
The best education for children is to teach by example

You see, the kids are imitating us.


I saw a public service announcement: a father accidentally saw his adolescent son shaving, clumsy, not knowing where to start, looking very distressed. The father thought about it, and did not go directly to tell his son how to operate, but after the child went to school, he found someone to install a washing table, which was tailored to the height of his son, and one tall and one low were arranged on the wall of the bathroom, which was very warm.

Another morning, my father pretended to be casual and went into the bathroom to start washing. When his son came in, he shaved his beard. The son carefully observed his father's movements, and he began to imitate them, putting himself in the foam of shaving his beard, first scraping the left side and then the right side. It was the turn to shave the chin, only to see the father lifting the chin with his left hand, so that the whole head appeared to be in a slightly backward posture, while the right hand was gently scraping from the inside out again, and soon the father and son were on the same frequency. After shaving, the son looked in the mirror and went to school happily, and the father smiled. The father and son of the whole advertisement did not have a word of verbal communication, but inadvertently achieved a perfect teaching and learning.

The father was very attentive, did not point fingers, did not talk at length, but chose a good time to demonstrate his life experience to his son, who in the most relaxed state, imitated success and was elated.


CCTV also broadcast a public service advertisement: a young mother washed the feet of the elderly at home day after day after year, she squatted on the ground, raised her head, smiled and helped the elderly wash their feet while nagging with the elderly, and the whole picture was quiet for many years. Suddenly, one day, her son also hit a basin of water and staggered to his mother, the same smile on his face, "Mom, wash your feet!" ”

The son may not yet understand the meaning of washing his mother's feet with water, he just wants to imitate his mother's behavior, but he does not know that he has unconsciously learned filial piety.

What kind of person you want your children to be, then you have to be that kind of person first

At the Winter Olympics, a talented girl made a stunning appearance, she was Gu Ailing. On February 8, 2022, in the final of the freestyle ski women's big jump, Gu Ailing's last jump was perfectly reversed with the action of turning to the left axis of 1620, and won his first gold.

Gu Ailing is not only gifted in sports, but also a proper academic bully in learning. The reason why she is so good is because her mother has set a good example for her, and people should live a wonderful life through their own efforts.

Gu Ailing's mother, Ben Shuo, completed at Peking University, joined Peking University's speed skating team during college, and later became a ski instructor, which is one of the key factors in her ability to train her daughter to become a ski Olympic champion. At the age of 22, she chose to study in the United States, went to Stanford for an MBA, and after completing her studies, she founded her own venture capital company, and her career flourished. But the greatest thing about moms is that for the sake of her daughter's education, she wrote off her own company, turned into a private investment specialist, reduced her working hours, and concentrated on spending time with her daughter. The time and place are favorable, and Gu Ailing stands out in this way.

As soon as the picture turns, a mother playing with a mobile phone sits on the sofa and greets her child without raising her head.

"Stop watching TV, go write your homework!"

"Don't play, have you prepared your texts?"


What a familiar picture, what a familiar sound. As a parent, this should be a familiar scene.

Persuading the child to give up play and do what he should do is the guidance that parents should give when the child is a minor. But as a parent, while letting children learn, they should also put down their mobile phones, or read books, or practice words, so as to create a good atmosphere for children and make learning a kind of family enjoyment.

Many years ago, I heard a teacher give a lecture, he said: What kind of person you want your child to be, then you must first become that kind of person.

Therefore, if you want your child to become a child who loves to learn, you may wish to also try to study seriously, not the kind of three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, but in the child's growth process from small to large, you always present it to the child in a state of love for learning, hoping that the child can fall in love with learning in the case of hearing about it. It is not easy to insist, first of all, you must persist, otherwise do not easily ask the child, "only allow the governor to set the fire, do not allow the people to light the lamp" will make the child dissatisfied.

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