
315 pays special attention to: BAIC BJEV is "rotten", and it will be delisted if it enters the risk list of car companies

15 March is International Consumer Rights Day. In 2021, the national consumer and association organization accepted a total of 1044861 consumer complaints, in the commodity complaints, in addition to household electronic appliances, daily goods, clothing, shoes and hats, followed by the automotive industry, from 1991 to now, the automotive industry has been on the list almost every year, and has become a "nail household" of 315. China has maintained the world's first automobile production and sales for 13 consecutive years, but there is such a car company, no shortage of talents nor lack of money, but in the Chinese auto market fell into the "lingering" end, it is on the "rotten" road "soaring" BAIC BJEV.

315 pays special attention to: BAIC BJEV is "rotten", and it will be delisted if it enters the risk list of car companies

The former sales king fell into the "mud"

As early as 2020, BAIC BJEV was the existence of the new energy vehicle market sales champion for seven consecutive years, and the matter of stepping on Tesla to the top is still fresh in my mind. It is reasonable to say that just when everyone thinks that a company with a strong background to endorse the brand and has a good user reputation, BAIC BJEV will make rapid progress in the industry, and the "people" of the three elements of success have problems.

315 pays special attention to: BAIC BJEV is "rotten", and it will be delisted if it enters the risk list of car companies

In the past 2021, BAIC Blue Valley, a listed company of BAIC BJEV, issued an announcement of pre-loss of annual performance in 2021, and the huge loss of up to 4.8 billion yuan to 5.3 billion yuan made industry insiders question the authenticity of its data, and a news item exposed the corruption scandal of BAIC BJEV's relevant departments. On February 8, 2021, the Beijing Court Trial Information Network released the "Criminal Judgment of the First Instance of Xu Feng Accepting Bribes", pointing out that Xu Feng used the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others, and the illegal act of accepting bribes instantly shocked the industry. The corruption sentences of insiders and the accumulation of several years of reputation were not only destroyed, but also explained the reasons behind the dismal sales and huge losses of the years.

Product strength is low, after-sales service has been repeatedly criticized

315 pays special attention to: BAIC BJEV is "rotten", and it will be delisted if it enters the risk list of car companies

In the auto complaint network, the number of complaints about BAIC BJEV reached 289 cases, and the most problematic problems were mainly concentrated in power battery failures, while frequent power battery and charging failures were very dangerous. On August 27, 2020, a BAIC BJEV EU5 spontaneously combusted in the charging station, and another type of EU5 on the streets of Changsha also spontaneously combusted on the same day; in November of the same year, a BAIC BJEV EX360 spontaneously combusted in the parking lot of Jiangxi Pingxiang High-speed Railway Station, and the car has been burned to rubble after the firefighters arrived to implement firefighting...

315 pays special attention to: BAIC BJEV is "rotten", and it will be delisted if it enters the risk list of car companies

And BAIC BJEV avoids talking about the spontaneous combustion incident, or replies that it is not caused by quality problems, "swinging" and bad attitude make many car owners angry, and the manufacturer's way of handling it is undoubtedly self-destructive. Perhaps under the pressure of public opinion, or perhaps affected by the intervention of the State Administration for Market Regulation, BAIC BJEV announced the recall of EX360 and EU400 pure electric vehicles on March 23, 2021, a total of 31963 vehicles. The reason for the recall is the consistency difference of the power battery system of some vehicles, and the long-term continuous and frequent fast charging in a high temperature environment may lead to the deterioration of the performance of individual single battery cells, and in extreme cases, it will cause occasional failures, causing the risk of power battery fire, and there are potential safety hazards.

The recall of BAIC BJEV is not voluntary, if the State Administration for Market Supervision and Administration did not include BAIC BJEV in the investigation list, then the recall will not be launched, and spontaneous combustion incidents will also occur in an endless stream.

Can BAIC BJEV's "life-saving straw" turn the tide

ARCFOX Jihu brand is regarded as BAIC BJEV's "life-saving straw", spending a lot of money to build The Jihu, Magna, Huawei and other top resources as a blessing, the sales performance in 2021 is a big disappointment, the cumulative sales volume of the whole year is only 4993 vehicles, which is far from the company's annual sales target of 12,000 vehicles set at the beginning of the year. Through the transformation of high-end brands, if you want to extinguish the "fire" of BAIC BJEV, Jihu cannot get the recognition of consumers, and the future of BAIC BJEV is also in jeopardy.

315 pays special attention to: BAIC BJEV is "rotten", and it will be delisted if it enters the risk list of car companies

One step wrong, step by step wrong, if the quality of BAIC BJEV's products can withstand the test, the endurance winter waist chop, the brake automatic shutdown and battery life attenuation and other issues can be effectively solved, then the entire brand power will not decline rapidly. As a listed company of BAIC New Energy, BAIC Blue Valley has lost more than 10 billion yuan in two years, which means that if there is no substantial change in the performance of BAIC Blue Valley in 2022, it may face an ST (delisting) warning.

Auto Network Review: For the Chinese automobile market with more than one billion yuan, as long as the products of a car company are not shoddy, there are always consumers willing to pay for it, and today's BAIC BJEV has long been full of holes. It just verifies the phrase "young and strong do not work hard, the old man is sad", not at any time, the lack of creativity of BAIC does not have a strong technology and brand as a support, the corruption of senior leaders, inaction, so that the brand has been stagnant. BAIC BJEV is sad and deplorable.

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