
As soon as the child comes home, he cries that he is hungry, is it true that he has not eaten enough in kindergarten? (Forward to Parents)

As soon as the child comes home, he cries that he is hungry, is it true that he has not eaten enough in kindergarten? (Forward to Parents)

Many parents will have this kind of trouble: my child will shout "hungry" when he comes home from school after kindergarten, and the first thing he does when he comes home is to turn over the refrigerator, and eat all the fruits and snacks! Some parents also said: Kindergarten has recipes every day, but we can't see what we eat! Every day I asked the teacher about the child's eating, and the teacher said that the food was very good, what is the reason?


New children are especially prone to "hunger"

First of all, children have just entered kindergarten, in a new environment, facing new teachers and unfamiliar children, often feel uneasy and nervous, some children's uneasiness and nervousness will be very strong.

This nervous state of mind will inhibit the appetite of young children to a certain extent. Children show restlessness during meals and eat less. When the teacher asks the child if he wants to add food, the child will say that he has eaten enough, and when the child leaves the new environment of the kindergarten and returns home, the tension and uneasiness are eliminated, and the appetite is also generated, at which time the child feels hungry is normal.


Kindergartens have different diets

Since the diet structure of kindergartens is different from that of children's homes, it takes a while for young children to adapt to this change. At the same time, children are often fed by adults at home, and children eat passively; while kindergartens need to eat themselves, and different feeding methods lead to children 'unwilling to eat'. Of course, there are also some children who have a habit of partial eating at home, and the kindergarten will feed the children who will not eat themselves according to the children's eating situation, or remind the children to add meals many times.


Kindergarten activities are large

Generally, the kindergarten will arrange and separately arrange and separately activities for outdoor activities according to the number of classes of the child, the size of the activity venue, and the age characteristics of the child, and the outdoor activity time shall not be less than 2 hours per day under normal circumstances.


In view of the above three reasons, after the newly enrolled children adapt to kindergarten life, the situation of shouting "hungry" will gradually decrease, but there is still a problem, that is, the children go home and shout "hungry", what kind of dinner should we parents provide?

How should I arrange dinner for my child?

For the child's dinner arrangement, the first thing to consider is the calories, that is, the dinner calories should be higher, accounting for about 40% of the calories of the whole day, eat less high-fat or indigestible foods, improve the quality of dinner can effectively improve people's nutritional status.

Therefore, for children who are thinner and weaker, parents should pay more attention to their children's dinner and use to improve the quality of dinner to improve their children's physique. On the contrary, if the child is overweight or even fat, you should adhere to the principle of "eating less for dinner", but this "less" refers to less calories, not to reduce the number, because the number is less, the child is not full, and it will also affect the quality of sleep at night.

Dinner needs to avoid these few misunderstandings

A. Children should eat meat every day

Vegetarian diets can lead to healthier healthier bodies, and are suitable for people of all ages, even children and pregnant women, when they pay attention to iron, zinc and vitamin B12 supplementation. Of course, you don't have to eat meat at all, and eating it 2-3 times a week is enough.

B. Soup and rice are easy to digest

Some children do not like to eat vegetables, but like to use soup or water to soak rice to eat, so that many rice grains have not been chewed up on the swallowed, is not conducive to digestion and absorption, the child's dietary arrangements should try to do a variety of flowers, meat and vegetarian collocation, coarse and fine grain alternating, to ensure that the daily intake of sufficient amounts of protein, fat, sugar and vitamins, minerals, etc.

C. When dinner is full, you will not be able to sleep

As long as you eat 1 hour before your child goes to bed, it will not affect your child's sleep.

For adults and the elderly, it is right to eat less for dinner, but children and adolescents should be different. Children are in a critical period of growth and development, and both the body and the brain need a lot of nutrients to supplement. The interval between dinner and breakfast the next day will be about 12 hours, although the sleep time is not necessary to supplement food, but the child's development is not stopped, and certain nutrients are also needed at night.

If the child eats too little for dinner, there is no way to meet this demand, and it will affect the child's development for a long time. Therefore, the child's dinner should not only not be eaten less, but also full. Of course, if the child's weight has begun to gain weight, it should reduce the calories at dinner.

D, the child has eaten snacks, dinner does not have to eat

Snacks are just extra meals before dinner, and in the evening, children should also eat a dinner with the whole family to meet the needs of physical growth (snacks or eat less).

Note: If the child is still hungry at night, you can appropriately add 1-2 times to the meal 1 hour before going to bed (that is, supper). Foods to be nutritious, such as milk, bread, a little nuts (peanuts, walnuts, etc.), fruits, etc., avoid giving your child some foods that are too fatty or snacks that contain more salt and sugar.

Other reasons:


This is a normal behavior

First of all, you need to let parents know what time the child eats lunch in the kindergarten and whether there is any additional meal in the afternoon.

Generally, children in the kindergarten at 11:15 a.m. to separate meals, 2:20 p.m. to add meals, fruits, milk, dried fruits, etc. are unlimited, and it is good to go home at night to eat. Food is digested in the stomach for 4 hours, and it is normal to feel hungry when you generally go home, and the same is true for adults.

Every morning lunch is eaten in the kindergarten, and the daily meals are also replaced according to the seasons and nutrition combinations, with rich variety, balanced nutrition, and snacks after getting up. Teachers have kindergarten life experience, and they all treat kindergarten children as their own children, and it is impossible to make them hungry.


Children have poor self-care ability

Now most of the children's eating habits at home are not very good, some must be fed by adults, eating and playing, and even the family runs around the ground to chase and feed, in the kindergarten, the teacher will train the children to eat with their own spoons. Therefore, a child with poor self-care ability will eat less, eat slowly, and see that others have finished eating, he will also say that he has finished eating, and when he returns home, he will be hungry.

Recommendation: Developing good eating habits at home is the basis for children to enter kindergarten. When the child eats at home, parents should consciously exercise the child to eat with a spoon; when the teacher takes the child to eat, he should focus on guiding the child with poor self-care ability, and also feed it appropriately.


The child's physiological characteristics

In fact, it is not that there is not enough to eat, it is because the nature of children is like this! Human instinct, even if the child is not very hungry, sometimes want to eat their favorite snacks will say that they are hungry to satisfy their wishes. Children will be hungry every 4-6 hours, plus the child's activity in the kindergarten is large, consume more, and will be hungry faster. Children generally eat in kindergarten between 4-5 o'clock, and go home at seven or eight o'clock again, which is normal.

Recommendation: Dinner and the next day's breakfast is about 10 hours apart, the child's growth and development will not stop for a moment, the same at night, still need a certain amount of nutrients. Therefore, one hour before the child goes to bed, parents can appropriately add meals to the child, and the meals should be light and easy to digest.

As soon as the child comes home, he cries that he is hungry, is it true that he has not eaten enough in kindergarten? (Forward to Parents)


Children may be picky and partial to eating

If you are not often hungry, it may also be that the child is picky eater, and today's kindergarten meal does not meet the child's taste and eats less. When the child is at home, parents only make the food that the child likes to eat; the kindergarten formulates a recipe with a quantity according to the characteristics of the child, ensuring balanced nutrition, but it does not guarantee that the child likes to eat every dish. Therefore, when picky and partial eaters encounter meals that they do not like to eat, they will not be able to eat enough.

Suggestion: For picky eaters, partial eaters, teachers should communicate with parents in time, remind parents to enrich food types at home, lead by example, give children less snacks, and exercise more; teachers and parents should also take more encouragement and add methods to correct children's picky eating and partial eating habits.


Habitual behavior of the child

Some parents often make food for their children after they go home, the child is very smart, he knows that there will be more delicious food after returning home, so he eats less in kindergarten, eats more after going home, and gradually forms habitual behavior.

Recommendation: In this case, parents can tell their children in advance that dinner will be reduced gradually after returning home, so that children can eat more in kindergarten.

It can be seen from this that as soon as the child comes home, he cries that he is hungry, not necessarily that the child has not eaten enough in the kindergarten, nor is the teacher irresponsible. There are many reasons and different methods, but the only way to share is for teachers and parents to communicate more, trust each other, and escort the healthy growth of children together!

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