
7 kinds of dads who hurt their children, the last one is simply unbearable, is your dad on the list?

▲ Children

Some people say that in the eyes of a girl, dad is the standard for her to rely on when she was a child and want to marry in the future; in the eyes of boys, dad is his role model when he was a child, a man he will become when he grows up.

Therefore, the image of the father, what the father does, and the companionship of the father are very important to the growth of the child.

However, in real life, there are always some fathers who ignore the meaning of their own existence and do not play the role of "father", which has a negative impact on the growth of their children.

The following seven kinds of fathers to help you summarize, according to the lethality from small to large in order, the last one is simply unbearable, see if your father is on the list?


Smoking dad

When dads are enjoying the joy of swallowing clouds and spitting mist, have they ever thought that cigarettes will produce more than 3,000 compounds after burning, most of which are harmful to physical health?

Ever thought that this happiness is based on the pain of the family, at the expense of the health of the child? Have you ever thought that in a smoky family environment, unconsciously, children become "second-hand smokers"?

Smoking is not only harmful to smokers, but also to the children around them: dads often smoke, children will be prone to bronchitis and pneumonia, the incidence is proportional to the degree of smoking by dads.

The chemicals released when cigarettes burn can increase the sensitivity of your child's respiratory mucosa and increase the incidence of asthma. If the father smokes when the child eats, it is easy to affect the child's appetite and induce the child to be anorexic.

In addition, it also causes harm to children's learning ability, affecting reading, reasoning and mathematics. Because the codine produced by nicotine after the body is divided in the body will make the child's average score in reading, math and reasoning lower and lower.


For the sake of their children's health and future, fathers must reduce the number of smoking, or even quit smoking addiction, and create a smoke-free family environment for their children. Even if you can't quit smoking, you must not smoke in front of your child.


Overly controlling dad

Some dads are too macho and too controlling. Whatever it is, it is up to you to decide and do not respect the child's ideas.

Dad's desire to control is too strong, depriving children of the opportunity to express themselves and express their own views, which will make children have the psychology of "I will not", "I can't do" and "I am not good", resulting in self-doubt and cowardice.

A father who is too controlling will be too majestic, invisibly putting pressure on the child and adversely affecting the intimate relationship between the father and the child.

As children grow, fathers will increasingly become models and benchmarks for boys. The dictatorial dictatorship of the father will form in the boy's mind the impression that the man and the father are the dictator. Thus copying himself as a copy of his father.

Fathers should learn to let go and give their children the opportunity to express themselves; accept the children, allow the children to do what they like at their own pace, and in the process, let the children show their abilities and tap the potential abilities.


The phone doesn't leave the dad

Dads are busy at work, busier after work, and "Ge You" is lying on the sofa like Tarzan, and the mobile phone is not left. His wife asked him to help with housework, and the children pestered him to play games, never lifting his eyelids and refusing to move the place for half a day. You also have to bring your mobile phone to the toilet, and stay in the toilet for half an hour. In short, mobile phones are more pro than children!

The father ignores the child because of the mobile phone, which is undoubtedly a kind of cold violence, and the child will feel that the father is perfunctory, and naturally does not want to communicate with him. Parent-child communication is hindered, and the child's personality will become withdrawn and autistic.

Many of the behaviors of children imitate their parents. If the father plays in front of the child with the mobile phone all day long, the child will naturally learn from it. Children's self-control is relatively poor, and access to mobile phones will naturally be addictive, which is particularly detrimental to children's vision, interpersonal communication and learning.

Most importantly, the father is intoxicated with the mobile phone and ignores the child, which will make the child feel that he is not valued, and even the child will feel that the father does not love me, and he does not have the importance of the mobile phone.

In this case, the child will become very irritable, and even think of ways to work against the parents, so as to win the attention of the parents. If the parents do not know the situation and scold the child, the child will feel more aggrieved, and the parent-child relationship will also be estranged.

Put down the phone and don't let the child have the despair of "the farthest distance in the world is me by your side, but you are playing with the phone".


Grumpy dad

Children are the shadow of their parents, and children are very good at learning through imitation. If the father is grumpy, beats at every turn, and scolds at every turn, then the child is likely to be likely to be like this, even deeper.

When the father encounters something unpleasant, he will lose his temper, so when the child encounters a similar situation in the future, he will take the same method to vent.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, there are two extremes in the personalities of fathers and children.

The father is violent and irritable, and the child will form a humble and cowardly character in fear, becoming less and less lively, less and less like to talk, which is not conducive to the establishment of self-confidence. In the long run, psychological development is not sound, and if the situation is serious, it will cause psychological shadows and even trauma.

The grumpy father must restrain his emotions and learn to solve problems with communication and patience. Instead of throwing a temper tantrum at every turn, passing on a positive energy to the child, this is a priceless wealth for the growth of the child.


A dad with no integrity

Before the age of 10, the father is the heaven in the eyes of the child, worshiping and trusting from the bottom of the heart, and every word of the father is like a holy will to the child.

However, many fathers always use time constraints and busy work as excuses to excuse their children for untrustworthiness, or directly use coaxing to prevaricate their children, thinking that their children are small, and they will casually make up a perfunctory reason.

The child wants to have dinner with the father, the father always answers "tomorrow", but after each "tomorrow" comes, there is always a pair of dishes and chopsticks on the table; the child wants the whole family to go to the amusement park to play, the father promises to "go next weekend", but every time the child packs up and leaves with enthusiasm, the father is always missing.

More importantly, the father's repeated untrustworthiness will make the child develop a bad habit of not being trustworthy to others, which will directly affect the quality and future of the child.

Ask every dad to take the promises given to their children seriously, and if they can't do it, then don't make promises.

Because your untrustworthiness not only loses the child's trust in you, but also has a sense of panic about the child's psychology, even the most trusted father does not count, who else can you trust in this world?


Missing Dad

Chinese families have always had a misunderstanding, "male outside, female inside". In family education, dads always act as "hand-throwing treasurers" and throwing their children to their mothers.

Fathers cannot be absent from homeschooling, especially before the child reaches the age of 12. If the father is not highly involved in the child's growth process, the boy is easily lacking masculinity and becomes a bit "mother", while the girl will invisibly assume a part of the male role, like a female man.

Children are very simple, they think that if dad loves me, he will be able to spend time with me like his mother loves me; if dad doesn't often accompany me, it is not loving me.

Dads must participate in their children's education, communicate with their children at least twice a week, and understand the joys and troubles in their lives. Sometimes it is also advisable to reduce some unnecessary socializing, exercise or travel with your family once a week, and increase the opportunities to communicate with your children and family.

When you can't accompany your child, you often communicate with your child through weChat by phone, listen to your child, express appreciation and love to your child, and let your child feel that you always put him in your heart.


Father who annoys mom

The best love a father can give to his child is to love the child's mother.

In the child's mind, the father is often a symbol of strength and strength. As the protector of the child, the father should give the child a safe home, and the child's greatest sense of security comes from seeing the parents love each other, especially the father loves the mother. Moreover, the father uses actions to demonstrate love for the child, and the child can learn from the parents what love is and how to love from an early age.

If the father often quarrels with the mother, it will cause the child to be afraid and emotionally unstable. In the long run, problem behaviors and psychological imbalances are prone.

If a child often sees his mother crying sadly, he will try to comfort his mother with his limited understanding. When the mother's mood improves, the child will make the mother happy as his responsibility and take on the role of father in the family. However, if the child does not have such mature knowledge and psychological endurance, various psychological problems will occur.

Dads need to maintain good and intimate communication with moms, understand the hard work of their wives raising children and running the family, and express their gratitude and praise for their wives. When children see it in their eyes, they will naturally feel that their hearts are blossoming and they are living a very happy life.

Fathers love their children's mothers with their hearts, not only can make children feel love, but also make mothers feel happy in their hearts, so that such a family will raise healthy and happy children.

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