
League of Legends: Svein will do a little redo! The duration of the big move is infinitely refreshed! E can pull five!

Hello, Hello League of Legends players, Little Peach will bring news about the changes after the Svein Crow Little Redo today.

Svein Passive - Wild Eaters: Can no longer pull on controlled enemies, and pulling no longer causes damage. The healing effect of collecting Soul Chips is increased from 4/5.5/7% (1/6/11 level) to 4/5.5/7/9% (1/6/11/16) maximum health. Each Soul Chip boost is increased from a max health of 5 to a maximum of 12 health.

League of Legends: Svein will do a little redo! The duration of the big move is infinitely refreshed! E can pull five!

Q Skill - Touch of Liberation: Damage is fully enhanced.

Blue consumption increased from 65/70/75/80/85 to 45/50/55/60/65 and cooldown increased from 9/7.5/6/4.5/3 to 7/6/5/4/3 seconds.

Damage increased from 55/75/95/115/135 to 60/80/100/120/140.

Each additional Q skill damage increased by 15/20/25/30/35% to 12/22/32/42/50 (+10% AP).

Q's max damage increased from 88/135/190/253/324 (+64/72/80/88/96% ap) to 108/168/228/288/348 (+80%ap).

League of Legends: Svein will do a little redo! The duration of the big move is infinitely refreshed! E can pull five!

W Skill - Empire Horizon: Minor mechanics tweaks.

Blue consumption was increased from 70/80/90/100/110 to 60/65/70/75/80. New: Skills can now be pinged, showing enemies that are visible within range.

E Skill - Never Go Back: Can now pull all enemies that have been E.

The E skill can now be reactivated, pulling all enemies that have been e-arrived. New: During R skills, the cooldown time of E skills is reduced by 20%.

League of Legends: Svein will do a little redo! The duration of the big move is infinitely refreshed! E can pull five!

R Skill - Demon Sublimation/Demon Flare: An R no longer provides health, but it lasts indefinitely with enemies.

Cooldown increased from 120 to 100/80/60.

Damage per second decreased from 35/50/65 (+14%ap) to 20/45/70 (+10%ap), and heals per second from 20/35/50 (+16% AP) to 15/40/65 (+25% ap).

New: Now when you release R, you will get 50 demon power, as long as there is a demon power, the big move will not stop, consuming 10 demon power per second. When the big move absorbs the hero, it gains 20 demon power per second, and after 3 seconds of one R release, you can release the second stage of R.

Second Stage R - Demon Flare:

Damage increased from 100/150/200 (+50%ap) to 150/225/300 (+60%ap), new: Two-stage R slows enemies by 60% for 1.5 seconds.

After releasing the second stage R, R does not end, and R now no longer deals damage based on the amount of blood drawn by one R.

The above is the specific changes of Svein's small redo, which is expected to be updated on April 28, and there is new news, and Little Peach will share it with you

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