
Boys and girls "bone age cap" is not the same, height management "trilogy", so that growing taller is more scientific

Society's emphasis on the height of adults has led many parents to regard the growth and development of their children as a major event, of which height is the most important.

Some parents are also a habitual laissez-faire attitude, thinking that "there are seedlings that do not worry about growing", "twenty-three jumps and jumps", "planting melons to get melons, planting beans to get beans" and other attitudes, until the child reaches adolescence, only to realize that its height is obviously not as high as its peers, regret is late, the following first look at a group of 2022 children's height standards comparison table.

Boys and girls "bone age cap" is not the same, height management "trilogy", so that growing taller is more scientific
Boys and girls "bone age cap" is not the same, height management "trilogy", so that growing taller is more scientific

What determines a child's height?

Seven points of destiny, three points of nurturing, genetics accounted for 70%-80% of the child's lifelong high factors, acquired environmental factors accounted for about 20%-30%, the so-called "planting melons to get melons, planting beans to get beans" is just the negative psychology of some parents.

Because scientific management of height can also help children play a good role in the acquired environmental factors of "three points" and obtain the ideal adult lifelong height.

Boys and girls "bone age cap" is not the same, height management "trilogy", so that growing taller is more scientific

The child's height increases regularly

Don't be happy if your child's height grows too fast, and don't worry too much about growing too slowly, because there is a certain regularity in the growth of children's height, and the first thing parents have to do is to grasp these laws.

The height of children before puberty: mainly regulated by thyroid hormones and growth hormones. Newborn babies are generally about 50cm long, with a height of 25cm in the first year of life and 10-12cm in the second year. After that, the child's height growth will slow down, and after the age of 2, the height will increase by about 5-7cm/year.

The height of the child during puberty: with the activation of the gonadal axis, the level of sex hormones increases, and together with the first two hormones, it participates in the regulation of the child's height. The height of children in adolescence will usher in a second peak during this period, with height increasing by about 7-10cm per year. Throughout puberty, boys' height increased by about 28 cm and girls' height by about 25 cm.

Boys and girls "bone age cap" is not the same, height management "trilogy", so that growing taller is more scientific

Children grow tall and vigilant in precocious puberty

Compared with the above child height growth law, if the child's height growth is too fast or too slow, parents should pay attention to it.

Because when the child has precocious puberty, there will be a situation of accelerated height and early closure of the epiphysis, which will lose the child's lifelong height, and the phenomenon of "tall children" and "short adults" in life will appear.

Once this situation is found, parents should take their children to the children's health clinic in time, and a professional doctor will help determine whether the child's height increase is reasonable.

Boys and girls "bone age cap" is not the same, height management "trilogy", so that growing taller is more scientific

Height management, to raise the child's spleen, kidneys

Spleen: For the foundation of the acquired nature, the source of qi and blood biochemistry, in the body of the muscles, its internal organs, solid limbs.

Kidney: for the innate basis, the main bone to produce the marrow, to promote human growth and development reproduction;

If the spleen and kidneys of children are insufficient, they are prone to spleen deficiency and kidney deficiency before the age of 6, which leads to stunted development in children. Therefore, the child's height management also needs to raise the spleen and kidneys, according to the characteristics of the child's disease, through the healthy spleen and kidneys to help the child's development.

Children's height management, in addition to traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the spleen and kidneys, to know the child's growth and development rules, but also need to understand the concept of children's bone age.

Boys and girls "bone age cap" is not the same, height management "trilogy", so that growing taller is more scientific

What is bone age?

When it comes to the age of their children's bones, many parents are not clear. Height stop growth is not to look at the age but to look at the age of the bone, the age of the child's height stop is very large, some children are not long at the age of twelve or thirteen, and some children can even grow up at the age of 20.

But for the children, their bone age is the same, boys grow to 16 years old is basically not long, girls are 14 years old and the height is basically capped.

Boys and girls "bone age cap" is not the same, height management "trilogy", so that growing taller is more scientific

Child Height Management "Trilogy"

Height management, which makes growing taller, is equivalent to health management, because height is one of the health indicators.

A step: determine the child's desired height;

Parents should first clarify the expected height of the child, and the height management of the child is the same as health management, and first of all, a management goal should be clarified. Of course, this goal should be combined with the actual situation of heredity, not the father and mother are very short, but expect the child to exceed the genetic influence by 70%.

Boys and girls "bone age cap" is not the same, height management "trilogy", so that growing taller is more scientific

Two-step: personalized height evaluation;

In fact, it is necessary to conduct a personalized assessment of the child's height to determine whether the desired height in the first part can be achieved, including the following aspects.

Evaluate the current body level, normal height is divided into 7 large grades, from low to high are 3 points, 10 points, 25 points, K3 points, 75 points, 90 points, 97 points, according to age, gender evaluation of children's current height;

Evaluate the height of adults corresponding to the current height and the gap between them and their previous height, the greater the gap, the greater the difficulty of achieving the goal, evaluate the genetic height, analyze whether the genetic potential of the child's height is well played, and whether there is a risk of early growth or growth;

To evaluate the rate of height growth, each child has a different rate of height and weight gain at each stage, and if it is not in the normal range, consider whether there is a risk of disease.

Boys and girls "bone age cap" is not the same, height management "trilogy", so that growing taller is more scientific

Trilogy: scientific height management;

Diet on management

1. Guarantee to eat a good breakfast

2. Eat less snacks, drink light drinks, and control sugar intake

3. School-age children who pay attention to outdoor activities refer to children aged 6 to 12 who enter the primary school stage. Their ability to move independently is gradually increasing, and they are receptive to most of the adult diet.

This part of the children, in terms of diet, is often mistaken by parents as adults, in fact, they should still get a variety of care and care.

Children should eat all kinds of food reasonably and achieve a balanced diet, and the amount of food for boys is not lower than that of their fathers, and the amount of food for girls is not lower than that of their mothers. Children should be fed and well eaten three meals a day, especially breakfast should be eaten well, and the amount of food should be equivalent to one-third of the daily amount.

Boys and girls "bone age cap" is not the same, height management "trilogy", so that growing taller is more scientific

Athletic management

1. Maintain proper exercise

2. Do not do weight-bearing exercises

3. Do more high touch exercises

Exercise is not only conducive to the child's physical health, but also conducive to the child's weight and height management, let the child maintain 40 minutes -1 hour of moderate intensity exercise every day.

Do less weight-bearing exercises, such as weightlifting, dumbbells and other sports, and do more touching sports, such as basketball, jumping sports, etc. The specific exercise method can be determined according to the child's preferences and physical condition.

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