
The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoni. Today Xiaoni came to give the small partners a look at the skin to be out of the next and the current "snow hidden" skin, according to xiaoni's current statistics, there are more than 20 snow hidden skins!

As for why the national service is not online? First of all, and the most important point: the national service login event is different from the international service, the international service S3 season of the national service is only online, and many skins have been pulled down! Since it is pulled down, wait for the activity to come out together!

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

Next, let's take a look at the new skins that are about to be launched in the near future and the skins that are not yet synchronized!

New skin

First of all, the new skin, the new member of the video game series skin, the video game goddess Miss Doom, the video game goddess A tanuki joined the video game party on April 29th! These two skins are on the snow list and are finally going online!

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!
The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

The video game series can be said to be hidden classic old feeling skins, in the end game, these 2 skins are the third and fifth anniversary of the limited skins, respectively; the thought of that time is really full of memories!

These two skins will be online on April 29th, and Xiaoni guesses that there will be a promotion! Guess what kind of preferential form the mobile game will be launched?

Baby Bunny Robot

Remember the last time bomberman's baby rabbit skin was sold for 10 yuan, this time the baby rabbit robot will be online during the May Day holiday.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

This ugly and cute skin, if the price is 10 yuan, you can still consider it

In addition, Xiaoni reminds everyone that these two baby rabbit skins are exclusive to mobile games. If it is a collection party, it is recommended that you start. If you miss the starting time, it will take more than half a year to wait for the return to the factory!

The above three new skins are all skins that will be online in the near future; the video game goddess skin Xiaoni personal speculation will be similar to April Fool's Day, and the rabbit baby robot is still ten yuan ~ ~

Unsynchronized skins

Next, Xiaoni will give you an inventory of the skin that has not yet been synchronized with the national dress; as of now, Xiaoni statistics have 20 models (in addition to the above 3 models is 17 models) Let's take a look at it!

Normal skin

01 Little Red Riding Hood Anne

This skin can be said to be a super elder level skin!

Anne had to cross the river and the jungle to her grandmother's house, and Warwick was not the only one who tried to stop her on the way. Of course, Warwick didn't know that Anne could fireballs or summon Blazing Bears, so it was definitely a huge communication problem.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

02 Wind Discipline Committee Member A tanuki

The Academic Affairs Office has been suspended from participating in future College events because of her following behaviors (including, but not limited to, using a mobile phone during class, using a mobile phone at a disciplinary hearing about the use of a mobile phone, seducing faculty and staff at a disciplinary hearing, and escaping a disciplinary hearing with her mobile phone.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

03 Fighting buddha Sun Wukong

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

04 DingHai God Zhen Sun Wukong

After gaining the power of the Ancient Jade Dragon, Goku's combat skills have reached the height of their peak. Although his personality is still impatient and reckless, his new ability is beyond doubt. However, these abilities also became a major problem for the master, because the power of the jade dragon was also a curse.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

05 Raptors Reckton

As a rare highly intelligent animal, Reckton's language abilities are extremely powerful, and his ability to use the Half Moon Blade is also amazing. He is also nearly six stories tall and extremely unfriendly. Hunters who want to hunt him down suggest that they arrange their aftermath before attacking.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

06 Obsidian Guardian Murphytt

As the majestic mountains were torn from their roots during the rise of the Grey and White Lords, strange creatures of obsidian crept out from the depths beneath them. Freed for the first time after several dry years, they seem committed to blocking hellfire and are particularly well suited to defeating them.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

07 Baby Rabbit Robot

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

08 Baby Rabbit Little FishMan

Fitz rose from the most plush abyss to destroy all the genie legions. He commands the most threatening carrots in the known realm – he is one of the most grumpy and brutal killer rabbits.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

09 Underworld Cards

For those who fear the inevitable encounter with death, Trist offers another path. If he wins his gamble, there will be a life of luxury waiting. If he loses, Trist will gladly add another card to his growing deck of miserable souls.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

10 Five Kills Rock Olaf

Good drummers are very rhythmic, this tall cursed Viking has no end to the desire to kill, and Olaf of the Five Kills Rock Band is a very, very good drummer.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

Most of the above skins are modified models, skins that do not change special effects; next, Xiaoni summarized the special effect skins for everyone!

Special effect skins

11 Secret Journey Explorer Jax

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

12 Secret Traveler Explorer Timo

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

13 Tiger Bronn

Tiger Wrestler is a contemporary wrestler with worldwide acclaim, and his roar is the roar of a nation's champion. He's a friend of everyone... But it is still possible to inflict a two-hundred-pound competitive fighter in the ring with a deadly scissor foot.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

14 How to Train Your Dragon Witch Lulu

Dragons, though terrifying, are living creatures and can therefore befriend them in the right situation. Lulu charms her little ones with her whimsical magic.... Shi also became the first dragon trainer ever.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

15 Western Cowboy Embers

Want a person's life? See the crazy people who are basking in the sun, they all want to make a name for themselves in the Old West, just hire one. Need me to give an example? Then you need to go to the mechanical killer named Embers – no one will forget the consequences of murder and art.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

16 Future Warrior Trist

By deceiving time enforcers, Trist is known for his simultaneous mass robbery across multiple timelines. He knows the fastest time to escape, so he can always escape with the stolen treasure at the moment before the arrival of the law enforcers...

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

17 Hellfire Gario

Gario is a vicious variant of the wicked Underworld fire tribe that leads it. Even by the standards of his grumpy peers, he was enormous. His steps melted the bedrock beneath his feet, engulfing the entire army like a bag of things.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

18 Nairobi Kennan

Kennan is a playful Fire Spirit. He wasn't an evil creature, but when he moved fast, he would involuntarily ignite things around him. His lightning-fast movement would wreak havoc on any hapless village that attracted this mischievous spirit.

The video game Goddess 29 is online, taking stock of the 20 new skins of the national costume that have not yet been launched!

There are also the 19th and 20th models that are upcoming video game series, so that's exactly 20 skins! In the previous developer logs, it was mentioned that pool parties, future warriors and other series will be launched in the future!

In addition to these two series of Xiaoni more like soul lotus, Hex technology and so on; are very good skin! I hope that mobile games can introduce more beautiful skins soon!

After reading today's content, which skin is most expected to be synchronized to the mobile game as soon as possible? Or what are the expected series of skins, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to Xiao Ni Oh!

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