
I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?
I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Foreword: Hello everyone, I'm Hi. Xena lineup is the most popular idea of the current version, today Xiao Hi will bring you the Xena Advanced Version of the idea, White Devil Xena 2.0 - White Devil Inventor

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?
I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Q: How are the new version changes?

A: [Xena] Base Damage of skill: 80/120/180100/140/200

Xena has been enhanced in the new version, and Xena's damage has been increased by 20 points across all levels, which is a big improvement for Xena's system. And the Xena lineup is very restrained vip fireman, dark magic system and other spell lineups, so the white devil Xena is the current version of the AP nemesis.

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Q: How is this lineup understood?

A: Different from the version of the lineup of the White Devil Xena 1.0 system, this set of White Devil Xena mainly with 5 inventions 3 white devils as the core, abandoning the original 4 white devils 3 social celebrity system. The core of this lineup is also the choice in cases where the social celebrity grid is in the front row and Xena can't eat the celebrity grid.

The front row socialites are basically equivalent to scrap for Xena, so the lineup is matched with 5 invention bonds, with the bonus of inventing the bear and the attack speed bonus of Jace, and Xena's damage can be directly exploded.

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?
I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Lineup: Izzeril, Kieran, Xena, Morgana, Ike, Salfanie, Oriana, Jace

Lineup Bondage: 5 Inventions 3 White Devils 2 Precision 2 Geeks 2 SocialItes 1 Future

Lineup change: Follow-up white devil transfer, priority to open 4/5 white devil, if there is an inventor transfer, priority to open 7 invention bondage, 7 invention summoned dragons for the lineup has a big improvement.

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Hex Enhancement (Musta): +1/2 White Devil/Inventor, Blazing Incense Burner, Self-Healing, Three Efforts

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Hex Enhancement (Secondary): Economic Hex Enhancement, Back Row Swift

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?
I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Lord C Xena: ArmorEd Bow + Infinity Blade + Giant Catcher/Death Blade

Tank Morgana: Gargoyle Plate Armor + Redemption/Anti-Armor/Dragon's Tooth

Vice C Ike: Ice Heart + Still Robe

Equipment Analysis: Xena's equipment is necessary for the Armor Breaking Bow, which is the necessary equipment for fighting anti-armor and bodyguards, followed by what the Infinity Blade and the Giant Catcher have to offer.

Tank Morgana's equipment is the gargoyle plate armor priority, this equipment in the early stage of the role is very large, the later period is still priority to do anti-armor and dragon teeth these two equipment.

Vice C Ike took the Frost Heart and the delicate vestment first, against Xavier opposite.

Ps: The equipment is given priority to the main C and the tank, and the equipment of the sub-C can be given to what.

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?
I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Operational ideas: This is a system that prioritizes pulling 8 people, followed by 3 stars Xena and Morgana. The difficulty of the current version of 7D3 Star Xena is still relatively large, if the 3 star Xena is not chased in stage 5, the overall strength of Xena will be much worse.

Therefore, this lineup prioritizes the 5 invention bondage, and then slows down the D3 stars Morgana and Xena, which will make the lineup have enough combat power in stage 5.

Opening Equipment: Priority is given to the Fist Cover, The Recursive Bow or the Great Sword, what are the three pieces of equipment, and priority is given to making the two equipment of the Broken Armor Bow and the Infinity Blade.

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Stage 2: 2-1 pull 4 population, 2-5 pull 5 population, the early lineup is mainly to the inventor system to transition, the inventor system card Singid as the front row of the lineup, there is control, and EZ is also a fee card, easy to chase 2 stars, EZ only has a maximum mana of 40 points, and the skill can increase the speed of attack; Kieran, Ike comes with a range control, so the strength of the inventor system in the early stage is very high.

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Stage 3: 3-1/3-2 direct pull 6 population, if the previous streak then in 3-1 direct pull 6 population supplement lineup quality, priority to open 3 inventions 4 geek bondage, the main complement of the entire tan of the lineup.

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Stage 4: 3-6/4-1 Pull 7 population small search 10-20 gold coins, as long as you find Salefani open 5 inventor system, followed by 2 stars Morgana and 2 stars Xena can directly pull 8 people to find Jace, do not need 7D3 star Xena, later if Xena does not have 3 stars can choose Jace to C.

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Late lineup: According to the economy, you can choose to speed up 8 populations at 4-3/4-5/4-6, and 8 populations directly to find 1-star Jace. Jace replaces the Singid in the front row, and Morgana is mainly the tank in the front row, so be sure to chase 3 stars in the later stages.

If Xena does not have 3 stars in the later stage, you can consider giving Xena's equipment to 2-star Jace, Xena and Jace's equipment is interchangeable, mainly depending on the quality of the lineup who comes to C.

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

Lineup advancement: (1) The lineup does not need to pull 9 population, as long as the 8 population chases 3-star Xena or chases 2-star Jace, if there is a 2-star Jace, then consider whether to pull up the population later.

I realized! White Devil Xena 2.0 Advanced Edition, Xena played so that she could chase the chase 3?

(2) Jace with a blue BUFF is a new idea in the later stages of this lineup. The maximum mana of the rear row Jace is 60 points, and the blue BUFF can get 50 blue points at the beginning, as long as the flat A can turn on the acceleration, which can greatly improve the back row starting speed, which is very critical for Xena and Salefani.

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