
Unsightly newborns? Parents don't give up, these parts will look better when they grow up

Why does my baby look so ugly? A mother who has just given birth to a baby can't help but ask her mother-in-law! This question actually made the mother-in-law happy, and her daughter-in-law was very real and simple like a child.

In fact, every newborn is not very good-looking when they are just born, because they have been soaking in amniotic fluid for too long, just like our human skin has been soaked in water for a long time, will it also wrinkle?

Unsightly newborns? Parents don't give up, these parts will look better when they grow up

In addition, the little guys are too small, they have not yet unfolded it, coupled with the body spare tire index wrapped naturally, it is not good to look at.

But you can rest assured, once these babies grow open, they will soon become the baby that the mother sees in the picture, white and fat is very attractive, of course, some children are still typical handsome and beautiful women. If you want to distinguish this type of baby, mothers can infer from the five features of the newborn, and it is very responsible to tell you that the uglier these places, the better the baby will look in the future.

First, the size of the face

Some babies are born with a much smaller face than their shoulders. At first glance, we don't think how good the small-faced baby is, plus the wrinkled ones don't grow up, but most of these children will not grow up with a bad face shape.

Unsightly newborns? Parents don't give up, these parts will look better when they grow up

Second, the ears

Some babies show small face plates after birth, but in fact, this kind of child's face disk is not small, just because she has a flair ear. This kind of beckoning ear is actually very conspicuous. What is the Beckoning Ear? It's the shape of an ear with the ears spread outward.

From the positive point of view, we will not only see a person's facial features, but also see the child's two ears, which will visually appear that a person's face plate is smaller. With the ear, the appearance of the baby who does the blessing will generally not be too bad after adulthood, especially for girls.

Unsightly newborns? Parents don't give up, these parts will look better when they grow up

Third, the legs are long

In any case, the big long legs are definitely a feature that we envy. And there is no distinction between men and women. As long as the long legs are long, thin and straight, it can most likely enhance a person's temperament.

If on this basis, the child's learning is not bad, the appearance is still reasonable, a little dress up, this child will be particularly popular in the future marriage market. But some mothers said, my little baby was just born, how do I know if his legs are not long?

Smart and careful parents can observe the thickness of their newborn's ankles, if the child's ankle bone is relatively thick, it means that the baby's skeleton is relatively large, step back ten thousand steps, it is easy to grow longer thigh bone.

Unsightly newborns? Parents don't give up, these parts will look better when they grow up

Fourth, the forehead

Babies with large foreheads are more likely to be liked, and they are more likely to grow generous in the future. And some children with better skull shapes, usually the overall appearance is not much worse, after all, good-looking people are in the bone is not in the skin.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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