
Why should there be favoritism in love? Don't talk about reason in the relationship between feelings and identity

Why should there be favoritism in love? Don't talk about reason in the relationship between feelings and identity

I remember when I was in college, there was a couple in the club who looked good and broke up, and the scene of the breakup I still remember vividly.

The girl stomped her feet angrily and yelled at the boy, "I really don't feel your love on your side!" "And then went.

Later, after listening to the narration of other mutual friends, I understood the origin of the story. This boy is a water master, who is very good to everyone, and sometimes refuses to go on many dates with his girlfriend because of his friends. When girls complain about boys' behavior, boys always accuse girls of being unreasonable.

But girls always want to find a preference in love, and all they want to have is a feeling that the boyfriend is good to others, but the best for themselves.

But what she felt was the overflow of love from boys, good for everyone, for girlfriends and for friends. The girl was completely disappointed.

A few words of the story I heard some sighs, this girl actually wants the same as many people, just wants a preference in the relationship.

Why should there be favoritism in love? Don't talk about reason in the relationship between feelings and identity

In a relationship, girls talk about feelings and identity, but what they want is to be exclusive and favored. Preference can bring too many things to girls, and a boy who knows how to favor his girlfriend is definitely a treasure in the eyes of girls. For example, when playing umbrellas, they will tilt towards the girls to prevent the girls from getting rain. For example, if you learn that she is sick, you can be the first to appear next to her. These big and small things, as long as they show the emotions of your love for her, are a manifestation of preference. Girls can find a sense of security and a foothold in their own emotions in this preference.

The boys who fall in love with the girls who are in love with the most prosperous girls are the happiest boys, because they have the best looks in the girls' lives, and they are also their most priceless wealth. How many youths can a girl have? Everyone hopes that in their most youthful and precious years, there is a person who deeply loves themselves and can harvest a favor in their youth.

Preference is a unique love, and the taste of this love is also unique. Rather than the big and small love revealed, the girl is more concerned about whether she will become the "only" in his heart, he will break some inherent principles for himself, even if he does not like to eat spicy, he will accompany himself to eat Chongqing hot pot. This kind of love is full of uniqueness, and it is the purest love. This preference can most move girls and melt the fortress of girls' hearts.

In fact, if you were to ask me how I could get a girl's approval, I would tell you that I must learn to favor that girl. The love you show can best poke into her heart, and this unique taste of love is truly warm.

Why should there be favoritism in love? Don't talk about reason in the relationship between feelings and identity

You don't have to draw any pie with girls, they prefer you to hug them with your preferred arms. People who will prefer girls will be considered by girls to be the choices that have not been wrong in this life.

In fact, what we don't like emotionally is fairness, when we are young, we will expect our parents to pay more attention to us unconditionally, and when we grow up, we will also have this expectation - we still hope that we can become the hottest love in the eyes of others. There is nothing wrong with longing to be favored, and those who do not understand preference are full of the greatest misunderstandings about love. Love is never the product of equal distribution, but I have a lot of likes, but you are my favorite seriousness.

Only those who are favored will feel the weight of love, and those who are favored will not feel accustomed to love. And this preference is mutual, you favor a girl, put all your love on her, when she looks at you, her eyes will be full of stars.

The person who is favored in love will not be an option, because the person who prefers you will always be the first to choose you.

Preference is the sweetest fruit in the middle of the watermelon, the meat of the fish that never has a fish spine. It allows the loved one to feel the love that continues from the family affection. If you meet someone who will favor you, then please cherish this relationship, if you have not met such a person, then please take this preference to wait, such a preference will be a flower in your youth.

(The materials in the article are all based on real cases)

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