
Genshin Impact: Now that the intensity of Ganyu is so low, what is the problem!

author:Worry-free wind sound QaX

In today's high-profile role-playing game scene, the character of Ganyu has sparked discussion among countless players. As an ultra-long-range archer, her high output and unique mechanics keep her in the spotlight. However, despite her obvious strengths, her usage in the game is relatively low. What is the reason for this state of Ganyu? In this issue, we will provide a comprehensive analysis of Ganyu, exploring her strengths and limitations, as well as her prospects in the game.

Genshin Impact: Now that the intensity of Ganyu is so low, what is the problem!

First, let's dive into the advantages of Ganyu. Ganyu is unique in her ultra-long-range bow attack and high output. Her second-stage Charged Skill, Frost Arrow, deals AoE Ice Damage, hitting multiple enemies and dealing massive damage. This mechanic allows Ganyu to play an integral role in the team, especially in the Melt lineup. In addition, her E skill has a taunt effect, and her ultimate is a range-off secondary C skill, which makes her perform with ease on the battlefield.

Genshin Impact: Now that the intensity of Ganyu is so low, what is the problem!

However, despite Ganyu's strong output capabilities, she also has some significant shortcomings. First of all, Ganyu has a relatively long charging time, taking 2 seconds to charge. In the process, if you are interrupted by the enemy, your previous efforts will be undone. The charge state can be easily interrupted by various primordial demons, whether it is the enemy's flexible attack or the player's own displacement, which may cause Ganyu's charge to fail. Even the Ice Lotus summoned by her E-skill "Rink of Yamazawa" taunts enemies, making it difficult to take effect against some fast-moving enemies. This makes Ganyu's charged attacks very difficult, with a low margin for error.

Genshin Impact: Now that the intensity of Ganyu is so low, what is the problem!

Secondly, Ganyu's aiming ability is relatively unstable. While many players think that they can improve their aiming accuracy with a little practice, the reality is that even experienced players struggle to maintain a consistent hit rate against fast-moving enemies. Jumping, moving, and shaking enemies can cause Ganyu's attacks to fail to hit, which often happens in actual combat and causes a lot of confusion for players.

Genshin Impact: Now that the intensity of Ganyu is so low, what is the problem!

In addition, Ganyu's damage multiplier is relatively low. In most cases, Ganyu's second-stage damage adds up to more than 40,000 to 50,000 at most. Even with a good relic, her damage could only reach around 60,000. Given the charge time and aim instability, the damage in actual combat is often unsatisfactory. Moreover, Ganyu's output damage is relatively simple, and it is difficult to cause large areas of damage in an instant, which leads to her need to match a survival character in the team, which limits the choice of the overall lineup.

Genshin Impact: Now that the intensity of Ganyu is so low, what is the problem!

To sum up, while Ganyu has high ranged output and unique mechanics, her inherent shortcomings make it difficult for her to reach her full potential in actual combat. She needs to charge up for a long time, is easily interrupted, has erratic aim, and has a low damage multiplier, all of which limit her development. In addition, her output method is relatively simple, and it is difficult to adapt to the complex and changeable combat environment. As a result, in the current version, Ganyu's usage rate is low, and most players prefer to choose other characters with more stable and diverse outputs.

However, the game world is constantly changing, and the strengths and weaknesses of the characters are often affected by version updates. Perhaps, in a future version, Ganyu's mechanics will be tweaked to make her easier to learn and more adaptable to diverse combat scenarios. Or, in certain team combinations, she'll play a more powerful role. Players may just have to wait for a suitable opportunity to see Ganyu shine in a new light.

Overall, Ganyu as a character has unique mechanics and high output, but her inherent shortcomings limit her development. In the current version of the game, most players prefer to choose other characters with more stable and diverse outputs than Ganyu.

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