
Bring together the brilliance of everyone, and achieve the light of the times

Bring together the brilliance of everyone, and achieve the light of the times



Release the brilliance of Geely people, create the strength of Chinese cars, and achieve the pride of Chinese.

Author 丨Wei Jinqiao

Responsible editor 丨 Xu Jinkai

Edit 丨 Chic

"This Spring Festival, taking advantage of the epidemic situation, I sorted out my own little ideas at home, and we should further emancipate our minds and seek truth from facts, and the follow-up is to pay close attention to implementation." Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group, who has recently taken office, told Auto Commune.

The background of this sentence is that on the first day of the New Year, Geely Automobile released a New Year message signed by Forrest Gump with the title of "Releasing the Glory of Every Geely Person", an article of nearly 4,000 words, from the spring of Chinese automobiles to the efforts of Geely Automobile, from the three levels of technical value, user value and cultural value, layer by layer, combing the future direction of Geely Automobile.

Bring together the brilliance of everyone, and achieve the light of the times

This is not only a management vow of action for 2022, but also the confidence of an industry leader in self-improvement when the national tide rises and the new era of automobiles comes, and of course, it is also a firm leap for Geely Automobile to anchor "Smart Geely 2025".

From selling millions of dollars a year for 5 consecutive years and continuing to become the leader of Chinese brands, to squeezing out the veteran powerhouse SAIC Volkswagen last year, officially moving towards the top 3 of the car company ranking, although the external waves are terrifying, the pace of Geely Automobile is steady and powerful. The growth and achievements of Geely Automobile are not only a portrayal of the growth of a private automobile group in the past 25 years, but also a typical sample of China's rapid economic development and Chinese local enterprises moving towards the center of the world automobile stage.

How to stay ahead of the curve at a time of sustained high growth and increasing competitive pressures? How to achieve further breakthroughs at a high level? After all, in the post-million era, even towards 2 million and 3 million vehicles, every step up, the difficulty is an exponential increase, and competitors are even more eager.

Bring together the brilliance of everyone, and achieve the light of the times

New responsibilities and burdens fell on Gan Jiayue and a group of Geely car young people around him. Since March 2021, when he became ceo of the new Geely Automobile Group, Gan Jiayue and his equally young management team have quickly entered a state of combat, and after two consecutive stormy changes in 2020 and 2021, 2022 will be the year of decisive battles between independent brands and joint ventures, electrification and traditional automobile era.

From quantity to quality first, from past product thinking to today's user thinking, from the value thinking that runs through Geely up and down, to the cultural self-confidence of releasing the brilliance of Geely people, this is the "Forrest Gump solution" brought about by the young CEO's face of cruel market competition and Geely's future development.

Therefore, bringing together everyone's brilliance can achieve the light that illuminates the times, which is not only the opportunity of the times given by fate, but also the sincere answer of the times to the fate of individuals.

Auspicious spring

"Auspicious spring is created in our hands." Gan Jiayue said that he wanted to release the brilliance of every auspicious person. Indeed, not only Geely, from the Great Wall to BYD, the brilliance released by every Chinese brand automaker has created the spring of Chinese cars.

On February 7, the first day of the Year of the Tiger, Geely's base camp Hangzhou ushered in the snow drifting, Ruixue Mega Year, the spring of the Year of the Tiger in 2022, whether it is the country or the entire automotive industry, or even the Geely in the eyes of the Ganjia Reading, are full of vitality.

From 2015 to the present, from 500,000 to 1.3 million vehicles, the highest reached 1.5 million vehicles, in 7 years Geely has embarked on a path of leapfrog development, created a miracle of speed and quality of Chinese brands, and promoted Geely and Chinese automobiles, as well as China's automobile industry to a new spring after another.

Bring together the brilliance of everyone, and achieve the light of the times

In the past 5 consecutive years, millions and up to 1.5 million vehicles, is the result of Geely's strategy of quality in the 3.0 era, stepping on the strong market demand, on the basis of adhering to the independent advantages of the sedan market, with the rise of the SUV market, only 3 years have pushed Geely from 500,000 vehicles to 1.5 million sales highland, it is worth mentioning that these 1.5 million vehicles are not only the peak of Geely, but also the historical peak of independent brand narrow passenger cars.

No enterprise can lie in its comfort zone, and the reason why the leader continues to maintain its leadership is because it keeps a clear mind at all times, and even a sense of crisis, and constantly pushes the brand and the enterprise towards a sustainable direction.

In 2020, Geely officially moved from the 3.0 boutique car era to the technology Geely 4.0 era, a different era, a different look, but this spring of Geely Automobile also shows a different variety.

Bring together the brilliance of everyone, and achieve the light of the times

For example, the Geely brand China Star series, the highest monthly sales of nearly 30,000 vehicles, the average price has cut into the position of Toyota, Volkswagen and other joint venture brands, standing on the same track of mainstream joint venture brands, which is the result that any Chinese brand aspires to. In 5 years, Lynk & Co Automobile has achieved a cumulative breakthrough of 600,000 vehicles, and the average selling price has reached 158,000 yuan, with a monthly sales level of 20,000 vehicles, becoming the core force of Chinese brands against mainstream joint ventures.

Of course, it also includes the annual sales of new energy and electrification products represented by geometric brands exceeding 100,000 vehicles, which promotes Geely's new energy strategy into a new starting point. In particular, in the first month of 2022, the monthly sales of Geely's new energy field reached 17,900 vehicles, and pure electric models increased by 641% year-on-year, which made people see new hopes in Geely's new energy field.

Relying on the technology Geely 4.0, in 2022, Geely put forward a sales target of 1.65 million vehicles, the system strength and development quality reflected behind this figure will be a qualitative leap again, and the next Geely, which breaks through 1.5 million sales, will undoubtedly stand in the closest position to mainstream joint venture brands such as Toyota Volkswagen.

Bring together the brilliance of everyone, and achieve the light of the times

The most anticipated is the "Smart Geely 2025" strategy, GanJiayue and their new Geely management, towards the next five-year goal to blow the charge, high-precision low-orbit satellite network, pure electric modular architecture, Lei Shen Zhi Qing, vehicle-mounted chips, intelligent software, data systems, etc., to promote Geely's evolution from technology tags to smart tags of the new annotation.

With CMA, BMA, SEA and other world-class car-making structures as the cornerstone, with the high-end brand Lynk & Co becoming more mature as the traction, with the popularity of the Chinese Star series as the thrust, when the Geely independent giant ship fully entered the "Technology Geely 4.0 era", a Geely car with higher quality is about to come out.

Forrest Gump's scheme

If last year was the year of Geely's combing and accumulation under the leadership of GanJiayue, then 2022 will undoubtedly become the year of Geely's achievements in handing over beautiful answers. Then, in 2022, "user first, value leadership" will be the goal and direction of Geely Automobile's efforts.

"Users" naturally needless to say, Geely car manufacturing 25 years, the cumulative number of users has exceeded 11 million, which is a very thick base plate, but also the core precipitation of corporate value. But for the concept of "value leadership", what kind of magic will be exerted, Gan Jiayue already has a new explanation and answer in his heart. In fact, this is not the first time that Gan Jiayue has proposed the connotation of value. Before that, he put forward the "fight for the value of Chinese cars" for the first time at the listing conference of Xingyue L, behind this sentence, it is not only the technical value and product value of Xingyue L, but also the experience value brought by Geely to consumers, as well as the subversive value brought to Chinese brands and markets.

Bring together the brilliance of everyone, and achieve the light of the times

In this Chinese New Year speech, from "technical value" to "user value" to "cultural value", geely's goals and directions were once again comprehensively sorted out, and "value leadership" has become the guiding ideology of Geely in the next five years.

The first is technology, which is a core competitive advantage for a business. Gan Jiayue said that solving problems through technological innovation will definitely become the core advantage of Geely, "All technological innovation is system engineering, which requires scientists, industrial workers, marketers, and even every Geely person to stimulate their creativity." ”

In the past, Chinese brands did have some historical factors, resulting in weak technical strength. But today's Geely, including Chinese brands, its technical strength, research and development level, has not been worse than foreign brands, even in some aspects such as new energy, intelligence, etc., is far beyond the strength of foreign brands, from catching up to surpassing, from technical level to look at joint venture brands, and even quickly stand on the same level of competition as the world's leading automobile companies, and gradually write a new chapter in the technical value of Chinese brands.

Also as Geely mentioned, the user experience change brought about by digitalization, the "extender" of ultra-200KM pure electric endurance Thor Power to solve the core pain points of new energy users, the 7-nanometer vehicle specification-level intelligent cockpit multimedia chip "Dragon Eagle One" mass production on the car to open the chip self-development, technology Geely's label, is bound to continue to strengthen in the next few years, becoming the core advantage of Geely's conquest of the market.

Bring together the brilliance of everyone, and achieve the light of the times

"What is a high level of technology, you have users in your heart, you are a high level of skill, the future of Geely's explosive products, user application research positions led by the development." GanJiayue said that Geely will set up a "user application research" post, which is a super energy field, each Geely person should contribute his own brilliance, and the highest honor of the Geely people, Shufu Award, should also be rewarded first to the discoverer of "user application value".

The third is culture, which rises from the actual technical and user level to the spiritual level, more like the soul of a company to become bigger and stronger, and it is also the deep heart of every Geely person who adheres to and identifies. The cohesion of tens of thousands of people brought by this culture will burst out of unlimited energy and become the foundation for promoting the healthy progress of enterprises.

From the perspective of history and the long future, Geely is not the auspiciousness of someone such as Li Shufu, An Conghui, and Ganjiayue, but the auspiciousness of everyone up and down the geely, including the auspicious users of Geely. For the Geely people, all problems are people's cognitive problems, just as Ganjia Yue said, releasing the brilliance of Chinese to the world, which is the home and country feelings of every Jili people.

Behind self-confidence is strength

In 2021, under the major turning point of electrification and independent rise, the strength of Chinese automobiles has undergone earth-shaking changes, whether it is the market performance of Geely China Star and Lynk & Co brand, or the brilliance created by car companies such as Great Wall and BYD in their respective fields, which has become an objective fact. But Chinese cars and Chinese brands need to be a little more confident.

Self-confidence is not only an attitude, but also a belief. At present, Chinese automobiles have achieved product confidence and are moving towards a new road of cultural self-confidence, which also requires all independent brands and even all independent brands of automakers to establish a stronger concept of cultural self-confidence.

In fact, the discussion of "cultural value" can also be placed in the second part of the article, but the author believes that as the core level of the entrepreneurial spirit, it is an invisible force in the development of enterprises, which boils down to the cultural self-confidence of enterprises. This is not only based on the new pattern of technical strength, product competition and user recognition, but also the evolution and sublimation of a car company to a new height.

Bring together the brilliance of everyone, and achieve the light of the times

In the past year, Geely has indeed shown a different attitude in the past at the level of cultural output. Whether it is the "dare to do" thinking of seeking truth from facts and daring to do it, or the release of a new brand culture slogan: "Great because of happiness", it is the spiritual core that Has been condensed after Geely has developed to a certain stage and volume.

"Great because of happiness" is the sublimation of "happy life, auspicious company". Happiness is another culture and values, just like Toyota wants to make a thrilling car, just like BMW in China proposed "Yue", just like Weilai proposed to create happiness, from products to users, from employees to partners, and finally to create happiness, "let the world full of auspicious" vision, this is the cultural value connotation of the enterprise, but also the foundation of the soul of the car, but also a deeper interpretation of the two words "Geely".

"Behind happiness is courage, those who dare to do it are happy, and those who are happy are great." Gan Jiayue said that this is The cultural inheritance of Geely and the unchanging strength of Geely. In the context of common prosperity and equity incentives, let each employee become an investor or partner of Geely, and let this intrinsic driving force turn every Geely person into a long-termist who creates a better life.

Bring together the brilliance of everyone, and achieve the light of the times

From the height of 1.5 million vehicles in 2018 to the level of 1.3 million vehicles in these three years, excluding objective factors, strategic adjustments and other influences, it has always been the long-cherished wish of Geely to return to 1.5 million vehicles and move towards a new height of 2 million vehicles and 3.65 million vehicles in 2025.

Therefore, after preparing technology, research and development, production capacity, brand, and products, we must also rely on the entire system, rely on all Geely people, use higher thinking ability and value system to condense Geely energy, rely on corporate culture self-confidence and the value of Geely everyone to promote, once again strengthen the faith, emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, and move towards a goal.

Release the brilliance of Geely people, create the strength of Chinese cars, and achieve the pride of Chinese. As the leader of its own brand, Geely should shoulder the heavy responsibility, break through the barriers and defense lines of the joint venture brand, and establish the value definition of the Chinese brand and even a higher level of cultural self-confidence.

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