
Be a funny and humorous mom

There are many ways to communicate, which can be summed up in nothing more than these three, calm, strong and humorous. Boys can reject peace, they can reject criticism, but they will never reject humor. Arguably, humor is the most effective way for us to communicate with boys. In the family, if we know how to think from the boy's point of view and explain the truth of life in vivid language, it will make it easier for him to accept and understand, and he will also feel the joy in it.

When a boy makes a mistake, we can use humor to get him to correct it. When a boy is frustrated, we can use humor to make him laugh. When a boy has feelings of inferiority, we can use humor to build him up self-confidence. If we communicate with a boy in a humorous way, it will help to develop him into a humorous person. This will not only allow him to maintain an optimistic attitude in the face of the unpleasantness in life, but also allow him to bring happiness to himself and the people around him. It can be said that boys with a sense of humor will have a happier and more active life. So we want to be a mom with a sense of humor and communicate with boys in a humorous way, so how should we be a mom with a sense of humor?

Learn to inspire boys with humor. In fact, every boy longs for his mother's encouragement and appreciation from the bottom of his heart. However, if we always use a few familiar words to motivate the boy, he will develop auditory fatigue. You will no longer feel motivated because you listen to it too much. We need to be innovative in our approach to motivation, and we need to learn to motivate boys with humor. For example, you can tell him that the toys are sent home and you can sleep well, and then play with you after waking up. The boy cleaned up the room, was it the gray wolf who helped you clean up? The gray wolf's ability to clean up this place is really big and so on. So. Not only can the boy get a happy job after work, but it can also motivate him to do better next time. Use humor to deal with the boys' daily routines, the mother is checking the homework of the son in the first grade, and then the mother asks, how many math problems do you leave? My son immediately answered three questions, so why did you only do two? The first way was done, the second way was also done the first, and the second plus the first was not equal to the third scolding? The mother understood that the son deliberately did not want to do math problems, so she did not say anything. After a while, the mother bought two pieces of ice cream and said to her son, "Father eat one, mother eat one, you eat the third." The son blinked and asked incomprehensibly, just two, where is the third one? Mom said, the first root plus the second root, is not equal to the third root? Hearing his mother say this, the son burst out laughing, and then the son immediately returned to the study to do the rest of the calculation problems. It is the mother's humorous communication method that touches her son's lively nature. Not only did he take the initiative to complete the math homework spontaneously, but also avoided the unpleasant scene between mother and son.

In the process of educating boys, we can replace blunt command criticism with humor. Use humorous tones or actions to make boys understand their mistakes. So as to achieve the purpose and effect of education. True humor is something we exude naturally, so that the boy can feel our respect and tolerance for him in the laughter. If we don't know how to grasp the scale of humor ourselves, we will be self-defeating, and may make the boys feel ridiculed and ironic. Especially for some of the more sensitive boys. Nine-year-old Xiao Qiang ran home from outside with a dirty body, and his mother wanted to use humor to let him know that he was too dirty, so she told him, you are really clean, there is no dust on your body. As soon as the words fell, Xiaolong walked into his room breathlessly, this mother's language is not humor at all, in Xiaolong's view, this is a sneer at him, so we must grasp the scale of humor, do not let our humorous words turn into ridicule, irony. If we really don't know how to grasp the scale of humor, it is best not to use humor lightly.

Be a funny and humorous mom

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