
Poison Douluo swept back! Version of the strongest lineup

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Poison Douluo swept back! Version of the strongest lineup

Fight Leonarda

Lineup composition: Pig Sister, Zach, Svein, Renata, Wei, Jace, Tam, Victor, Hilco, Nine population is capped. In the back of the 8 population lineup how to choose

Poison Douluo swept back! Version of the strongest lineup
Poison Douluo swept back! Version of the strongest lineup

Bondage: More pinnacle, not to list them all.

Hex recommended

Fighting Spin, Battle Mage, Blue Battery, Ascension, Disdain, Pearl Lotus, Archangel, Wind of Revival, Five Fees, Echo of Luden, Treasure Chest and other economic classes

Equipment recommended

Poison Douluo swept back! Version of the strongest lineup


Renata Master C, Ghost Book, Technology Gun, Blue BUFF/Green Dragon Knife, basically can not be changed.

Wei Lord, Titan, Ion must-have, use all said good. The third item recommends redemption, or targeted dragon teeth or anti-armor

Victor Green Dragon Knife + other outputs to pick up garbage

Zach picked up garbage and packed excess meat


Poison Douluo swept back! Version of the strongest lineup

There is a problem with the skill range of the mobile game Renata, and it is impossible to hit the last row on the opposite side without standing in the second row, so don't be deceived by some raiders from the end game, put The Renata in the last row, and the opposite rear row is safe and secure.

Operational ideas

This set is a typical operating lineup, and it can be regarded as the god of operation, and Dentons is definitely the version of the T0 lineup.

The shortcomings are obvious, too expensive, all are five fee cards, it is difficult to achieve success on the nine, and the gold shovel is fast-paced, and the nine are basically gambling dogs that run to three stars and five fees.

8 population lineup

1. Abandon Svein and retain three law enforcement. More targeted, generally can be locked to the C position is useful

2. Abandon Jace and keep Svein. If the one-star Jace is not equipped, the effect is not as useful as opening 2 Dark Devils to add the whole team.

3. Abandon Hilko, this situation is generally the front row quality is sufficient, several three stars, that can not let Hilco be a ghost, directly abandoned just fine.

Poison Douluo swept back! Version of the strongest lineup

Priority grab Renata's equipment, it is not difficult to grab, this version of the few grab water droplets.

In the early stage, the most recommended bounty + fighting streak, the female gun with Renata's equipment, both to collect dishes, but also to improve the lineup.

If there is no bounty, Jodel loses consecutively, guaranteeing the economy.

Generally speaking 4-1 pull 7, 4-4 or 4-7 pull 8.

Depending on the amount of health, you can choose whether to play 7D cards or 8D cards.

In 8 populations want to all in a comprehensive improvement in quality to find opportunities on 9. After all, 9 people looking for a two-star five-fela cap is the way to eat chicken.

Tamm can not be raised, different geeks have a large demand for loose parts, this lineup needs a lot of economy to pull 9 and D front row Samsung, Tamm is easy to raise the economy crash.

A strong lineup, no peers on the score is not a problem.


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