
Definitely! Once the child's epiphyseal line is closed, the height will grow and it will certainly not grow any longer

Backstage every day to receive a lot of parents and children's private messages, boys eighteen and nineteen, girls sixteen seven, ask can not grow taller, even if it is 2 centimeters longer is satisfied.

Definitely! Once the child's epiphyseal line is closed, the height will grow and it will certainly not grow any longer

It is safe to say that once the child's epiphyseal line is closed, it must not be longer.

I often say that growing tall is a one-way line, once it is long, it is tall or short, there is no chance of flop in this life, and some things, once the point in time, is irreversible.

Definitely! Once the child's epiphyseal line is closed, the height will grow and it will certainly not grow any longer

So why do I repeatedly emphasize to parents that if there are certain requirements for the height of the child, if the child will be engaged in the future, such as art students, the army, models and other occupations that have strict requirements for height, we must pay attention to the height of the child as soon as possible.

Some parents have taken bone age films for their children, sent over an assessment, it is already adult bone age, boys over 16 years old, girls over 15 years old, I will clearly give parents and children, there is no space.

Some parents will say that we have seen some propaganda that the epiphyseal line can be reopened after closing, and the child can grow taller, which is definitely unscientific, if the epiphyseal line is closed and can grow taller, then there is no short person in our country.

According to the latest release of the average height of adults in our country, the average height of Chinese men aged 18-44 is 169.7, and the average height of Chinese women is 158, which shows that there are many people in our country who have not reached the average height.

Definitely! Once the child's epiphyseal line is closed, the height will grow and it will certainly not grow any longer

Some parents say that our neighbor or a child I know, seventeen or eighteen, twenty years old is still growing, then the child may not have his epiphyseal line closed, we refer to the standard must be bone age.

A bone age piece, as long as the epiphyseal line is closed, must not be longer.

So if the epiphyseal line is closed, what is the way to make the child 1-2 cm taller?

The advice I gave was to make a 1-2 cm change in height through exercises such as stretching, suspension, yoga, etc., but the space for this change is very limited, stretching the intervertebral space between the spine, not the length of the leg bones.

If you don't insist on stretching and other exercises, the intervertebral space of the spine is back, and the height is back to its original shape, so you need to insist on exercise.

Definitely! Once the child's epiphyseal line is closed, the height will grow and it will certainly not grow any longer

As for bone augmentation, in my opinion, the risk is extremely high, and it is not recommended at all, but there are also children who are willing to try in order to grow tall, and many times perhaps parents do not care about height, but children care.

Instead of considering that the epiphyseal line is closed and growing tall, it is better to make a little effort when the child has a large amount of space to grow, and sometimes parents change their concepts, and the child has the opportunity to grow taller.

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