
Mommy loves to help adjust the intestines and help children get rid of post-festival syndrome harassment

The lively and short Spring Festival holiday is over, many people are still immersed in the atmosphere of the New Year and do not want to wake up, including children who have been in a state of excitement, and because children have changed their eating and resting habits with adults, many "bad problems" are indulged during the holidays, so they will also suffer from "post-holiday syndrome", "symptoms" to loss of appetite, indigestion, constipation and so on are more common.

Mommy loves to help adjust the intestines and help children get rid of post-festival syndrome harassment

During the festival, it is difficult for children to eat at the same time and the type of food they eat, so it is common to be hungry and full, eat and drink heavily. Coupled with the fact that children like fresh and lively, they forget the normal dietary rules when they play, they want to taste fresh food when they see it, and often the more they don't want him to eat, the more they want to eat, which can easily lead to gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, constipation and other symptoms. Moreover, if the child consumes too much high-fat or high-calorie food, the burden on the stomach and intestines will increase, and it is also prone to indigestion.

Therefore, after the holiday, parents should help the baby to restore the normal diet track as soon as possible, so that the child can eat light and easy to digest food, you can mainly vegetables, light porridge or soup, but also let the child drink more water, speed up the metabolism of the gastrointestinal tract. You can also supplement the child with Mommy Love Probiotics, which has the effect of conditioning the intestine, and can also play a good alleviation effect on the child's diarrhea, constipation and indigestion.

Mommy loves to help adjust the intestines and help children get rid of post-festival syndrome harassment

The Bacillus subtilis R179 contained in Mommy Probiotics is an obligate aerobic bacterium that can consume oxygen in the intestine and restore the intestinal anaerobic environment. Enterococcus faecalis R026 is a facultative anaerobic bacterium that can rapidly multiply and consume oxygen molecules on the one hand, and metabolize butyric acid on the other hand. The two bacteria cooperate to seize oxygen, rebuild the normal anaerobic environment of the intestine, restore the energy supply of intestinal epithelial cells, and effectively adjust the intestinal flora and restore and improve intestinal function through the triple effects of oxygen acquisition, energy supply and bacteriostatic.

Mammy love in the subtilis R179 and Enterococcus purine R026 are the preferred strains of the internationally renowned probiotic research institute Rosell Institute in Canada, and have been approved by the CFDA, and the strain number is written in the instructions, safe and reliable. And the two strains do not stimulate the intestines, there is no dependence, mothers can rest assured that their children can take it.

Intestinal health is directly related to the digestion and absorption of nutrients, so parents should work hard and help their children adjust as soon as possible after the holiday. As long as you are patiently guided, the symptoms of your child's post-holiday syndrome will slowly disappear.

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