
DFM 1-0 AZE Renata R Flashman Regiment battle is picturesque

On May 10, Beijing time, the 2022 MSI Mid-Season Championship tournament is in full swing! After T1 won the Vietnamese SGB to win the opening, the second match of the group stage was AZE in Latin America against "Japan's only illusion" DFM! In the early stage, DFM opened a breakthrough from the bottom road, the mid-term spiritual command stole to the great dragon, AZE was controlled by the rhythm of the mute fire everywhere, and finally DFM successfully won the MSI's first victory!

DFM 1-0 AZE Renata R Flashman Regiment battle is picturesque

AZE: Rambo, Monkey, Victor, Samira, Titan.

DFM: Arn, Gunner, Sindra, Lucian, Renata.

At the beginning of the DFM Ueno invasion of the blue buff wild area of AZE, originally wanted to grab the wild monster and disrupt the monkey's brush rhythm, but unexpectedly the monkey hit the phantom wolf when DFM Ueno also wanted to interfere, the monkey spelled punishment to defend the big wolf to upgrade to level 2, DFM two people were played out of the double flash, can only escape from the wild area, the male gun back to their own blue area development.

DFM 1-0 AZE Renata R Flashman Regiment battle is picturesque

4 minutes DFM directly three ways to blossom: the end of the "retreat" of the male gun gank middle road, Victor accidentally walked to Sindra's Q ball and was pushed to stun, Sindra flashed to carry the tower to make up for the damage and get a blood. Although the male gun followed the trend gank on the road and did not kill Rambo, it eased the pressure on Orne's line, while DFM played a 0 for 2 rhythm to take off. After AZE was killed by the line, the disadvantage was getting bigger and bigger, the DFM duo grabbed the 6th level to attack first, Lucian cut the double kill, and AZE completely exploded the line. Before the male gun of the collapse of the sky also controlled the water dragon and the canyon vanguard, DFM's advantage in the second half of the map was huge, and the "world where only Orn was injured" was completed

The male gun put the pioneer on the lower road, covering Lucian single to eat a blood tower, DFM crowd hugged the middle of the road, Victor pulled away in time, DFM turned around without pressure to control the earth dragon, and then pulled out the AZE middle road tower, the rhythm was quite smooth, and then the two sides launched an offensive and defensive game on the road, Orne and Victor fell to the ground, AZE pushed off the road tower, killing the second pioneer to find the field. Before the birth of the great dragon, AZE used the "road blocking" effect of the Lambo move to grab a wind dragon from the monkey, and in exchange for DFM, pushed down the second tower of the middle road, and the economy led by 3,000.

DFM 1-0 AZE Renata R Flashman Regiment battle is picturesque

In the middle of the DFM, he grabbed and killed Rambo who was too deep in the lower road, giving the pressure of the AZE lower road line, and then quickly assembled in the Dalong River Channel, cleared the vision with the shadow broadsword of the male gun, and decisively rushed off the big dragon and retreated! AZE had no choice but to control the wind dragon and barely stop the loss. In 26 minutes, AZE encountered DFM's left and right bag clips in XiaolongHe, Renata partition wall R flashed three people first, DFM played a wave of sudden 0 for 5, the group destroyed AZE wave to end the game, and got his first victory in the MSI group stage!

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