
Zhu Ting regretted not winning the Serie A championship, and her focus turned to play for her country, and she will fight for Olympic qualification after resting

author:Beiqing Sports
{"info":{"title":{"content":"朱婷遗憾未能拿到意甲冠军,重心转向为国效力,休整后将为奥运资格而战","en":"Zhu Ting regretted not winning the Serie A championship, and her focus turned to play for her country, and she will fight for Olympic qualification after resting"},"description":{"content":"4月28日,2023-2024赛季意甲女排联赛总决赛结束。在总决赛第四回合争夺中,朱婷效力的斯坎迪奇俱乐部,主场1比3不...","en":"On April 28, the 2023-2024 Serie A Women's Volleyball League finals ended. In the fourth leg of the finals, Zhu Ting's Scandicci club lost 1-3 at home..."}},"items":[]}