
Funny woman's heartache: the closer to humor, the farther away from love

What is it like to be a funny girl? My sisters who frequently utter golden sentences are deeply touched by this:

That is, everyone thinks you are interesting, but no one is interested in you.

To be a funny woman, you must have the consciousness of the mother-fetus solo.

People are engaged in money and careers, and I am funny.

Funny women can become the big sister, buddy, and father of the ambiguous object, and it is impossible to become a girlfriend anyway.


Funny woman's heartache: the closer to humor, the farther away from love

In addition to the ridicule, she couldn't help but complain: "I met a boy on the social software before, and after chatting for a while, I made an appointment to meet, and I didn't feel at ease to call my girlfriend together." After we met, the two of us talked very happily, purely a picture of relishing, unsupportable, and harmonious. ”

"Who would have thought that Le Ji was sad. After we went home that day, I received a message from him: 'Can you give me your girlfriend's contact information?' So I was forced to become a wingman. ”

Hahaha a night, do not know that love has been transferred, her experience is painful, but the girl who carries the funny cell tragically "love is not half and the middle road collapses" is not only her.

◎ Netizen @Bending Little Leopard shared his heartache daily life of becoming a funny woman on Weibo.

In the comment area of funny female bloggers on major platforms, you can always see such ridicule: "Funny women have no love" "Is there really no person you like in this world?" "The little girl is very good-looking, but unfortunately she has a mouth"...

Is it true that the closer girls are to funny, the farther away they will be from love? Girls are too joyful, will they really cut themselves off?


The study found that

Women's humor is really unpopular

In 2019, researchers from Columbia University published a study on "Gender and Humor at Work" in the Journal of Applied Psychology, and found that women's humor is not pleasing! [1]

Funny woman's heartache: the closer to humor, the farther away from love

The researchers prepared a number of work debriefing videos (the content of the video is exactly the same, the only difference is the gender of the reporter) before the experiment began, which contains some humorous passages that adjust the atmosphere. Subsequently, 101 participants assessed whether the passages were useful for work debriefing.

However, when evaluating, people are more likely to think that the humorous paragraphs of male reporters are beneficial to the results of the work, while the paragraphs of female reporters are more likely to be considered unnecessary, unprofessional, and offensive.

The results of the study left thousands of comedy girls speechless and heartbroken: humorous men were given a higher status than men who were not humorous. And humorous women will be given a lower status than women who are not humorous.

Funny woman's heartache: the closer to humor, the farther away from love

◎ Introduce the same humorous passage into the work interaction, and participants of different genders will have different attraction effects. / Journal of Applied Psychology


Why is it that girls who are too funny may "cut off their own peach blossoms"?

Obviously speaking of the same passage, why would a gender change have different effects? Why is the humor of girls not welcomed?

Funny woman's heartache: the closer to humor, the farther away from love


In the stereotype, men as suitors attract the opposite sex with their humor, and women are defaulted to as "appreciators" of male humor as passive acceptance.

Behind the "funny women have no love" is a set of "women do not humor, women are not suitable for humor, women do not need humor" script evolved from the stereotype of "women are not humorous".

A study published in the Psychonomic Bulletin & Review conducted an experiment in which subjects were divided into subtitle groups and judge groups, with subtitles assigned to comics and self-rated their comic humor, and the judges rated the comic humor level of the subtitle group.

It turned out that both men and women in the jury tended to think that humorous subtitles were created by boys, even though this was not the case. [2]

Humorous women make men insecure

Researchers at the Medical University of Vienna in Austria assessed the humor perception, intelligence, aggression and education level of 156 adult participants and found that humorous people had relatively high intelligence levels, tended to have higher levels of education, and showed lower aggression. [3]

Funny woman's heartache: the closer to humor, the farther away from love

Humor means higher IQ, so what does high IQ mean?

On the GQ Talk show, comedian Tong Monan expressed his opinion: "Humor may represent a higher level of cognition or perceptive ability, so when women are stronger in this regard, it will make men feel very insecure." 」 ”[4]

A study from the University of Miami proves this point, and researchers analyzed "why men don't like humorous women" and found that the reason given by most boys is "humorous girls = smart, smart = difficult." [5]

What boy wouldn't have thought of having a cute, soft and adoring girlfriend? Most boys prefer "obedient/listening" girls to "humorous" girls.

Funny woman's heartache: the closer to humor, the farther away from love

In this way, funny playing may also "lose" love, is humor really "useless" for girls?

In fact, from another point of view, the funny attribute is also a kind of "love screening protection mechanism", excluding those who can't get their personality charm, in order to meet another interesting soul!


[1] Evans, Jon & Slaughter, Jerel & Ellis, Aleksander & Rivin, Jessi. (2019). Gender and the Evaluation of Humor at Work. Journal of Applied Psychology.104. 10.1037/apl0000395.

[2] Mickes, L., Walker, D.E., Parris, J.L. et al. Who's funny: Gender stereotypes, humor production, and memory bias. Psychon Bull Rev 19, 108–112 (2012).

[3] Willinger U , Hergovich A , Schmoeger M , et al. Cognitive and emotional demands of black humour processing: the role of intelligence, aggressiveness and mood[J]. Cognitive Processing, 2017, 18(2):159-167.

[4] GQ Report. GQ Talk | Do women with a sense of humor make men insecure? [EB/OL]. [2019-08-19].

People's Daily Overseas Network. Studies say men prefer women who are amused by themselves [EB/OL]. [2015-03-12].


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