
Good one eight fairies under mortal! Don't play, don't know, a play is really happy infinite.

Hello everyone! I'm a stinky cobbler, and it's time to recommend a lineup every day.

This lineup has been out of the blue in the last two days, and I thought it was purely funny at the beginning, but I still had the mentality of trying it out and playing a game, and guess what? I have experienced the joy of this lineup as soon as I played, especially the French lineup that played group injuries, and it couldn't move me at all! I haven't played as much as I've returned; but there are also very painful times, playing the lineup of physical systems such as Severe, Kinx, DeLeven, Embers and so on is really not very good, but it is not without a chance to win, it is 64 to open, we are 6 and they are 4. Without further ado, let's take a look at the lineup composition:

Good one eight fairies under mortal! Don't play, don't know, a play is really happy infinite.

Obviously! Our main bondage is still the white devil, the white devil chess pieces have a common feature, the skill is either to add blood or open the shield, so this lineup endurance is very strong; and then arrange 3 redemptions for Lulu, because redemption not only has a recovery, but also a damage reduction, which can greatly improve the survival of this lineup. After Lulu's redemption arrives, she will give Renata an output outfit (it is not recommended to give a tanuki output outfit, unless Renata has been not two stars), and the ghost book blue buff is the first choice. Ghost book with Renata's skills can continue to burn the enemy; blue buff can make Renata start at the beginning, and increase the frequency of subsequent skill casting; I think some bloggers will give priority to the technology gun, I would like to say that it can be given, but it is completely unnecessary, because the lineup itself has been restored enough, so the equipment aspect tries to meet the output. Finally, try to give Morgana an anti-armor, do not give the plate armor, the anti-armor can better fight the explosive physical output, which is exactly what this lineup needs, and the plate armor is more suitable for the single-position lineup, obviously this lineup is not.

Good one eight fairies under mortal! Don't play, don't know, a play is really happy infinite.

Then let's talk about how Hex should choose! Aegis makes it available, because the lineup is stacked, so the shield yield is very high; the battle mage, Luden's echo and the archangel embrace can be taken, this lineup is single C, take this can improve the overall output ability of the lineup; blue battery and meditation can be taken, you can increase the cast frequency of the lineup as a whole, the faster this lineup casts, the more blood is returned; the white devil heart, first aid equipment and hot incense burner (with the bird shield to trigger the increase in attack speed at the beginning) can be taken, these three Hexes with white devil bondage are very strong; economic hex can be taken, Reply class Hex is not recommended to take, the overall lineup has a white devil's reply is enough.

Good one eight fairies under mortal! Don't play, don't know, a play is really happy infinite.

Finally, to talk about the transition, this lineup is best to transition the Yodel people, because Vigus and Lulu are in the lineup system, we can use it directly to the later stage, and Lulu should try to chase three (but don't card level 6 dead D Samsung), Andlena can be equipped to give the plane or Bomberman a transition before she comes. If the population is raised, it will make up for the chips of the syndicate or the white devil, and which one is of high quality will be on the other.

Good one eight fairies under mortal! Don't play, don't know, a play is really happy infinite.

Well, that's all I've shared today, thank you for watching. I wish you all great luck and put on the chicken.

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