
ShovelIng the Holy School: Diga Sniper God wants to eat chicken you have to play like this!

ShovelIng the Holy School: Diga Sniper God wants to eat chicken you have to play like this!
ShovelIng the Holy School: Diga Sniper God wants to eat chicken you have to play like this!

Hello everyone, I'm Yu Bai

Unconsciously, the S6 neon night has also come to an end

April 21 also out of the double mode, really looking forward to it

There are still many brothers and sisters who have not yet reached the master

Today, We recommend to you a lineup that is both unpopular and strong

Syndicate cold ice to help you on the big score

ShovelIng the Holy School: Diga Sniper God wants to eat chicken you have to play like this!

As the core C position of the lineup, Han Bing has a high return on group physical damage and deceleration BUFF because of its skills, and it is highly beneficial with endless whispers, and it is combined with giant kills to maximize its output.

Lineup Reviews:

Cool point: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Vision: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Strength: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

ShovelIng the Holy School: Diga Sniper God wants to eat chicken you have to play like this!

Lineup composition: Morgana, Bronn, Hilco, Oriana, Deleus, Ash, Jela, Ember.

Bondage composition:

5 Syndicate: Certain allies will be shrouded in shadows, gaining 55 armor, 55 magic resistance, and 25% all-around bloodsucking. All [syndicate] heroes.

2 White Devil: Your team gains a magic resistance bonus. The White Mages receive healing and shield effect bonuses. 25 healing and shield effects; 20 magic resistance

2 Precision: Your team gains an attack speed boost, and each [Hex Boost] in [Hex Core] will provide an additional boost. 10% Attack Speed + 5% [Hex Boost] number

2 Bodyguards: [Bodyguards] have armor boosts. For a short time after the battle begins, the Bodyguards will taunt the enemies of the Neighbor, forcing them to attack the Bodyguard. And when the Taunt effect is triggered, a shield is obtained. 80 Armor, which will receive a layer of shields with a value of 150 shields when the Taunt effect is triggered.

2 Snipers: Snipers deal additional damage for every 1 block away from the target. +8% bonus damage every 1 block.

ShovelIng the Holy School: Diga Sniper God wants to eat chicken you have to play like this!

Core Gameplay:

In the early stage, only take the target hero, streak or streak to eat interest, save 50 yuan of interest after playing the first wave of monsters, bet out the target card three stars (the opening quality is high, the equipment is suitable for direct winning streaks, the quality is generally about three swings to eat 3-2, 6 populations start D card)

The first half is still recommended to take a winning streak, more test the understanding of the game and the game before the middle of the excessive ability, the early stage will generally use 3 syndicates 2 snipers 2 bodyguards to overdo, 3 syndicates in the early stage is very strong.

Morgana's meat suit is very important, as the lineup of vice C high-quality front row, can carry can play, priority to han bing to find endless whispers is very critical, followed by find Morgana's meat suit.

Out of 3 stars Morgana and Han Bing, after the lineup is formed, any lineup is very good to play, there is a frankness and output is not vain at all.

There are syndicated turns that can be added to the lineup cap on 9 open foxes and 7 syndicates!

ShovelIng the Holy School: Diga Sniper God wants to eat chicken you have to play like this!
ShovelIng the Holy School: Diga Sniper God wants to eat chicken you have to play like this!

Syndicate Crown: The Syndicate Crown provides 2 [Syndicated Coats of Arms].

I'm for Everyone: When your Syndicate heroes die, they will provide your other Syndicate heroes with attack power and spell strength. Provide 1 [Ash].

Back Row News: At the beginning of the battle session, your players in the back 2 rows will get 20% attack speed.

Hex preferred the syndicate transfer, I can also choose for everyone and the back row, and I can also take the one who can help play the game of winning streak.

Lineup Position:

Morgana and Brontop in the front row to bear damage to play control, other flags sink to protect our C position cold ice safe output, Xavier's charge to the front row, the final circle to pay attention to the static french suit can be.

ShovelIng the Holy School: Diga Sniper God wants to eat chicken you have to play like this!

Equipment Collocation:

Main C Cold Ice: Equipped with an endless, whispering, giant kill alternative sheep knife

Vice C Morgana: Equipped to be on anti-armor, berserker, dragon claw

Extra equipment is good to give clockwork.

ShovelIng the Holy School: Diga Sniper God wants to eat chicken you have to play like this!


The opening draft directly takes the big sword, the short bow starts 2-1 on the 4 population, 2-5 on the five population, composes 1 social, 3 syndicates, 2 bodyguards, 2 white devils, the early words give priority to doing the endless ice and Morgana's anti-armor, as far as possible to play a streak to rise the population, 3-2 on the 6 population to start D Samsung Ice. (Can't win in a row can go 5 consecutive defeats, streak advantage is good to get equipment)

ShovelIng the Holy School: Diga Sniper God wants to eat chicken you have to play like this!

Mid-to-late stage operation:

3-2 pull 6 population, small D to improve the quality, preferably the overall can be 2 stars, 6 population with 1 social, 2 white devils, 3 syndicates, 2 snipers, Samsung cold ice after pulling 7 population, in the 7 level of savings slow D Morgana three stars, core card three stars after the rise of 8 population clockwork to complete the final lineup high probability eat chicken.

Nanny-style teaching! Have you learned ''waste'' and are serious about teaching.

If you think this lineup is good, please give a comment, like in the lower right corner to support the author, this is really important to me, look forward to your attention!

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