
In the spring, everything recovers, parents should not forget these few things, and the child can grow a long time

Spring is coming, the leaves are growing, and the grass is sprouting. Since it is the season of revival of all things, will the height of our children also increase in this golden season? The answer is yes.

Because of this, it is recommended that parents can put a little effort into the growth and development of their children. Especially in the season from March to May, when children grow fast.

In the spring, everything recovers, parents should not forget these few things, and the child can grow a long time

Step 1: Nutritional balance

In order to make the child grow tall and speak well, we must first pay attention to the child's nutritional intake. A child with a well-rounded nutritional intake, they just want to get a greater advantage over others in height.

Of course, the income of children's nutrition is not a hard child, but to achieve a balanced nutrition. In terms of reasonable diet, we recommend at least 12 kinds of ingredients that are not repeated every day, at least 3-4 kinds of food for breakfast, 5-6 kinds of food for lunch, 4-5 kinds of dinner, plus 1-2 kinds of snacks.

Only in this way can we ensure that the child's nutritional intake is sufficient. On top of this, calcium is the basis for bone growth, so it is also necessary to consume it adequately.

In the spring, everything recovers, parents should not forget these few things, and the child can grow a long time

Two: sleep adequate and of good quality

If parents with two children in the family can focus on it, the child who is particularly snoozing is often more likely to grow taller. And children who are easier to wake up that night have an advantage in height in their feet.

Now that we have entered the spring, we Chinese have an old saying called "spring sleepiness and autumn fatigue", so spring is likely to be a season for children to snooze, and parents must ensure that their children sleep enough.

Since children's growth secretion occurs mostly at night from 10 o'clock to 1 a.m., the second part of growth secretion is mainly concentrated in the early morning from five to seven o'clock.

If we can ensure that the child tries to improve a part of the sleep quality, basically the child can achieve better growth results in the day after tomorrow.

In the spring, everything recovers, parents should not forget these few things, and the child can grow a long time

Three: Exercise can not be less

Today's children have better living conditions, go out in the car, or simply stay at home, but in fact, if you want your child to grow tall, strong, and have good physical immunity, then we still highly recommend that children carry out reasonable exercise.

Those children who have outdoor sports experience generally have a particularly strong digestive ability, that is to say, their absorption of nutrients is relatively good, and they can promote the growth and development of children.

In addition, we recommend taking children to the outdoors, which is the best way for children to supplement vitamin D, do not give children how much vitamin supplementation works.

Finally, in terms of sports, I need to say a few more words, when choosing sports for children, it is better to suggest projects that can promote children to increase their heights.

In the spring, everything recovers, parents should not forget these few things, and the child can grow a long time

For example, skipping rope, swimming, aerobics, horizontal bars, basketball, etc., can be used as the first choice for our children's sports.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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