
The story of drinking rabbit soup

The story of drinking rabbit soup

Avanti was a witty and humorous man, and one day a hunter brought him a rabbit, and Avanti peeled the rabbit, cut open his stomach, and washed it clean.

Then put the rabbit meat in the pot and boil a pot of rabbit soup. He and the hunter had a beautiful meal of rabbit meat and rabbit soup.

After a two-day pause, two men found Avanti's door and said they were friends of the hunter who had given him the rabbit. When Avanti heard that he was a hunter's friend, he thought that his friend's friend was also a friend, and he warmly welcomed the two of them.

When the two men returned, they told others that Avanti was hospitable and warm and generous to people.

After a few days of stopping, four or five people approached Avanti and said they were friends of friends of friends who had given Avanti rabbits. Avanti entertained them with a common home-cooked meal.

The four or five men were reluctant, and they said, "Avanti, we are friends of friends who are friends of your friends who sent you rabbits!" Avanti said, "This is the soup in the soup of the rabbit soup that I boiled with the rabbit sent by a friend!" ”。

After a few more days of pause, a dozen more people came, who said they were friends of friends who were friends who had sent rabbits to Avanti, and when it was time to eat, Avanti brought a bucket of cold water and placed it in front of these people, and placed it on the bowl.

These people said, "Avanti, that's how you entertain your friends?" Avanti said, "This is the soup in the soup that I sent with a friend, the boiled rabbit soup!" ”。

From then on, no one dared to ask Avanti for trouble anymore.

The story of drinking rabbit soup
The story of drinking rabbit soup
The story of drinking rabbit soup

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