
Psychology: Really powerful people, when disappointed, will do these three things well

Psychology: Really powerful people, when disappointed, will do these three things well
Psychology: Really powerful people, when disappointed, will do these three things well

After reading such a sentence, I felt very deeply: Life kisses me with pain, and I also want to sing about life.

No one's life can be smooth sailing, in the face of helplessness, it is better to change an angle, in the face of frustration, it is better to hold a normal heart.

How wide the heart is, how wide the road of life is. It's good to have hope, but it's also important to have a flat mind and make expectations that match your actual abilities.

Of course, even if you are sometimes confident about a thing, it is inevitable that there will be times of mistakes, some disappointments are very light, but the frown is over; some disappointments are very heavy, and it is not easy to walk.

And people, why are they disappointed?

According to the psychological view, the root of disappointment is due to expectation. When we get results that don't match expectations, negative emotions arise.

Expectation is like a child's thirst for candy, the higher the inner sense of need, the greater the gap, the stronger the negative emotions.

Psychology: Really powerful people, when disappointed, will do these three things well

To put it bluntly, disappointment is a feeling that our expectations have been disappointed, but we are unable to accept it.

And truly wise people, when they are at the trough of life and face disappointment, will not be passive, but will step down to do these three things well.

Psychology: Really powerful people, when disappointed, will do these three things well

Accept the status quo

Walden says, "Dawn will only come when we open our eyes and wake up." ”

Everyone will have unsatisfactory in life, when we encounter problems, do not take an evasive attitude, we must learn to accept the status quo, this is the first step out of the quagmire.

There is no easy world for adults, and many times we see others living to your envy, and that's only superficial. Maybe in the eyes of others, you are also the object of their envy.

Thinking through a thing, often only in a moment, maybe our lives have to experience a lot of negative energy, and even insomnia, anxiety, overwhelmed.

But evasion can not solve any problems, the tall buildings are flat, and only when we lay the cornerstone firmly can we take every step steadily.

Psychology: Really powerful people, when disappointed, will do these three things well

And accept the reality, do not expect the illusory things, on this basis to plan their own life, in order to go further from success.

Being able to accept your imperfect self and stomp on the pain of the past is the opening ceremony for you to become stronger.

Get over the corner

How deeply you can withstand the slander, how much praise you can stand, maybe at the moment you have not achieved what you expect, but as long as you are willing, you will slowly fill your wings and get closer to the sky.

When there is no way back in life, it is more courageous to move forward. Maybe the sudden blow makes you collapse, the external incomprehension makes you fall into the freezing point, but so withered, is this the life you want?

Only when a person can overcome difficulties can he truly grow and will grow rapidly.

Difficulties will make us re-examine our own lives, when this bumpy ride over the past, the accumulation of time and time again will let us bathe in the brightest sunshine, as if to get a new life.

Maybe it will be difficult to break through the predicament, but as long as we put in our own efforts, everything is worth it, and we will not live in regret.

Psychology: Really powerful people, when disappointed, will do these three things well

Zhao Jialu wrote in her book "Learning to Choose to Read and Give Up": "Being able to give up is a leap forward, when you can give up everything you are having and live simply and calmly, the hurdles of your life will also pass." ”

In the face of ups and downs, we do not have to drill the tip of the bull's horn, whether it is a straight line or a curve to save the country, it is good to be able to come out and use our own strength to save the country.

Adjust your mindset

When we face disappointment, we must pay attention to our own mentality. People live in a spirit, and when their mentality collapses, they really lose.

The quality of our psychological quality lies in our usual cultivation and adjustment. When we live in this world, we must be open-minded, open-minded, light-hearted, and far-sighted, and it is not difficult to let go of ourselves for others.

In just a few decades, it is true to live happily. Don't put your desires too high, don't dwell on the things that have passed, let yourself be calm and quiet, and care for yourself more, this is a way to greatly reduce stress.

Psychology: Really powerful people, when disappointed, will do these three things well

When we encounter irritable moods, even if we have the self-control to drink a glass of white water, listen to a song, or even empty ourselves, it is a kind of progress.

Let your life slow down, be happy for each small step you take, people do not live to compete with others, nor do they always have to envy other people's lives.

You are not a bystander of your own life, you are the executor of your own life, you just have to compare yourself.

When you encounter a low point in life, think more about those who love yourself and those you love. Disappointment is not always there, but these people are always there.

Psychology: Really powerful people, when disappointed, will do these three things well

The ancient Roman philosopher Seneca said: "People always expect the benefits of good times, but they should know how to taste the benefits of bad times." ”

Adversity is not useless, as long as we can not let disappointment drag you down, it is not a bad thing to suffer some blows in life. Those failures that can't defeat you are all more powerful boosts for you.

Psychology: Really powerful people, when disappointed, will do these three things well

And the so-called "comfort" of those boiled frogs can only make people tired and become vulnerable at critical moments.

I have heard such a saying: disappointment is not afraid, fear is not enough disappointment, save enough disappointment can start all over again.

Life is not afraid of disappointment, it is afraid of no hope, and it is not afraid of setbacks in doing things, and it is afraid that it will stumble.

Remember not to look up and see the moon as it is said, "Keep looking down to pick up sixpence, but forgetting to look up and see the moon." ”

Such a life, ashamed of oneself, is not worth it.


The world is so big, thank you, you can see me!

[Wen | Wei Wei'an: the pen has temperature, for the voice of emotion, an atypical writer who loves words, invites you to perceive life together]

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