
In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

In 2016, a special pregnant woman lay on a bed in a hospital in Shaoyang City, her name was Yang Lingyun. I saw that her face was withered, her skin was pale, and her breath was weak. According to the doctor:

"The current situation of pregnant women is very poor, and their lives may be in danger at any time!"

It turned out that when Yang Lingyun was 6 months pregnant, she was diagnosed with cancer.

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

Yang Lingyun on the hospital bed was as thin as wood and weak

At that time, doctors recommended:

"It is still in the expected stage of delivery, it is recommended to beat the fetus, and there is a possibility of cure for treatment!"

But after Yang Lingyun heard it, he refused without the slightest hesitation. Why did she insist on making such a choice as an elderly mother? Yang Lingyun said:

I want to have a daughter for my husband

! But her beloved husband never appeared in the months since she fell ill.

At this time, Yang Lingyun's situation is becoming more and more dangerous, the child is about to give birth, the situation is in danger, is it to protect the big or small? The final decision is still in the hands of her husband Peng Jiangping, but where did others go? Why did he not come to visit his wife after he learned that he had fallen ill? In the end, what was the end of Yang Lingyun?

The story has to start with her first boyfriend.

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

Even ordinary talk is very difficult

Yang Lingyun is a native of Shaodong County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, and when she was a child, she achieved excellent results, which is exactly what the adult population said, "Someone else's child!" "But at that time, her family was very poor, there was no money for her to go to school, and she dropped out of high school when she was in high school."

It is said that the children of poor families have long been in charge, Yang Lingyun has been very sensible since he was a child, in order to reduce the burden on the family, he came to Guangdong to work after dropping out of school. It was during his part-time job in Guangdong that he met a man, and because he was young and ignorant, he quickly fell in love.

At that time, Yang Lingyun was like many young girls, facing a man with rhetoric, thinking that he had found his true love, so he paid for this man with a brain.

In addition to going to work, he also has to wash and cook for men, and he is busy. Every time the man asked her to borrow money under various pretexts, Yang Lingyun also took out his hard-earned money without the slightest hesitation, except for the one sent to his home, he almost left a penny on his body.

Occasionally a man buys her a gift, and she feels like the happiest woman in the world. The two fell in love for less than a year and then moved in together. Soon after, Yang Lingyun became pregnant with the man's child. I thought that with the crystallization of love, the relationship between the two will get better and better, Yang Lingyun, a simple girl, is still looking forward to a better life in the future of a family with three meals and four seasons.

However, the good times did not last long.

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

A photo of Yang Lingyun when he was young

The man also constantly promised that he would give her a happy life, and Yang Lingyun at this time had long been immersed in all these beautiful visions. But after a few months of pregnancy, she found that the considerate and gentle man had slowly lost patience, even become a little grumpy, and would be angry with her from time to time.

Such a change in men made Yang Lingyun unable to accept it for a while, but she was already too deep to extricate herself at this time.

Even if he obviously felt the change in the man, Yang Lingyun still did not choose to give up, and then insisted on giving birth to a child. She thought that in this way, she could firmly bind the man in front of her, and repeatedly asked the man to get married, but the man only evaded at first, and then he was forced to be annoyed, and the man simply showdowned:

"I already have a family and a child, and it's impossible to marry you!"

After saying that, he slammed the door and left. Leaving Yang Lingyun alone was sad, and he did not expect that the love he thought was actually Xiao San, who destroyed the feelings of others.

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

When he was young, Yang Lingyun still had a good face and was lively and active

And the man who had always told her to love her and take care of her was only with himself for the thrill seeker. Yang Ling, who learned the truth, was in pain, and while sad, he threw the child to the man in a fit of anger, and returned to his hometown alone.

Soon after in her hometown, she met her current husband Peng Jiangping, yang Lingyun and Peng Jiangping were freely in love. At that time, Yang Lingyun's family did not know much about Peng Jiangping, but Yang Lingyun rushed into this feeling without hesitation.

I thought I had found my own happiness and found my own true love this time, but I didn't think that fate had made a joke with her again!

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

Husband Peng Jiangping

Perhaps Yang Lingyun had suffered a period of injury before, and Peng Jiangping's loving care for her slowly healed her wounds, so Yang Lingyun cherished his feelings very much. Peng Jiangping promised her:

"I know you've been hurt once before, but I'll guard you in the future and won't let you suffer any more grievances!"

Under peng Jiangping's care and sweet words, the two formed a new family, and the life of the two after marriage can also be regarded as you and me. In Yang Lingyun's view, this time he finally found his true love.

Husband Peng Jiangping divorced, and his ex-wife has a son, Peng Jiangping has always said to Yang Lingyun that he wants another daughter, and Yang Lingyun also readily agreed. Because in the traditional concept of Chinese, married couples always need to have a child that belongs to both husband and wife, so that the relationship will be stronger.

Less than a year after their marriage, Yang Lingyun ran home one day happily and told Peng Jiangping that she was pregnant. Peng Jiangping also smiled and closed his mouth, and has been carefully caring for his wife since then. Yang Lingyun's heart is full of hope for the future, and the arrival of the two children makes her feel that life has run again. Yet fate once again played a joke with this innocent woman.

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

Weak Yang Lingyun and her sister

After Yang Lingyun was pregnant for a few months, when she went to the hospital for examination, she was found to have cancer.

The moment the couple heard the news, the couple was shocked, it was as if the sky had collapsed, and what pained Yang Lingyun even more was that after that, her husband Peng Jiangping disappeared.

In addition, facing such a difficult choice as her own life and her child's life made her even more painful. Because if you want to save your life, you need to receive chemotherapy, but once you receive chemotherapy, it is inevitable that the child will not be protected.

After some inner struggle, Yang Lingyun finally chose to keep the child, because it was the child of her and her husband Peng Jiangping. Without treatment, Yang Lingyun had to allow the cancer cells in his body to spread and endure the torment of illness.

Lying on the bed, Yang Lingyun was getting thinner and weaker. Because of the evasion of her husband Peng Jiangping, he not only did not give his wife Yang Lingyun care, but also did not give financial support. Yang Lingyun had to return to her mother's house, lying on the bed, ready to stay up until the due date, and only her sister Yang Xiaoyun helped take care of it in front of the bed.

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

Only her sister was struggling to take care of Yang Lingyun

A few months later, Yang Lingyun, who was tormented by cancer, originally a woman with a good face became skinny, pale, and lost her former appearance. Unable to eat, she became extremely weak and even weak enough to speak. But in his heart, he still thought about the husband who didn't know where he was, and his mouth was always talking about Peng Jiangping.

Sister Yang Xiaoyun looked at Yang Lingyun's appearance and was heartbroken, she said:

"The skinny whole body is only bones, still thinking about the conscienceless husband"

Saying that, he also raised Yang Lingyun's leg for others to see, just like an old man in his seventies and eighties, without a trace of flesh and blood.

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

Yang Lingyun and Peng Jiangyun

Yang Xiaoyun said while shedding tears:

"We don't know what to do with her like this, she's still carrying a baby!" His husband Peng Jiangping could not contact anyone! ”

Oh, yes! In any normal family, when a wife encounters such a situation, the husband has long taken the lead in taking care of his wife, but Peng Jiangping has not been able to contact him at this time. This also upset Yang Lingyun's mother's family.

In the end, there was really no way, and her sister Yang Xiaoyun turned to the local media for help. When the media came to Yang Lingyun's mother's home for an interview, he saw Yang Lingyun lying on the bed and was shocked by the scene in front of him, at this time, Yang Lingyun's whole body was emaciated, with deeply sunken eye sockets, sunken cheeks, and the skin of his hands and feet was loose, completely in a state of skin and bone.

Everyone present wept bitterly. Sister Yang Xiaoyun told media personnel:

"During this time, Yang Lingyun's condition seems to have deteriorated a lot, and he often suffers from unbearable pain!"

Look at the scene in front of you. The media hurriedly contacted the doctor, and the doctor rushed over at the first time, checked Yang Lingyun's condition, and issued an ultimatum:"

You must be sent to the hospital immediately for treatment, otherwise adults and children will be in danger of life


In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

Painful Yang Lingyun

Yang Lingyun endured illness at home for several months before he was sent to the hospital. For Yang Lingyun's situation, the doctor initially suggested that she beat the fetus and receive treatment as soon as possible, and perhaps there was a possibility of cure. But Yang Lingyun still resolutely refused, and her reason was still because her husband Peng Jiangping wanted to have another child.

At this time, Yang Lingyun's situation can no longer wait, and it is necessary to carry out corresponding treatment measures. But here is a problem of responsibility, the doctor and Yang Lingyun's family can not make decisions privately, but must be the first responsible person for the husband to make decisions.

But the Yang family has not been able to contact Peng Jiangping, and occasionally called Peng Jiangping's phone, and Peng Jiangping also seemed very impatient, always hanging up the phone on the pretext of being very busy. They only know that Peng Jiangping works at Changde South Gate.

Why would Peng Jiangping choose to disappear after his wife fell ill, and the contrast between before and after is so great? Unwilling to even give an attitude, they simply chose to escape? In order to understand these problems clearly, her sister Yang Xiaoyun came to Changde with a group of people to find Peng Jiangping, hoping that he could stand up and give an explanation!

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

The group found Yang Lingyun's husband

With the efforts of Yang Xiaoyun and others, through inquiries in the local area, they finally found Peng Jiangping in a factory area in Changde South Gate. Peng Jiangping, who saw Yang Xiaoyun, looked a little flustered, and said that he had been struggling, as if he did not want to face these things, and was still stopped by the people accompanying him. Yang Xiaoyun asked Peng Jiangping:

"Your wife Yang Lingyun is now very ill and needs you to go back and decide what to do with the follow-up." What do you think now, you have to face it? ”

In this regard, Peng Jiangping did not answer positively, but has been pushing away, and he still uses busyness as an excuse to say:

"I have a lot of work to do here and I don't have time to go back!" And I have a child to take care of, and I can't spare any time at all! ”

For the news that his wife was seriously ill, Peng Jiangping did not seem to show a trace of worry or anxiety on his face, but appeared a little impatient under the questioning of Yang Xiaoyun and others. Yang Xiaoyun was very disappointed with this brother-in-law, crying and questioning:

"At the beginning, Ling Yun didn't consult with the family, he chose to be with you, how can I say that you also have certain feelings, and now that she is ill, are you planning to abandon her like this?"

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

Yang Lingyun's sister cried silently

Hearing his sister Yang Xiaoyun say this, Peng Jiangping also seemed to be moved by compassion, but still looking for excuses: "I work in the field, it is not convenient to run back and forth, and now that my son is 11 years old, the cost is also very large, the reason why he works so hard will also be to make more money!" As for why he didn't take care of his wife, he said:

"Just temporarily put your wife in your mother's house to let them help take care of her, not just leave her alone!"

Watching Peng Jiangping constantly find excuses to shirk, everyone present had a little disgust for the man in front of him, and one of them couldn't look at it anymore, so he said directly to her: "Now your wife's situation is very dangerous, but the fetus is very healthy, and now the hospital needs you to go back and make a decision, and then you know what to do after that!" Can you be like a man, give an attitude, don't run away all the time! ”

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

Husband Peng Jiangping saw his sister behind him

When Peng Jiangping heard this, his face looked a little ugly, and he was silent for a while before he said:

"I don't know what to do with it now, my current situation, even if I give birth to a child, I don't have time to take it with me, and I don't have the money to raise it!"

Between the lines, she was still shirking her responsibility, and I really didn't know what kind of mood Yang Lingyun would feel if she heard her beloved husband say such a thing!

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

The doctor diagnosed Yang Lingyun

Yang Xiaoyun, the sister on the side, heard these words, her heart was no longer a taste, and she felt worthless for her sister. Remembering her sister lying on the hospital bed, she covered her face again and cried. After that, Peng Jiangping's words completely angered Yang Xiaoyun. Peng Jiangping said:

"Now that she's not due date, the baby can still be removed!"

It turned out that in Peng Jiangping's heart, he had already made the decision not to have children, and obviously for his terminally ill wife, he had also chosen to give up.

But what's really infuriating is that. This child is Yang Lingyun who gave up treatment and wants to give birth, she thinks that the crystallization of the love between the two when she is a child, she wants to leave a thought for Peng Jiangping. Unexpectedly, Yang Lingyun's painstaking efforts have now become a burden in the eyes of her husband Peng Jiangping. Yang Xiaoyun could no longer bear the anger in his heart, and he said to him angrily:

"When you say something like that, are you still a man?" This child is also your own flesh and blood, how can you say such a thing? My sister was really blind! ”

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

Yang Lingyun underwent a maternity examination

Everyone present also understood at this moment that the man in front of him had already made a decision in his heart, that is, to abandon his wife and children.

But at that time, the hospital said it needed Peng Jiangping to go back and make a decision before taking corresponding measures.

So the crowd asked Peng Jiangping to return to Shaodong with them, visit his wife Yang Lingyun, and then make a final decision. But Peng Jiangping still shirked it with his own work, and then hurried away.

In the face of such a man, the group of people who returned to Shaodong were deeply unworthy of Yang Lingyun, and they told Yang Lingyun about the trip to Changde to see Peng Jiangping. However, Yang Lingyun's answer surprised everyone, and yang Lingyun said this about her husband Peng Jiangping's reluctance to come back:

"The reason why he didn't come back, he should have his own grievances, and I understand him very well!"

Speaking of her relationship with her husband Peng Jiangping, she also said:

I found my own happiness! Found your true love! ”

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

Yang Lingyun has always believed in her husband

Hearing Yang Ling's attitude toward her husband Peng Jiangping, the reporter just felt that the woman on the hospital bed was pitiful and sad. As a husband, when his wife fell ill, he chose to flee for the first time, which is the true love that Yang Lingyun said in his mouth.

And Peng Jiangping's explanation of "no money and no time" is just a reluctance to take on the responsibility of being a husband. However, Yang Lingyun seemed to be completely invisible to this, and even when his sister Yang Xiaoyun complained about Peng Jiangping, he said that he had his own grievances.

In the hospital, Yang Lingyun's condition deteriorated again, and the doctor even issued a critical illness notice, at this time, if the family does not make a decision, the consequences are unimaginable, and in the end, adults and children can not save one! For this reason, the media and his family contacted Peng Jiangping again, and tried to persuade each other, saying that they only wanted him to sign a letter at the hospital, and finally Peng Jiangping came to the hospital.

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

When she arrived at the hospital, her husband still wanted Yang Lingyun to give up her child

Perhaps knowing that Yang Lingyun's time was running out, as soon as Peng Jiangping arrived at the hospital, he took out the wedding rings of the two and brought them to Yang Lingyun. At that moment, Yang Lingyun once again forgave her husband for everything she had done before, and she still thought that she was worth it!

However, soon Peng Jiangping said his true thoughts in his heart, completely breaking Yang Lingyun's fantasy of this so-called true love. He said to her:

"The child is still not wanted, even if it is born, I can't take on this responsibility."

After this, Peng Jiangping did nothing, refused to take responsibility for himself, and left the hospital under the pretext of using the toilet.

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

The husband tried to sneak out of the hospital many times

At this time, it was only more than ten days before the due date, Yang Lingyun insisted on enduring the torture of illness for several months, just to survive until the due date to give birth to the two children, but she did not expect her husband to say such a thing to himself at the last moment!

At that moment, Yang Lingyun was left with tears of remorse, and she knew that she had paid by mistake after all

。 Yang Lingyun, who was eventually critically ill, insisted on giving birth to a child, and with the efforts of doctors, he finally gave birth to a healthy child after half a month.

At this time, she decided to give birth to a child, no longer for Peng Jiangping, but out of responsibility as a mother.

10 days after the birth of the child, Yang Lingyun died with regret, and Peng Jiangping never appeared again at the last moment.

After that, the child was raised by her sister Yang Xiaoyun's family.

In 2016, pregnant women with cancer gave up chemotherapy and sacrificed their lives to save their fetuses, and their husbands slipped away: adults and children do not want it

Husband ran away....

Some people said: "This is Yang Lingyun's irresponsible practice, knowing that no one raises children and is still born!" "But mother under the heavens, who can ruthlessly give up their own flesh and blood?"

Without the suffering of others, do not persuade others to be kind, not to mention that Yang Lingyun did not have any fault. To say wrong, what is wrong is her mispaid affection; what is wrong is Peng Jiangping's lack of responsibility. For Peng Jiangping, it is more of a condemnation, it is not easy for people, but since they have chosen to form a family, they should assume their responsibilities as a husband, rather than running away when they encounter problems.

Someone said: "We are on the stage that we do not choose, the interpretation is not the script we choose, all we can do is to do our best to act our own script." 」 "In the future life, I also hope that everyone can be a person who is responsible for his family, a person who is responsible for his family, and must also be a person who is responsible for the country." May there be no such story in the world, and I will encourage you with the King!

If you were the husband in this story, would you support your wife to give up chemotherapy and give birth to a child? Will you take good care of her until the end of her life?

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