
DNF: May the "Mystery Event" hits, and the White Prostitute 1 Year Black Diamond rewards, but the difficulty is very high

Recently, the black diamonds sent out by the national service activities are getting less and less, and each time it is 3 days, so upgrades, moving bricks... And so on, there is a great lack of this reward. Recently, the official assistant of the national service DNF sent out an event, and the player's actual test can actually get a black diamond for 1 year, which is a very good reward. Of course, the difficulty of the current activity is still relatively high, and it is very good to reach up to 4 levels without the help of assistance.

DNF: May the "Mystery Event" hits, and the White Prostitute 1 Year Black Diamond rewards, but the difficulty is very high

DNF: May "Mystery Event" Hits,

First, the introduction of the rewards of this activity. It is similar to the previous jump activity, this time is the official assistant of DNF, the difficulty of the first five levels is acceptable, but it is difficult to say later. I feel that the planning is specifically for us to open the g, a total of 13 levels, from the fifth level to get a life to jump 150 times.

DNF: May the "Mystery Event" hits, and the White Prostitute 1 Year Black Diamond rewards, but the difficulty is very high

White prostitutes are rewarded with 1 year black diamond, but the difficulty is high

Second, the total number of black diamond days is calculated. Total 30+50+80+100+150+180+220+260+300+400+520+630+800=3720 jump. 1+2+3+7+9+11+15+20+30+45+60+75+90=368 days black diamond average jump 10 next day black diamond.

DNF: May the "Mystery Event" hits, and the White Prostitute 1 Year Black Diamond rewards, but the difficulty is very high

"Dungeon and warrior little fox Jun loves to talk about the game e-sports" No. 589 "DNF: May "mysterious activity" hit, white prostitute 1 year black diamond reward, but the difficulty is very high, this game has a setting is very annoying, sometimes the distance between the cool bricks exceeds the maximum jump distance of the manhole cover, at this time can not adjust the position by gently jumping, can only wait for the mail. Energy Center, each time 64 blocks fail, can not pass the third level. The old rules to get faster, directly on this official service to send out the strongest enchanted orb of the actual test screenshot show:

DNF: May the "Mystery Event" hits, and the White Prostitute 1 Year Black Diamond rewards, but the difficulty is very high

Note: The above content is purely the personal opinion of Little Fox Jun, and the views have nothing to do with the platform! The article is original, the picture source network, if there is infringement, please contact the author to delete. Reproduction without permission is prohibited! Like the player can like the attention, every day there is a new game information and skills, every night around 10 o'clock, unified reply to the player's message and questions! The next few issues of the preview are the Spring Festival version and the detailed explanation of the level 110 dungeon brick moving and upgrading, interested players please pay attention.

DNF: May the "Mystery Event" hits, and the White Prostitute 1 Year Black Diamond rewards, but the difficulty is very high

Summary: If there is an auxiliary, use the computer version of the jump, better than the mobile phone, the compatibility is also very high.

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