
Dry! The most complete baby development schedule in history, check to see if your baby "meets the standard"?

Every day from the beginning of the baby's birth can be described as "changing one by one day".

Every change in the baby makes parents happy, but in the process of raising the baby, parents will also encounter a lot of questions and anxieties.

Dry! The most complete baby development schedule in history, check to see if your baby "meets the standard"?

Many novice parents are not very clear about the baby's development rules, do not know what the baby's development rules are like, and do not know when the baby learns to crawl and when to learn to stand. For novice parents, only by clearly knowing the baby's development rules can they clearly understand whether the baby is lagging behind in the process of growth.

Let's take a look at how babies from 1 to 12 months old develop.

Dry! The most complete baby development schedule in history, check to see if your baby "meets the standard"?

1 month old

1 big action: Babies under one month old can control their head movements, and their limbs can also bend on their own.

2 Fine movements: The movements of a one-month-old baby are still not very coordinated, and they often make the movement of holding the hand tightly.

3 Language ability: the baby will cry, but also make some laughter, when someone communicates with the baby, the baby's eyes will also look at each other, at this time the baby will also carefully listen to the voice of others.

4 Cognitive ability: At this time, the baby has a certain ability to react to the sound, and will turn back to the place where the sound is emitted.

Dry! The most complete baby development schedule in history, check to see if your baby "meets the standard"?

2 months old

1 big action: At this stage, the baby's limbs will be in a more relaxed stage, and the baby will slightly raise his head when he lies flat.

2 Fine movements: At this stage, the baby's fingers will no longer clench their fists, he will start to grab the toy, and he will also grab the adult's fingers.

3 Language ability: can make a "grunting" sound, and can also make eye contact with others.

4 Cognitive ability: At this stage, for other people's amusement and laughter, the baby will also respond to the smile, and we will find that the baby's facial expression has increased significantly at this time.

Dry! The most complete baby development schedule in history, check to see if your baby "meets the standard"?

3 months old

1 big action: At this time, the baby's movements have also become more, and he can change from lying on his back to lying on his side, and he can also look up at 45 degrees when lying on his stomach.

2 Fine movements: The baby's two small hands can be crossed and held together, and they can also make a grasping action together.

3 Language ability: The baby can make a babbling sound at this time, and if you look closely, you can still hear the baby's laughter.

4 Cognitive ability: At this time, the baby is very fond of laughing, and when he sees people, he will laugh and begin to observe the sounds around him.

Dry! The most complete baby development schedule in history, check to see if your baby "meets the standard"?

4 months old

1 big action: At this time, the baby will turn over on his own, and he can control his head very well, and if he is lying on his stomach, he will also use his arms to support his body.

2 Fine movements: The baby will reach out to grab the toy and shake the toy.

3 Language ability: The baby will look for the source of the sound at this time according to the place where the sound is emitted.

4 Cognitive ability: At this time, the baby will laugh and express what he wants through body movements.

5 months of age

1 big action: At this time, if the parents go to support the baby's arm, they will find that the baby can already stand up straight with the assistance of the parents, and the baby will lean forward when sitting alone, and he will not be able to sit very straight.

2 fine movements: the baby can hold the toy with both hands at this time, and for the hanging things, the baby can also make the action of reaching out to take it.

3 Language ability: The baby can make monosyllabic syllables at this stage, and will also observe the mouth of others when they are speaking.

4 Cognitive ability: The baby can already distinguish different sounds, and use the sound to distinguish whether the other party is a stranger or a familiar person.

Dry! The most complete baby development schedule in history, check to see if your baby "meets the standard"?

6 months old

1 Big move: you can turn over on both sides and sit up on your own.

2 Fine movements: You can easily reach out and grab some items.

3 Language skills: Babies will try to make some sounds vaguely.

4 Cognitive abilities: Babies will begin to imitate the expressions and voices of adults speaking.

7 months of age

1 Big move: The baby can easily turn over and start trying to stand up on his own.

2 Fine movements: You can pass the toy of your left hand to your right hand.

3 Language ability: The baby will make some sounds, and the size of the sound can also be controlled by himself.

4 Cognitive ability: The baby can distinguish his own name clearly, and he will turn his head when others call him by name.

Dry! The most complete baby development schedule in history, check to see if your baby "meets the standard"?

8 months old

1 big action: At this time, the baby can sit up on his own, he can also lie down slowly, and if he supports the wall, he can also stand on his own.

2 Fine movements: Babies clap their hands when they encounter something happy.

3 Language ability: can imitate the voice of adults, but also talk to themselves to make some tones.

4 Cognitive ability: Have a certain perception of adults' expressions and behaviors, and also have a certain cognitive ability for the things around them.

Dry! The most complete baby development schedule in history, check to see if your baby "meets the standard"?

9 months old

1 big action: At this time, the baby will start to crawl, and will also grasp things to stand up slowly, and in the absence of other supports, you can also stand independently for a while.

2 Fine movements: The baby will use his thumb and index finger to pick up some small things on the ground, and he will also grasp the food he likes with his hands.

3 Language ability: the baby can make some vague sounds, at this time some children can even shout "Mom and Dad"

4 Cognitive ability: The baby understands that everything is different, and will react accordingly to others calling their names.

Dry! The most complete baby development schedule in history, check to see if your baby "meets the standard"?

10 months old

1 Big Move: The baby can already stand alone for a period of time.

2 Fine movements: Your baby's thumb and index finger are already skilled, and they can also grab the bottle and drink milk by themselves.

3 Language ability: The baby will have less vocabulary, and will generally use a word to express his meaning.

4 Cognitive ability; can imitate the hand movements of adults.

Dry! The most complete baby development schedule in history, check to see if your baby "meets the standard"?

11 months old

1 big action: The baby may hold on to the railing at this time and want to climb the steps.

2 Fine movements: Like to pinch things with their fingers.

3 Language skills; babies can consciously utter some words.

4 Cognitive ability: Gradually can understand some of the instructions issued by adults.

12 months old

1 big action: not only can crawl but also climb the stairs by yourself, and even walk independently.

2 Fine movements: you can accurately grab the toy, and you will also use your index finger to point to things.

Dry! The most complete baby development schedule in history, check to see if your baby "meets the standard"?

3 Language Skills: You can say the name of the item

4 Cognitive ability: can accurately express their likes and dislikes to the things around them.

New parents who want to know how their child is progressing can gain a deeper understanding of their baby against our development schedule above. The development of each baby is also different, there are also differences between individuals, and the baby's development process cannot be judged by a single indicator.

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