
It's the weekend, let's talk about a few paragraphs to have fun~

It's the weekend, let's talk about a few paragraphs to have fun~

What's the scariest thing you've ever heard a child say?

Once, when I was taking the subway late at night, when my daughter was more than three years old, she suddenly asked me: "Why doesn't my mother have a neck across from those people, and their heads are floating...".


The point is that there is no one on the other side!

I felt that I should be calm, or calmly say that there is ah, I did not see ah!

My daughter stood up and pointed it out to me

It's the weekend, let's talk about a few paragraphs to have fun~

Every day after school, children will wave their hands outside the car window and say, "Goodbye, husband!" ”

There was no one outside the car window.

One day, his father, who picked him up from school, couldn't help but ask him, "Which husband do you say goodbye to every day?" ”

The child said innocently, "O Father of the Sun!

One evening, the biker took my son from elementary school past a remote intersection.

The child pointed to the lonely telephone pole and said, "Mommy look! There are two people up there!"

I felt an excitement in my heart, Little children don't talk nonsense!, and at the same time, I pedaled my legs, trying to get out of here quickly.

The son argued, "There are two people!" Mom you see".

I peeked at the line on the pole that read, "Everyone is responsible for protecting the power facilities." "

The son of a couple often said to them. Two little boys could always be seen sitting on the air conditioner.

Still laughing and giggling, the parents invited a very good mage and the like did not work, and finally the child can still see.

The parents became more and more frightened, and simply did not even move the furniture away.

It was a long time later that I found out that the two little boys my son said were the Haier brothers...

My colleague was at home two days ago to sleep with his son, and he woke up and said, "Mom, I can see two of you."

Colleagues are originally believers in ghosts

I thought it was bad, didn't I see something unclean?

A look up saw her son fighting eyes.

On a certain ghost festival, there are paper money burning on the side of the road.

Taking my son across the intersection, my son suddenly asked me: Mom, how come there is a little person at the intersection, and still jump and jump?

I looked around, where are the jumping people?

Goosebumps all rose, did not dare to say much, and hurried home.

Asked carefully, the child said, there are really little people, turning green will jump and jump, turning red will not move...

Then the reaction came that he was talking about the traffic lights on the crosswalk.

It's the weekend, let's talk about a few paragraphs to have fun~

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