
Another loss of a general! Before the national football competition, 1 more main player was injured, and only 1 person on the left side could be used!

Recently, our national football team has been pushed to the cusp of the storm, the reason is the opening of the "Feng Gong War". The literary and art circle began to pk up with the football circle, and many fans began to coax while watching the hilarity, and finally evolved into a traffic code that scolded the national football team and became a habit of contemporary people. In fact, it is normal for the national football team to kick badly and be scolded, because the national football team is after all his own child, and he hopes that he is good, but he always plays badly, and there must be complaints in his heart, and more complaints will turn into anger, and scolding is also to vent emotions. Of course, there are also some people who do not pay attention to football at all, and when they see the national football team lose, they will also join in the fun and vent, which actually proves that football still has a lot of people paying attention to, which is a hot sport. It can be said that at this stage of the Chinese football environment, no matter what is explained, the results will be scolded, and only when the results are improved and there is a steady rise, will the whole people be able to see it.

Another loss of a general! Before the national football competition, 1 more main player was injured, and only 1 person on the left side could be used!

But real fans also know that it is difficult for this national football team not to be scolded. Because a team wants to create a miracle of performance, in the final analysis, it is still necessary for players to have strength, and at present, the strength of our national football card is basically between the second and third-rate in Asia, coupled with the complex and difficult external environment, in the 12-round competition, it is definitely difficult. The biggest problem of the national football team now is that it is seriously aging and accompanied by a serious talent gap. In recent years, the national football team has not declined too fast and fallen into the 3rd stream in Asia, the main reason is that these veterans are supporting, such as Zheng Zhi in 80 years, Gao Lin in 86 years, Feng Xiaoting in 85 years and so on. They have reached the age of retirement, but they still can't retire, because their strength will drop sharply if they retire from this position. If young players are forced to be used, the results will plummet. That's why Lippi wasn't willing to use young players back then.

Another loss of a general! Before the national football competition, 1 more main player was injured, and only 1 person on the left side could be used!

That is to say, the best way for the national football team to preserve its strength now is to let our old players extend their careers, give young players enough opportunities and playing time, and let them grow up and take over as soon as possible. But now we have a lot of problems, although we have a player like Zheng Zhi who can play until he is in his 40s and can play a certain level in the Chinese Super League, but he is only a special case, most players will decline sharply after the age of 30 and be accompanied by frequent injuries. Sometimes this situation will happen, you know that he has the strength, he can help the national football team, but at the critical moment he is injured, you can't use it, and there is no one else available.

Another loss of a general! Before the national football competition, 1 more main player was injured, and only 1 person on the left side could be used!

Recently, the national football team encountered such a dilemma, before the two games after the round of 12, our front line suffered an injury, and the veteran Tan Long was injured in training, which led to only 1 person available in the center position, that is, Zhang Yuning. And Zhang Yuning is actually injured, so in the future two games of the national football team, it will be difficult to expect the national football team to score more goals on the front line. And just when everyone is worried about the problem of the front, the national football team has another position to go wrong, that is, the left guard.

Another loss of a general! Before the national football competition, 1 more main player was injured, and only 1 person on the left side could be used!

As we all know, the most underrepresented position in our national football team is the left guard, which is almost completely broken after Li Xuepeng was injured. The entire Chinese Super League is hard to find a left-back who feels amazing. One of the best players is li lei of the former Beijing Guoan team, who is a desperate sanlang, with his excellent running ability, he can defend and assist, making him the main left defender of the national team. But Li Lei also reached the age of 30, especially in the past 2 years, his injuries have been frequent. In the round of 12, it was because of his injury that the national football team could only use the veteran Wang Shenchao, who played right guard, to barely play, and as a result, he was hit by Jun ito in 2 matches against Japan, which became a breakthrough for conceding the ball.

Another loss of a general! Before the national football competition, 1 more main player was injured, and only 1 person on the left side could be used!

It was hard to look forward to Li Lei's injury recovery and stay in Yang Ruichao's grasshopper team, and at the critical moment when the national team set out to fight, Li Lei was injured again. Just in the early morning of the 19th, grasshopper officially issued an announcement that Li Lei had torn his right adductor muscle in training, and it was expected that he would be injured for 4 weeks, missing the last two matches of the national football round of 12 against Saudi Arabia and Oman. To know that in the absence of Wu Lei, Li Lei is the only overseas player selected, this next one is gone, and what is more embarrassing is that the national football team has been short of major generals, and now it is worse.

Another loss of a general! Before the national football competition, 1 more main player was injured, and only 1 person on the left side could be used!

Of course, many fans will also say, don't worry, Li Lei can't come, we still have players who have played well in the league, that is, Liu Yang of Shandong Taishan. Indeed, Liu Yang is the only player in the national football list who really plays left-back in the league. And Liu Yang has previously been selected for the national team coached by Lippi and started on midfield in the Asian Cup. But we have to know that Liu Yang is actually a striker, his defensive ability is actually average, and he has played the best games in the league, he is playing in the left forward position. Moreover, when Li Xiaopeng warmed up the game, he also arranged him in the left forward position. It can be said that even with Liu Yang, there are still hidden dangers in our left-back position.

Another loss of a general! Before the national football competition, 1 more main player was injured, and only 1 person on the left side could be used!

So the next two games are very difficult for the national football team, but winning or losing is no longer meaningful for the national football team that has been eliminated. But if we want not to be scolded, our players still have to play with spirit, at least to play their own strength not to give up and not to give up. If you try your best, the natural scolding will be much less. What would you think would be like if you were to predict the outcome of these two games? Friends are welcome to discuss together in the comment area!

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