
How much weight gain during pregnancy is good for the fetus? Just do the math with this formula

I believe that many pregnant mothers are urged by their families to eat a variety of foods during pregnancy, thinking that eating more fetal babies can grow well, but in fact, whether the fetus is healthy or not is related to the pregnant mothers eating more and eating less, but this is not a decisive factor. Sometimes, pregnant mothers eat too much too well, but it is not a good thing for the development of the fetus, which will not only increase the difficulty of childbirth, but also affect the health of the fetus.

How much weight gain during pregnancy is good for the fetus? Just do the math with this formula

First of all, for pregnant mothers, weight gain is too fast, easy to produce some pregnancy complications, such as gestational diabetes, hypertension and other risks, and even affect the postpartum body shape recovery, increasing the probability of breastfeeding failure.

For babies, due to excessive absorption of nutrients in the fetus, it may become a huge child, affect the development of cognition, and even cause the risk of suffocation and death in newborns.

Of course, it is not possible to grow too low in weight during pregnancy, and the baby cannot absorb the nutrients in the fetus, which is easy to produce the risk of low-weight children, resulting in a weakened resistance after the baby is born, and it is easy to get sick.

Therefore, scientific management of pregnancy weight can allow the normal growth and development of the fetus and baby, and reduce the risk of pregnancy complications of pregnant mothers. In the long run, it will help the baby's physical development and cognitive development, help the mother produce high-quality breast milk, and promote the rapid recovery of the postpartum body.

How much weight gain during pregnancy is good for the fetus? Just do the math with this formula

So how much weight should I gain during pregnancy? At what rate is gaining weight good for the fetus?

Weight gain during pregnancy is related to the obesity and thinness of pregnant women before pregnancy, and this important indicator reflects the degree of fat and thinness of the human body, we can use the BMI as a height body mass index to measure the judgment, that is, BMI = weight (kg) / height (m) square.

For example, if a pregnant woman's height before pregnancy is 1.6 meters and her weight is 50KG, her BMI is 50/1.6 = 19.53, which belongs to the standard range.

After calculating her own BMI, pregnant mothers can control their weight gain within the recommended range of BMI. Generally in the first trimester, it is recommended to increase weight by about 0.5 kg per month, and the weight gain at this stage is not obvious, and some even do not increase or decrease.

The second trimester is the most comfortable period for expectant mothers, when the appetite begins to improve, and the weight gradually and steadily increases with the rapid development of the baby. This stage is a critical period for controlling weight gain, and pregnant mothers are recommended to gain about 1.5-1.8 kg per month.

The third trimester is a period of rapid weight growth for expectant mothers, so weight management in this period has entered a "severe stage", it is recommended to control the weekly weight gain at about 0.5 kg, and to maintain a uniform rate of increase.

To put it simply, the expectant mother's weight during pregnancy can be controlled within 12 kg, and the maximum is not more than 15 kg. Each expectant mother can develop a pregnancy weight monitoring management table for herself according to her own BMI value, and control her weight at any time. To clarify the goals of weight management during pregnancy, the most important thing is to ensure the nutrition and health of the mother and baby, and secondly, to ensure that the weight gain is within a reasonable range.

How much weight gain during pregnancy is good for the fetus? Just do the math with this formula

It is important to manage the body during pregnancy to achieve these three points: balanced diet, moderate exercise, and develop a good lifestyle.

Balanced meals

Minimize the "three high" foods, that is, high-calorie, high-fat, high-sugar food intake, you can eat more fish, shrimp, lean meat and other high-quality proteins, while controlling the intake of staple foods, thickness and fine collocation, meat and vegetarian combination, to ensure calcium, iron, vitamins, DHA and other key nutrient intake. Monitor your weight weekly and adjust your diet at any time if you gain weight.

Exercise in moderation

Moderate exercise can maintain benign weight growth during pregnancy, and healthy pregnant mothers try to ensure no less than 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day, such as brisk walking, walking, swimming, gymnastics during pregnancy, yoga, etc. Pregnant mothers can also exercise in combination with the housework in life, which can not only control the weight, but also relax the mood.

Good lifestyle

During pregnancy, you should maintain a good lifestyle and maintain a happy mood, so that you can easily conceive a healthy baby. Try to avoid staying up late, maintain the regularity of life, and keep an optimistic and cheerful mood at the same time. According to studies, depression during pregnancy is related to weight gain during pregnancy, which requires pregnant mothers to maintain a calm mood, avoid emotional tension, and prevent depression during pregnancy.

How much weight gain during pregnancy is good for the fetus? Just do the math with this formula

Pregnant mothers must not think that managing the weight during pregnancy, just to look good and raise their eyes, in fact, more for their own and the health of the fetus, so control the mouth, open the legs, is also suitable for every beautiful pregnant mother.

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