
White fashion silver coins, come to the garden to take advantage!

In the recent update, a new "Spring Hunt" theme MoonLight Phantom Clothes was added to the Garden, which is also the only way to obtain this series of Moon Hua Phantom Clothes.

At this point, Lin lang garden has a unique exclusive fashion exclusive moon flower magic clothes, making the lin lang garden "brand face" full.

White fashion silver coins, come to the garden to take advantage!

If you think that the greatest value of the Garden is just in exchange for fashion and moonlight phantom clothes, you are very wrong. Unlock the Lin Lang Garden, not only can get the Immortal Jade, Silver Coin prop rewards, but also harvest 3 times the income of investing in the Immortal Jade, so the opportunity to make a lot of money Ling'er does not allow you not to know, and then take stock with Ling'er, how many rewards can be harvested in the Lin Lang Garden~

(1) Basic introduction to the garden

The Garden of The Flowers is a "collect and win reward" gameplay.

In completing daily activities, everyone will get a certain amount of time flowers and space grass, of which the collection time flower is settled in "weeks", the collection space grass is "4 natural weeks", and each episode of 10 time grass/space flowers can unlock a reward.

During each event period, just collect 200 Time Grass/Space Flowers to get all the rewards of the current period.

White fashion silver coins, come to the garden to take advantage!

Whether or not we unlock the Garden of Flowers, it won't affect the collection of Time Grass/Space Flowers, but we will only be rewarded if we hire Sneaky Monsters to collect Time Grass/Space Flowers.

It is precisely because the time grass/space flower "will not be uncollected because it is not unlocked", we can fully determine whether to hire a sneaky monster to harvest the current reward before the end of each period, hire a sneaky monster to collect time grass 298 jade / period, and hire a sneaky monster to collect space flower 1880 jade / period.

(2) Analysis of the input/benefit of the garden

After understanding the basic rules, everyone is more concerned about how much the investment of the garden will bring returns. Ling Er brought the "full attendance" reward income of The Garden, let's see how many times this income has doubled~

White fashion silver coins, come to the garden to take advantage!

Time grass input: 298 jade / week

Income: Jade Toot 298; Color Toot 80; Silver Toot 355

Among them, the value of Jade Toot is equivalent to that of Xianyu, and everyone can buy related props in the Jade Toot Store. Like the recent consumption of the large amount of Star Stone Essence, a golden key and a silver key that have entered the soul can be exchanged for it in the Jade Toot Shop.

White fashion silver coins, come to the garden to take advantage!

The value of silver toots is equivalent to silver coins, 355 silver toots can be regarded as 3.55 million silver coins, it is recommended that you give priority to exchanging the fairy qi in the silver toot shop.

White fashion silver coins, come to the garden to take advantage!

Cai Tu Tu can be exchanged for fashions and Moonlight Phantoms in the Assort Shop, which cannot be traded and can only be obtained in this way.

Summary: The investment of Time Grass can get an additional reward of 80 color beeps and 3.55 million silver coins while ensuring that the consumption of xianyu is not discounted.

Space flower input: 1880 jade / 4 weeks

Income: Jade Toot 1880, Color Toot 1000, Silver Toot 2000

In the same way as the jade toot, color toot and silver toot produced by the time grass, the space flower can be seen as an upgraded version of the time grass, keeping the "cost performance" of the garden and allowing us to get more benefits in the same period.

Summary: The input of Lin Lang Garden can be regarded as the equivalent of the input and output of Xian Yu Yu Tu Tu, and we can get the additional color toot and corresponding silver Tuk Tuk rewards through Lin Lang Garden.

In layman's terms, the invested fairy jade will be converted into an equal amount of jade toot, and the Garden of LinLang will provide us with additional color and silver toots for our "white prostitute" exclusive fashion, moonlight magic clothes and silver coin rewards.

(3) Full attendance conditions

If you want to reap all the rewards, the "full attendance" of the garden is the key. So how difficult is the Garden Collection quest? Is it possible that it is difficult to complete? Ling Er can responsibly say that as long as you seriously participate in the game activities, the Garden of Lin Lang has made a good estimate for us, and it is more than enough to achieve full attendance.

In the Quest of time grass, there will be a total of 300 time grass related missions, and we only need to collect 200 plants to unlock the current reward.

White fashion silver coins, come to the garden to take advantage!

Among these missions, there are three categories: activity, gang gameplay, and evening activities.

The daily active gameplay totals 120 points, we only need to play the regular active missions every day, the knight quest can only be challenged once a week; the gang mission is mainly for the daily noon activity and gang trade, as long as the gang noon activity you can participate on time, do not participate in the gang trade can easily meet the collection conditions.

Evening activities mainly correspond to the evening activity play, this part of the activity can not only collect the corresponding time grass, but also can accumulate the activity of the time grass collection. Overall, in all time grass collection activities, we only need to complete 200/300 to receive all the rewards. Plenty of space is enough for us to make trade-offs for each task.

In the Space Flower quest, there are a total of 350 Space Flower related quests, and we only need to complete 200 to unlock all the rewards for the current period.

White fashion silver coins, come to the garden to take advantage!

The tasks spent in space are phased every 4 weeks, and most of the completion conditions involved in the weekly routine, we only need to complete 3 times. It is also relatively generous in overall distribution.

Like the Nine Turns Heavenly Ladder of each mission, we only need to hit Peerless 2 to harvest 30 space flowers

Other gameplay such as StarBurst, Artifact Quest, Bubble Paradise, Shishu Jixing, And Demon Sealing are mostly weekly missions, and most of the players involved in the weekly routine will not be particularly difficult.

White fashion silver coins, come to the garden to take advantage!

In the competitive gameplay, the sword club is the top priority of our challenge. Under the bonus condition of 5 wins and 3 losers, we only need to participate in about 25 sword games.

White fashion silver coins, come to the garden to take advantage!

The collection of space flowers can be fully staffed by two types of challenge gameplay and competitive gameplay, and if the first two items are partially missing, additional space flowers can also be obtained through ability training.

White fashion silver coins, come to the garden to take advantage!

Relatively low-cost tasks such as the Refining Summoning Spirit can get a large number of space flower rewards, even if the bubble qualification in the challenge mission is not hit or the Four Continents Jixing is not participated, it can still check the defects and fill in the gaps through the Refining Summoning Spirit to ensure that the Garden is full.

Overall, whether it is time grass or space flower, the collection task is not harsh, each choice has a surplus, as long as we participate in the daily weekly tasks, I believe that most people can successfully get the full attendance reward.

The above is the introduction of the reward analysis of the Garden, are you impressed by the gameplay of "white prostitute"? If you are not impressed, open your garden and go hire sneakers to reap your rewards

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