
Genting Game 12.8 version is officially online, 4 words to understand the last version!

Previously, the 12.8 version has been launched in the test suit, and I have analyzed it for everyone in advance, which is simply 4 words - not changed. So the official version is here, let's see what changes are still in the details.

Genting Game 12.8 version is officially online, 4 words to understand the last version!

First: Dou Poison into the only T0

This version of the alchemy value is increased to: 4/7/10/18% 4/8/13/20%, and Renata's attack speed is increased from 15% to 20%. Wei's skill damage is increased to: 0/0/100, changed and unchanged, just know that there is such a thing.

Renata's skill damage is increased to 0/0/20, and this version is designed to enhance the potential of 4 fee cards on 3 stars. Although the damage increase is the same as the lack of improvement, The attack slowdown of Renata has increased to 20%, which is not a small blow to the other two T0 lineups, mutation and 442, especially 442 is also double weakened, which we will talk about later.

The soul of the 442 lineup is that there is no requirement for equipment and positioning, and for The strengthening of Renata, we must have a standing position or mercury. The mutant side has a greater thirst for Ghost Books and Giant Kills, as your output frequency will be greatly reduced as Renata's attack speed slows down.

Genting Game 12.8 version is officially online, 4 words to understand the last version!

Second: 442 equals uncut

The geek's shield value is from 20/40/6020/30/50, that is to say, the weakening of the shield value of 10 points, counting 3 pieces of equipment, is equivalent to weakening the shield of 30 points, which can only be said to be weakened by a little, or very powerful. Ike's attack speed slowed down by 5% across the level, and Ice Heart's attack slowdown was also weakened by 5%, but it didn't affect it. Overall, 442 was only hit by Renata, and overall it can only be said to have weakened its strength by 5%.

Jinx has also been slashed, and the rocket form's attack power gain: 220/230/888% 210/220/888%, the same value as the test suit.

Genting Game 12.8 version is officially online, 4 words to understand the last version!

Third: The dark star is equal to uncut

The value of strong appetite is adjusted to: 20/30/4018/25/35. Exuberant appetite is what we call the dark star, will play all open 3 mutations, because the effect of the dark star is the death of teammates to get benefits, not the death of mutations. Equal to attack power and mana weakened by 2 points, cut and not cut the same.

The source plan in the mutation is weakened a little bit, the source plan is to increase health and attack power, but who cares how the source plan feels.

Genting Game 12.8 version is officially online, 4 words to understand the last version!

Fourth: Don't play syndicates

Syndicate's armor and magic resistance increase by 5 points, and 7 syndicates increase their attributes by 5%, but the syndicate is a matter of mechanics, and the value has nothing to do with it, without the transfer of syndicates, the syndicate is not worth playing.

Bron increases the damage of the 3 star, but who will chase the 3 star Bronn? Aishi's attack speed slows down and increases by 5%, but gambling Oni itself is not suitable for scoring, it is very easy to eighth, and it is directly "blood in" when encountering dou poison.

Genting Game 12.8 version is officially online, 4 words to understand the last version!

Fifth: White Devil is still not worth playing

The healing effect of white devils is increased to: 25/45/70/100% 25/50/80/115%, starting with 3 white devils, white devils are strengthened. In your competition for 3 stars and 3 time, others have taken shape, and 2 stars must be equipped to play, far less cost-effective than Renata, but if Hu, it is still more restrained Renata.

And the white devil can't match the black law, because Marzaha is too weak, so the white devil can only match the syndicate, and although the syndicate is strengthened, the fox is still not worthy of being the main C, so the correct posture is the white devil cold ice, or that sentence, the bet cold ice is easy eighth, easy eighth lineup is not a good lineup.

The correct usage of white magic is white magic Sena, but it is also possible to develop a platter lineup of black and white magic mutations.

Genting Game 12.8 version is officially online, 4 words to understand the last version!

Finally: This version enhances the slowdown effect of the major attack speeds, which can only be said to be not at all painful, and it is not in line with the consistent tradition of end-of-season carnival.

Lineup recommendation: The only T0 Renata, whether it is a fight poison or an alchemical Renata, but also depends on the chemical reaction after the official launch. T0.5 or Mutants and 442, T1 White Devil Senna, after tomorrow the competition for Senna will be more intense.

If you want to understand this version, in fact, you don't need so much analysis above, you will be treated as "unchanged", how to play or how to play.

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