
Original God: 98 days 0 Kr ceiling, 5 five stars even if it is, the abyss can still be full of stars?

The king of the pen in the game, living by playing games every day, playing online games also has 20 years, I have my own unique insights, as a 10-year old player who does not get out of the pit, if the article is written in any problems, please re-spray! If everyone thinks it's good, please forward and like! Thank you so much!

The original god 98 days 0 krypton ceiling, 5 five stars even if it is, the abyss can still be full of stars? This player has Zhong Li, Gan Yu and Ayahua, as well as 2 five-star weapons, Fog Cut and Four Winds, so that with the other four-star characters, they can be full of stars in the abyss, or 0 Krypton gold? Is it all about chests and quests?

Original God: 98 days 0 Kr ceiling, 5 five stars even if it is, the abyss can still be full of stars?

In fact, if this person is true, it is very strange, Zero Kr players can have so much gold and there is fog cut in 98 days, this is how much Of a European Emperor, Zero Kr also dares to touch the weapon pool and smoke is definitely not a cold door, the opening of the smoke big world is not too cool.

Original God: 98 days 0 Kr ceiling, 5 five stars even if it is, the abyss can still be full of stars?

Anyway, I think 98 days full of stars must be cheating technology number, don't think about it, but also 0 Kr, a year is unlikely to be full of stars, don't cloud. Now three months, can there be three five stars of Bell away from Ganyu Linghua, Linghua also has a special martial fog cut, this is zero Krypton? One or two Ou may also be, three UP plus a fog cut, zero Kr normal saving two versions is enough for a big guarantee.

Original God: 98 days 0 Kr ceiling, 5 five stars even if it is, the abyss can still be full of stars?

Others say that if it is a trumpet opened by an old player, it is not impossible. Because you know the location of all the treasure chests, know how to save the rough, know how to draw cards, and the resources are not wasted at all, it is still possible to achieve the ultimate. 98 days 0 Kr can have so many five stars? And the special weapon? I played for half a year, the roles I drew were not as much as he did, and I also got a kryptonite card... There is no single-handedness.

Original God: 98 days 0 Kr ceiling, 5 five stars even if it is, the abyss can still be full of stars?

0 Krypton, the bell is taken together with Ganyu, and the mist in the gods is taken together? If the small guarantee is not crooked this is possible. But everyone should pay attention to the fact that Zhong Li and Gan Yu Xiao bao are not crooked, even if the weapons and characters can not be crooked together, what is the probability?

Smoke is suitable for the new opening of the wilderness, and the autumn class you special Xiang Ling to team up to react to have value, alone to take out a comparison with the smoke of the big world to open up the wilderness?

Original God: 98 days 0 Kr ceiling, 5 five stars even if it is, the abyss can still be full of stars?

There are also players who say that Wang Xiaomei has not been reproduced within 98 days, where is Wang Xiaomei, don't ask me why I know, because I also played the game 98 days ago. Unless the super European emperor, the holy relics are the best, otherwise the composition of the open technology is very large.

And 98 days, five-star characters and five-star weapons, easy to understand, The European Emperor is possible, but how to brush the Ultimate Holy Relics, I brushed for three months, a set of Ultimate Sacred Relics are not together.

Original God: 98 days 0 Kr ceiling, 5 five stars even if it is, the abyss can still be full of stars?

The 98-day 0 Krypton in the original god can brush out this holy relic and character weapon, unless the luck explodes, it is impossible to continue. And the abyss is full of dissatisfaction stars, and said that the two five-star weapons from Zero Kr, and three 5-star UP characters, how much to save per day on average for 98 days, are idiots.

My trumpet is also the number built by Zhong Li GanyuChi, basically also active for a hundred and ten days, do not rush money how to smoke these two goods you are talking about? At present, the big world is explored 100%, and the abyss only has twelve layers and two rooms full of stars, what zero oxygen is full of stars? Can you still raise tobacco?

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