
【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

Recently, the second phase of the 3.6 version of "Genshin" has been opened for a long time, and the new characters Baishu and Kavi have been launched, and the limited character Ganyu is recreated.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

For the new role of Baishu, Jiu Jiu is still very concerned. Under the background of the current strong version of the "seed gate", as a grass attribute magic mother, the lower limit of the intensity of the white art will definitely not be too low.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

After all, there is only one Zhongli, and the Deep Realm Spiral is often not enough points. Moreover, Nilu's blooming team has restrictions on the attributes of the characters, and the grass characters naturally have advantages.

Therefore, after this card pool was opened, Jiu Jiu did not observe and analyze much, and immediately drew the white technique, wanting to use him to further optimize the actual combat experience of the grass team.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

The feeling of using it in the past few days, in a word, is summed up: the milk is good, but the shield is too thin, and the ability to hang grass is not good.

A glass cover that breaks when touched

The fact that the shield is too thin is not a relative inadequacy compared with the Blood Bull Bell over 10,000 shields, but "shattered when touched" in the actual combat sense.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

The first is that the basic value is too low, basically a strange attack can be broken. Even if the skill level reaches level 9 and the health is piled up to 50,000 points, the shield triggered by the White Art will not exceed 1,000 points each time.

And his shield is not refreshed very often. Hakujutsu's shield comes from the big move "Yuqi Holomorphism", which refreshes every 2.5 seconds for a duration of 14 seconds.

In terms of refresh rate, if the shield amount is relatively moderate, it is also decent. But the amount of shield is too low, so that the actual combat feeling is a 2.5-second hegemonic resistance interruption.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

When the clock leaves the shield, the player can generally put aside the position and attack brainless output. But if it is the shield of the white art, you still need to move carefully~

Especially when facing an enemy with a high frequency of attacks like the Holy Remains Beast, even if it blocks the first blow, it is useless. The high-speed combos that follow can easily interrupt the character's output flow.

But the shield thin also has a little benefit, and in general, it is not afraid of shell monsters. If the shield is broken in seconds, the empty shell passive will not be triggered (but if the empty shell attack is large and the character opens the big move to avoid damage, the empty shell passive will still be triggered).

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

Overall, the shield of Hakujutsu cannot be said to be useless, but the protection and interruption resistance provided are relatively average. For example, Saino only has a survival aid with white art, and the actual combat is still the same as before, afraid of flying and being beaten straight.

The hanging grass of the world

As a grass element magic weapon character, Jiu Jiu was quite looking forward to the ability of white art to hang grass before, thinking that he could pull another independent "seed gate brigade".

But the actual combat effect is more general, if the single white art hanging grass is more suitable for taking the pure radicalization route, the amount of grass hanging on the radical route is not enough, and another grass character is also needed to assist.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

The first reason for the poor ability to hang grass is the attack distance of Hakujutsu.

As a magic weapon character, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind must be to attack the hanging grass. However, the judgment of the ordinary attack of the White Art General Attack is very short, and it is almost the same as the melee mage's Shikanoin Heizo.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

As for the elemental combat skills, although the attack distance is relatively far, the limitation of the maximum three targets makes him unable to hang grass in the range group.

The problem with the big move is that the damage range is too small, and you need to stick to the monster. And there is no damage when the big move is opened, only the coordinated attack hanging grass when the shield is refreshed.

At present, it is more suitable for the use of Xino of the pure radicalization team, which can provide Xino with a certain ability to turn fire, and it will not be so uncomfortable when clearing many waves of monsters.

And if it is a double thunder intensification, the small-scale hanging grass of the White Art after Wanye Gathering Monsters is not so uncomfortable.

Quality response

As a five-star character, Bai Shu must also have his highlights.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

The white art piled up to 50,000 blood, the total blood return volume of the elemental battle technique easily exceeded 10,000, and the total blood return of the big move was also easily pulled to 30,000, which can be described as full of milk.

Moreover, the health of characters treated by shields on the spot is less than 50%, and the ability of Hakujutsu to return blood will also receive a 20% healing bonus, which is suitable for high-pressure environments.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

In addition to the large amount, his blood recovery mechanism itself is also very good, and the elemental combat skill is a total blood return, avoiding the situation that some residual blood teammates switch out and die violently in order to eat front milk.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

Although the healing effect of the elemental burst is continuous recovery, it is not the effect of Bennett, Xinhai, and Qin as a prison. Under the mechanism of carry-on milk, even if the character is beaten away, he can still eat healing, and he does not have to be afraid of those high-cut monsters.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

These traits make him suitable for survival in teams where the amount of grass hanging from his teammates is already sufficient. For example, replace Yaoyao in the Double Water Double Grass Ni Bloom Team, or make up the last position in the Grass Xingjiu team.

Of course, don't forget that the spontaneous combustion of the combustion reaction continues to lose blood, which is actually in line with the intermittent blood return of about 2.5 seconds in the white art move.

The icing on the cake to increase damage

For this passive increase in damage of Baishu, some friends reported that they had not noticed it before, and they found it only after turning the skill description.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

This situation is actually normal, and the passive damage increase of the white art is aimed at the damage of the grass elemental reaction, which is consistent with the area of the elemental mastery blessing, and it is easy to be diluted.

In layman's terms, this Radical Bloom Reaction has been added once before by Elemental Mastery, and it will not feel a particularly big boost in actual combat (especially if the replacement teammate is Zhongli who subtracts all resistance).

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

For example, the white art of 50,000 blood can passively increase the damage of blooming and burning reactions by 100%.

But if it is in the Jiuxing Grass team, the 900+ mastery that comes with the Grass God has already increased the Burning and Blooming damage by nearly 500%. The icing on the cake of 100% plus achievement is not so impressive.

brief summary

In general, if you look at Bai Shu, you can find that he is a nanny with a high amount of reply.

The background mechanism of carry-on milk is relatively plug-and-play, and novices can put one in the early stage of land reclamation, as long as it is a team that lacks survival. But when he begins to pursue intensity in the later stage, he will find that his restrictions in all aspects have led to little improvement in the overall ceiling of the team.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

For example, the improvement of the damage ability of the team is mainly limited to the grass reaction team, but the frequency of hanging grass is not good, and many times additional hanging grass teammates are needed.

For example, his carry-on grass allows Saino to turn fire without facing the problem of multiple waves of mobs and no one hanging grass, but the duration of 14 seconds obviously makes Xino tend to pure radicalization team.

【Genshin】A little preservation + a lot of abundance! Is the new UP white art qualified in strength?

In the current version, the 0-life white technique is more like a lubricant for an already complete team, and it is not a mandatory human rights card. It is suitable for old players with a complete team to draw one and enrich the team selection. But if it is a new player, it is more suitable to draw the team core of the previous UP grass god.

The above are some of Jiujiu's recent thoughts on the use of white art, what is everyone's opinion on this new member of the grass lineage? Leave a message to share with everyone!

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