
Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

The professor found that in the background message, most netizens will encounter some problems more or less in terms of buying a car or using a car. For example, how strong are the offers? What is the quality of so-and-so's car? Does it have a sense of luxury when it opens? Worth it or not to buy and so on.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

Then the column "Professor Q&A" is also specially set up for netizens to answer the questions in their hearts, and the professor will regularly extract some messages to answer, and welcome everyone present to leave a message at the bottom of the article.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

It seems that this netizen was frightened by the recent news of various price increases. Indeed, in recent times, oil prices have soared, and 92-label gasoline has officially entered the 8 yuan mark, and even about to reach the 9-figure head.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

But, but when you want to turn around and embrace new energy, sorry little brother is worth hundreds of millions of points, please think twice and buy!

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

This feeling of not being on the shore at both ends is really frustrating, but is it really worth buying an electric car while the price of the electric vehicle is still stable?

-- Specific analysis of specific situations

Everyone must not be carried away by various price increases, after all, the current electric car is really not cheap, the most afraid of the kind of not only tens of thousands of dollars spent out, but also raise a father.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

After all, it is still a pure electric vehicle, endurance and supply problems need to be paid attention to, if there is no condition to install charging piles at home, then the benefits brought to you by electric vehicles are actually not particularly high, and even cause trouble. Because even in the state of fast charging, charging a charge for 1-2 hours can not run away, this rhythm of finding a place to charge every day will easily disrupt the rhythm of our lives.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

Secondly, if you commute 100 kilometers back and forth every day, or if you often need to run long-distance users, then under the constraint of endurance and supply efficiency, pure electric vehicles are a burden.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

Therefore, it is still necessary to analyze according to their own car use scenarios, if every day is a short commute, and the home can install electric piles or users with good charging facilities nearby, then there is no doubt that electric vehicles will be more preferred, and vice versa.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

Recently, due to the rise in the price of raw materials and the decline of subsidies, the prices of most new energy vehicles have been raised to varying degrees. However, some netizens found that in a third-party platform, they can buy the polar star 2 single motor version for 190,000 yuan, which is equivalent to about 30% off.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

The price after this calculation is cheaper than tesla model 3, and it is a pure electric luxury brand, which is quite fragrant, but what to pay attention to?

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

The price is cheap, but it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in the process of communication, it is necessary to pay a certain amount of deposit to see the car as much as possible, after all, this commonly used routine is the pit money trick used by car dealers in some places, which is basically gone.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

Secondly, it should be noted that although the introduction shows that it is a "brand new car, not licensed", it is very likely to belong to the inventory car, so it is best to understand the condition of the vehicle with the seller before looking at the car, see if you can accept it, and then go to see the car.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

The netizen also did not shyly tell the professor that the domestic car has been driving for a long time and wants to try not to joint venture cars, but considering the current oil price problem and indicator problems, he wants to buy a joint venture plug-in mixed car of about 200,000 yuan.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

About 200,000 yuan to buy a joint venture plug-in mixed car is indeed a bit difficult, after all, the plug-in model is born with a large battery, the cost of the battery and the cost of driving the motor are expensive, so that the current joint venture plug-in and mixed models are basically maintained at a price of about 250,000 to start.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

But there will be a case where there is still a joint venture plug-in model, its starting price is just stuck at about 20 yuan, and the car has a discount of nearly 10,000 yuan in some areas, yes, it is Ford Ruiji New Energy.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

The personal evaluation of this car is that it is balanced but not particularly outstanding. The car is equipped with a hybrid combination of 1.5T+ drive motors, with a maximum engine power of 170Ps and a maximum power of 96 kW for the drive motor. What impressed me most about its plug-in and mixing system was that in the fully charged state, its speed-up ability was very soft and powerful, and it was a pure tram interior.

Oil prices soared and tram prices rose PoleStar 2 but 30% off! Can you buy it for 190,000?

Once in a state of power loss, it has a certain sense of separation, but even so, its starting action is still performed by the drive motor, with a good light pleasure acceleration experience, if you can accept that it is slightly tight in the middle and high speed section of the power performance, then it will be a joint venture mixed SUV, more cost-effective car.

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