
Genting Game: TOC3 stable eat point lineup! Invent geeks! Million-dollar chicken eating game!

Hello, Hello League of Legends Genting Game players, Little Peach will share a set of Genting Chicken Eating Lineup today - Invention Geek.

Lineup: EZ + Time + Ike + Robot + Salefani + Clockwork + Bron + Kinks + Jace form a five inventions + four geeks + two bodyguards + two precision + one future guardian + one old enemy + one social bondage lineup.

Genting Game: TOC3 stable eat point lineup! Invent geeks! Million-dollar chicken eating game!


Priority is given to Making Equipment for Salefani, which requires the Green Dragon Knife and ghost book, followed by the output equipment such as the Big Hat and the Archangel, followed by the functional equipment of the mercury category.

The late master C is Kinks, which can leave Kinksy with output + survival suits such as Sheep Knife, Justice, Titan's Resoluteness, night blade, etc. Or if there are other output outfits, you can also pick up the remaining equipment for Jinx.

Ike must have a heart of ice, a clockwork with auxiliary equipment, and a meat suit for Bronn and Jace.

Genting Game: TOC3 stable eat point lineup! Invent geeks! Million-dollar chicken eating game!

In terms of standing:

Salefani is best to stand in the corner, you can ensure that the big move sweeps more people, stand in the corner of the must be mercury or clockwork must be necessary banshee claw, if these two equipment is not available, you can move the EZ station corner, Salefani and clockwork to the side of the block.

Jace station back row can speed up the start of Kinx and Sallephne, Bronn and Mechanical Bear station front row to attract hatred, Ike with the front row, preferably the opposite side of the output of the counterpoint, can directly let the opposite C position eat the deceleration effect of the ice core.

Genting Game: TOC3 stable eat point lineup! Invent geeks! Million-dollar chicken eating game!

Hex technology: priority geek or invention turn, there is an invention turn can also consider seven inventions, if you can encounter binary airdrop with geek can also be strong on the strengthening of Hex technology.

Genting Game: TOC3 stable eat point lineup! Invent geeks! Million-dollar chicken eating game!

The above is the main lineup and gameplay of the invention geeks, interested players can try this lineup, eat points is really very fragrant! There is a new lineup in the follow-up, and Little Peach will share it with you

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