will be affected.

Of course, if some children eat candy snacks without delaying their meals, you will definitely have another problem: body fat.

3. Consuming too much sugar is not conducive to the development of the child's brain

People are always prone to pay attention to the damage of candy to teeth, in fact, eating too much candy also has an impact on children's brain development.

Eating too much candy, the body will produce a large number of metabolites pyruvate, and it takes a lot of vitamin B1 to remove these pyruvates.

Therefore, if the intake of candy is too much, it will lead to vitamin B1 deficiency in the body, vitamin B1, in addition, pyruvic acid, lactic acid and other metabolites in the body, the direct result is to affect the activity of the central nervous system, the child's performance will be inattention, mental disorganization, emotional instability, easy to cry, often tantrums, personality loneliness and so on.

Limit your child's candy to have a degree, excessive is likely to be "more than worth the loss", don't say did not remind you

Candy has such a big impact on children, is there no benefit at all?

Since the impact of candy on children is so great that it sounds harmless, why not cut off the candy directly?

In fact, candy is not without advantages, at least candy can really bring children happiness and satisfaction.

This doesn't sound like much, but it actually has a lot to do with it.

Because for a child, happiness and satisfaction are very important, and this feeling will set the tone for their childhood.

In fact, candy can bring happiness to children, it is easy to find, when parents take out some candy in front of the child, the child's excitement overflows into words, the whole person is happy.

These joys of children, parents can not give children a one-size-fits-all, all cut off.

Limit your child's candy to have a degree, excessive is likely to be "more than worth the loss", don't say did not remind you

Limit your child's candy to a principled approach

The answer is yes, be sure to restrict your child from eating candy, and be sure to let your child develop good habits, brush your teeth after eating candy, and try to avoid sugar in your mouth.

In addition to developing good habits, it is also necessary to control the amount of sugar your child eats.

In fact, this is very easy, if from the first bite of sugar to the child, set rules for the child, the child is easy to follow.

If you do not make rules for your child from the beginning, and wait until the candy has already brought a bad impact on the child, the child's emotions will be very large and have little effect.

We can stipulate that we can only eat one piece of sugar a day, and when the child grows up, we can increase the child to two pieces of sugar, and when the child does not mention it, do not take the initiative to give the child to eat.

Limit your child's candy to have a degree, excessive is likely to be "more than worth the loss", don't say did not remind you

During this period, if the baby begs to eat more, parents must resist, adhere to the principle, and cannot eat more.

In this way, the baby can develop a good habit of eating sugar, and the parents have not deprived them of the right to eat sugar, but also allow the child not to rely too much on candy, causing a bad impact.

Remind parents that after eating candy, they should let the baby clean his mouth in time, once the baby has developed this good habit, every time they eat candy, they will not refuse to brush their teeth.

"One size fits all" has a big impact on children

Since candy has such a big impact on children, is it okay to ban children from eating candy?

It is best not to give the child a one-size-fits-all approach.

Have you ever heard such a sentence: when you were a child, you asked you to eat sugar, you refused, when she grew up, she would refuse to ask for your sugar, and when she realized the freedom of candy, she might eat sugar like crazy.

The child's refusal to eat sugar is only a formality, what he refuses is to re-accept the parents, and what he refuses is the relationship with the parents.

Don't think it's an exaggeration, it's a real effect.

Limit your child's candy to have a degree, excessive is likely to be "more than worth the loss", don't say did not remind you

Candy represents the child's inner small desire, parents one-size-fits-all, refuse to give the child candy, is equivalent to limiting the child's small desire and small freedom.

If all children do not eat sugar, parents "one size fits all", completely restricting children to eat sugar is no problem, but in the general environment, out of the house can see candy everywhere, children can see candy, want to eat candy, but can not eat.

The result is nothing more than two, either refusing to accept their parents' "candy" when they grow up, or eating candy indiscriminately when they have the freedom of change.

Neither outcome is what we would like to see.

Especially for children, the more parents restrict what, the more the child wants something.

Limit your child's candy to have a degree, excessive is likely to be "more than worth the loss", don't say did not remind you

The neighbor mother has always restricted the baby from eating cookies before, and every time her baby comes to my house, she eats cookies like crazy, and can eat half a box at a time, and my baby has realized the freedom to eat cookies, but does not want to eat cookies.

The temptation of candy is greater than that of cookies.

Our life is an open life, it is impossible to keep the child at home, after having a baby, we will definitely take the baby out, deal with others, overly restrict the child, affect the child at the same time, but also affect the interaction with others.

In fact, candy is not a demon, the use of candy, candy will become an effective tool, when we give children to a certain extent to achieve candy freedom, candy can bring them a lot of happiness, children will not rely on candy, and want to get this result, the key is to adhere to the principle, guide children to develop good habits.

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