
Children's glass heart and thin skin are related to their ability to resist setbacks, and they can't eat when they enter the society later

Children have different natures, different personalities, and different performances, but most children are cute. But there is a type of child, it is very headache, say a word, will be sad wow wow crying, and even tantrums. Don't know you have such a child around you?

Take the child to a friend's house to play, meet a few children who are not very familiar, and several children play together. But after a while, a little girl was crying and looking for her mother, I thought it was my naughty egg that caused trouble, and I rushed over to see.

It turned out that it was really the trouble caused by my children, and after half a day of coaxing, the little girl stopped crying, but she no longer played with this group of children, nestled in her mother's arms, not to mention how wronged.

When things happened suddenly, I didn't have time to ask more, and after I went home and talked to my son, I knew that it was only because of a word that the little girl cried pear blossoms with rain. They were piling up the logs, and my kid said, "Don't put this here, it's a little ugly." The little girl felt that she was ugly, and immediately burst into tears.

This reminds me of the usual dinner with the children of the mother group, there are always a few children, is "thin-skinned", can not say, a sentence to consider for many days, said wrong, the child immediately cried loudly, and some rolled on the ground, as if they had been wronged by heaven.

The child's glass heart and thin skin are in the final analysis, and in the final analysis, the ability to resist frustration is poor

Parenting experts believe that parents should let their children learn to be "thick-skinned" from an early age. Such children are more likely to be favored by others in the future, and the probability of success is higher.

When I was in junior high school, I had a very poor test score, the class teacher told me to go to the office, said me fiercely, and thought, next time I must try to do well!

At that time, with me, there was also the same table, he usually had better grades than me, and this time he did not do well in the exam. The teacher said the same thing about him. After I came back, my table mate told me that I no longer liked the class teacher anymore, nor did I study well, and then I cried loudly.

Later, we took the middle school entrance examination together, I played extraordinary, entered the key high school, but the same table because of poor mood, play abnormal, only into an ordinary high school.

My tablemate, when encountering things, it is easy to give up, can only listen to praise, unwilling to accept criticism, which is the main reason why his later results have not skyrocketed.

You see, in the same face of things, thick-skinned and thin-skinned children, the reactions are different, and the results are very different. In fact, this is related to the individual's ability to resist setbacks.

Thin skin is related to the acquired environment

There is a saying in our hometown: "Thick-skinned, eat enough!" This means that "thick-skinned" children will intervene to fight for opportunities, bravely express themselves, and in many things, they are better. Children with thin skin, or thick skin, are not born and are related to the acquired environment.

Children grow up in the family from an early age, and the influence of parents on children is very large. Often parenting experts say that parents are the mirror of children, how parents say, how to do, children will also follow suit. If parents like to do the following two things, it will ruin their child's ability to resist setbacks.

1. Praise for children's exaggerated words

Encouraging education has once swept the mainstream circle of parenting, and many parents have pursued "exaggerated" parenting, often praising their children, regardless of what the objective facts are, should they be exaggerated?

Usually never criticize children, so that they have a wrong cognition, think that they are "very good", gradually proud, conceited, self-esteem is very strong, encounter a little thing, it is difficult to cross the past, poor ability to resist setbacks.

2. Do not attach importance to setback education

From birth, children have to experience many setbacks, such as hunger, thirst, turning over, looking up, walking, these are all setbacks for children. This is also the best time for parents to educate and guide their children.

For example, when a child begins to learn to use chopsticks, he will not eat if he can't always take them well. Some parents feel that they will be able to eat it later, and now they eat the same with a spoon. Not paying attention to the child's ability training will make him a big difference from his peers, and it is easy to breed the child's rebellious psychology: "Anyway, I will not, just use a spoon, have been using a spoon, what's wrong?" ”

When the child encounters difficulties, the parents hug the child, help it, and spoil it. I feel that even if the child fails, it is nothing, and it is better to grow up. But such an attitude is "harmful" to the child, not "love".

Children who do not carry out setback education when they are young will not face setbacks when they grow up, and when they encounter things, they will either cry their noses, or lose their temper, or even jump off buildings and commit suicide. Is there less of this kind of news we see now? Because of breaking a piece of glass, afraid that parents will be angry and jump off the building; because of the loss of love, do not want to face, suicide, abound, are the reasons why parents have not given their children anti-business cultivation since childhood.

The sooner setback education is conducted, the better

When the child was a child at home, there were parents who spoiled and used to it, and when they got to school, there were teachers in charge. But once you grow up and enter the society, you can't eat. Therefore, it is necessary to educate children about setbacks as soon as possible. How exactly?

First of all, the child encounters difficulties, do not rush to help him, first observe to see, will the child deal with it himself? If the child asks you for help, you can provide solution ideas, but do not directly say what you should do, and slowly exercise the child's ability to face setbacks.

Second, communicate more with your children and cultivate an optimistic personality. Some children are not unable to face setbacks, but as soon as they see difficulties, they frighten themselves and feel that they cannot overcome them.

Therefore, parents should communicate more with their children, see more good things, summarize experience, and use them directly after the next encounter. In this way, the child will become more and more frustrated and courageous, and will not shrink back when encountering difficulties.

Finally, use reverse quotient picture books for advance education. Why use picture books? Because this kind of picture book is systematic, it is used to talk to children, the content is comprehensive, covering all aspects of children's lives. Moreover, no child does not like to listen to stories, and the level of acceptance with children who use stories in picture books to reason with them will be 3-4 times higher than the education of the ear to life!

In the early hours of the morning, mom came to nag:

The golden age of frustration education is the early childhood stage, which is also a critical period for shaping excellent character. As soon as possible, the child's future anti-setback ability is strong, excellent in all aspects, and it is easier to succeed than the average person!

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