
Big S remarried after three months of divorce, and after reading the comments section, I realized a heart-wrenching truth

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Big S remarried after three months of divorce, and after reading the comments section, I realized a heart-wrenching truth


Big S remarried.

As soon as this news was sent, it spread throughout the Network, remembering that the day of big S and Wang Xiaofei's divorce was on November 22, 2021, just over 3 months ago, and big S has begun a new life.

Big S's remarriage is decades ago, the old love Of Joon-ye, a Korean singer who is understood to have now completed their marriage registration.

The fate of the two can be traced back to decades ago, when Big S and Gu Junye were in love, because the two were separated for a long time, rarely met, and for other reasons could not be openly in love, helpless to break up.

The two reunited again, because big S divorced, Gu Junye once again found the number of big S more than 20 years ago, took the initiative to contact big S, fortunately big S did not change the number, so that the two have the opportunity to open their hearts again.

Life is also very wonderful, going around for decades, and returning to the original person.

Although Big S is more than 40 years old, Gu Junye is also 53 years old, and he is more than halfway through his life, and he is indeed lucky to have a young lover.

Big S is a very assertive woman, she and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei are flash marriage, experienced divorce, and it takes a lot of courage to be able to flash marriage again.

But what is a woman like Big S who dares to love?

Big S remarried after three months of divorce, and after reading the comments section, I realized a heart-wrenching truth


After the news of Big S's remarriage came out, the comments in the comment area were enough to show that everyone was not optimistic about her marriage.

There is a view that Big S remarried so quickly because of a lack of identity in life and wanted to prove his charm by remarrying.

Many people commented that this age talks about feelings are not pure, even if there is love, it is also decades ago, and the possibility of flash marriage behind the flash marriage is greater.

Some people have also commented that a person will only marry another person so impulsively when talking about emotional hurts, and the consequence of doing so is to make the relationship chaotic.

Everyone will feel that Big S's remarriage so quickly is completely a gamble, a means of self-proof.

And Big S's treatment of remarriage is like this: Life is impermanent, and I cherish the happiness of the moment.

Big S remarried after three months of divorce, and after reading the comments section, I realized a heart-wrenching truth

In my eyes, Big S has always been a "cruel person".

When she was young, she insisted on being vegetarian for the sake of beauty.

After marrying Wang Xiaofei, she began to eat meat in order to have children, and eventually she also achieved the goal of having both children.

All along, she has been decisive in her killing, never dragging mud and water.

After falling in love with Wang Xiaofei for 20 days, he stepped into marriage, and after marriage, Big S gave birth to children one after another.

Such a crazy woman who is crazy for beauty, in order to have children, can also endure her own blessings, and her career is suspended.

This fully shows that Big S likes children very much, and for the things she likes, she can make efforts that ordinary people can't imagine, and it is also the same when she becomes beautiful.

After divorcing Wang Xiaofei, Big S never said bad things about the other party, and remarried never hid from the public.

Her daring is admirable.

Big S remarried after three months of divorce, and after reading the comments section, I realized a heart-wrenching truth

Although many people are not optimistic about her remarriage, but let's think about it carefully, Big S will make a huge effort every time he wants to do something.

After making a mistake, you can also decisively change direction.

She is a very egotistical woman, and in her life, I see a heart-wrenching truth: women who can afford to lose are very cool.

Big S has always been a woman who can afford to lose, and she has her own choices for feelings, although this choice sometimes seems a little crazy to others, but once she decides something, she will always try to do it well.

When she got married, she knew better than any of us what to do.

Even if the marriage isn't as good as she expected afterwards, she can accept the consequences, lose completely, and allow herself to move in a better direction.

Everything she does is based on one principle: love yourself.

Such a woman who can afford to lose is difficult to think about.


Remember Yu Xiuhua? That different kind of female poet.

Big S remarried after three months of divorce, and after reading the comments section, I realized a heart-wrenching truth

She had had a meaningless marriage and had never experienced the sweetness of love in her youth.

At the age of 19, she was forced by her parents to marry a homeless man in her 30s just because she was a cerebral palsy patient and had to find a man to take care of herself for the rest of her life.

However, when she entered the marriage, she suffered a lot, she was despised, domestic violence, betrayed, and she was only a tool for her husband to continue her offspring.

In order not to rely on her husband, she tried to beg, but her self-esteem did not allow her to kneel in the crowd, and later she began to write poetry, not expecting to really become famous and get her out of the painful marriage.

Some time ago, Yu Xiuhua held hands with her boyfriend after 90, and the internet was widely spread, and many people were not optimistic about Yu Xiuhua's relationship.

Worried that she was deceived by men, worried that she would not meet a good person in this life.

However, Yu Xiuhua lacked love in the first half of her life, and she longed to be nourished by love.

Even if this relationship is short, it can make her realize what love is, and there will be no regrets in this life.

For Yu Xiuhua, who is in her 40s, she knows what kind of consequences she will face when she has a relationship with her boyfriend in her 90s, but for life experience, she likes it.

She liked the various experiences of life, rather than living like a walking dead, the kind of days when there was no dependence, no self, and succumbing to others, and she had lived too long.

For her, the consequences of life are not important, what matters is the experience of life.

Right now, enjoy the moment and live as you like.

Big S remarried after three months of divorce, and after reading the comments section, I realized a heart-wrenching truth

At this point, Yu Xiuhua and Big S are a bit like, they are very self-contained people.

Most importantly, they are strong, very capable, and financially free, which allows them to live willfully because they can afford to lose.

For many women in life, many of them are living in grievances, living in chickens and dogs, living under a field of chicken feathers, even if they don't want to, but they have to.

Because they can't afford to lose, because they are not independent economically and mentally independent, they have no choice, so they can't always live as they like.

Seeing these people, we found that women like Big S and Yu Xiuhua are the people we envy.

A woman, the best thing about her life, is to live as she likes.

(The pictures in this article are from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact the author to delete.) )

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